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Bioware This Should Have Been Fixed Yesterday!


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You have people (on both sides of faction) Exploiting the warzone system so bad that it is occuring every game. Having 14 people on one team is gamebreaking! This has been going on for at least a week if not longer yet we hear of no bans and no ETA on a fix. If you Devs/Bioware or who ever else is reading take anything out of what I have written remember this. EVEN THE POWER OF STARWARS WILL NOT KEEP YOUR PLAYER BASE IF YOU DO NOT FIX EXPLOITS AND BAN PEOPLE WHO DO THEM!

Thank you for your time

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It's been in game since launch


People are just now figuring out how to exploit / cheat enmasse


Mostly imps doing it on Jung ma occasionally republic as well


But a huge number of WZ are being exploited with this very repeatable every single time exploit



To be honest with you I think the monstrosity of bad coding they have turned the hero engine into is so bad they do not have a clue how to fix it or any of the other myriad of bad game breaking bugs

Edited by Part_Time_Hero
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so i take it you counted all of them at the same time cause if your going by the end score board it shows the leavers as well. ive joined huttballs & voidstars which have to many & guess what i get kicked so i haven't EVER seen your problem on Ven Zallow!
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so i take it you counted all of them at the same time cause if your going by the end score board it shows the leavers as well. ive joined huttballs & voidstars which have to many & guess what i get kicked so i haven't EVER seen your problem on Ven Zallow!




Then your blind or do not PvP


I will not do it but I can ensure between 10-12 people are on my team every single time I loaded up a warzone ... It's such an easy exploit to do with a premade it's sickening that bioware is helpless to fix it

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