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Cross Server BGs saved WoWs PvP stop cry about Community!


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Hey NOOBs crying about community go join a PvE server.

Cross Server WZ fill the WZs with your server 1st then any spots left will be filled by other servers!

Your argument of community is VOID.

Stop being short sighted & think of how many other players will benifit from this, you dont seem to care that a good player may be stuck on a low populated server with no one to WZ with! i would love to group with anyone that loves to PvP!

& telling someone to server transfer at their own cost is sad, not everyone is made of money!

So i say to you wheres your community spirit as you seem to not want to PvP with the whole PvP community & just group with your little premade trying to farm solo quers!

Edited by Airoper
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Cross server Warzones won't solve any problems that couldn't be solved by low population server merges. I like knowing everyone that I pvp with. I like seeing familiar faces, and fostering rivalries. I like looking at the enemy team and saying "Dam they got play X, this is gonna be tough!" or "Hell yeah, we got play Y, this is gonna be great!". These things don't happen or stop happening with cross server warzones.
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This is what happened when Xrealm Battlegrounds came out:


Positive: Much shorter wait times to get into a match



-That "community" thing you're dismissing is actually a pretty big deal to people who enjoy PVP for more than just the Purples.

-If you're playing with people from a different server, there's less incentive for you to play well. In Wow, the number of AFK farmers, bots, trolls, etc skyrocketed once you went cross server. Why? Because on single realm games, those people were discovered quickly. I know countless players who were booted from their guilds because they gave them (the guilds) a "bad reputation" by how they acted in the battleground.

-An increase in the "Just let them win" calls in chat. Related to above, there's less incentive to play well when you know you won't meet those other players again.


If you ask most players who played BG's before Xrealm, most of them would say they felt the move was a bad thing because of the reasons I listed above.

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This is what happened when Xrealm Battlegrounds came out:


Positive: Much shorter wait times to get into a match



-That "community" thing you're dismissing is actually a pretty big deal to people who enjoy PVP for more than just the Purples.

-If you're playing with people from a different server, there's less incentive for you to play well. In Wow, the number of AFK farmers, bots, trolls, etc skyrocketed once you went cross server. Why? Because on single realm games, those people were discovered quickly. I know countless players who were booted from their guilds because they gave them (the guilds) a "bad reputation" by how they acted in the battleground.

-An increase in the "Just let them win" calls in chat. Related to above, there's less incentive to play well when you know you won't meet those other players again.


If you ask most players who played BG's before Xrealm, most of them would say they felt the move was a bad thing because of the reasons I listed above.



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If bioware wanted server communites we would have had server forums from the start.We still dont have them we have this 1/2 baked idea.Bioware doesnt understand that the first month is the most crucial month for any mmo. To not have server forums at the get destroyed the ideas of a community then to say hey go make your own server forums for your server then having those people do that only to have bioware say oh nvm were going to give you haalf baked server forums now.


I knew and said all along that cross server pvp was coming. They spent 200 mill on "ok" character creation when they should have spent money on wookie's and alien races as playable to make rep side more appealing there paying for it now and so are we sadly.


I still dont understand how we have the "best pvp development team" ever and pvp is just going downhill. Guess what well soon have new warzones you cant choose b/c bioware thinks if we could choose we would all choose the warzone we want. Well thats the point isnt it? So what youll have is people queing up and dropping out a ton when this new warzone comes out to reque for the one they want. So what there saying is going to happen anyways yet they screw around in doing it.


just pushes me closer to cancelling hopefully ill make 6 months see how it is but this is just getting more and more bad with pvp

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