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Cross Server Queues? Nooooo!


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I want to compete with the best players in the game while teaming up with my guild community. If you want to kill the same 20 pugs over and over and over and over and over and over and over again on standard and light servers go ahead and que in the 4 man max premade que... If you want to compete against the best 8 man premade teams in the US go for the cross server que...



roflstomping noobs with no expertise is boring... I want a challenge. 8 man premades cannot happen without cross-server ques.

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I'm continually amazed at the people who feel like the average player has some sense of community. This doesn't matter. I get that you don't like it, but it doesn't make it any less likeable. Intraserver pvp doesn't nurture community, rankings do.
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Cross server PVP was one of the many things that killed WoW for me. It was no longer fun to PVP in BG's because no body cared. They new that they could screw up in the BG or even sabotage it and nothing would happen to them in the server world.


In the old days nobody did that because it would be entirely possible to sabotage that person back in the server world.


Cross server PVP will destroy world PVP as it did in WoW and will kill this game.


Lets all remember why we left WoW in the first place.

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Agree 100% with OP. I feel like the game doesn't promote the community as is. Cross server wz's would just make matters worse.


What is wrong with the BW devs? It seems like they're incapable of coming up with any good ideas to fix the game's issues.

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Following the excerpt from the Q and A session below, I was incredibly disappointed to hear they were adding cross server PVP. Frankly, as a hard core PVPer and someone who loves to make rivalries on the other side, this is a complete turn off for me and one of the main reasons i started to hate WoW. The addition of cross server PVP destroyed it and made the community an unfriendly group of trolls spamming general chat.


Yes, It is annoying that if your side is imbalanced you constantly play huttball, but the solution to this isn't cross server PVP, the solution is server balance which they said they were working on. I would much rather sacrifice 5-10 minutes of my time waiting for a queue against people I know and can depend upon to be taught, rather than just fight in warzone chat and never have to see these people again.


Cross Server queuing leaves players not responsible for their actions, it allows them to behave like children and not work as a team. It is a fundamental reason that destroys the fun of PVP for me.


Does anyone else share these feelings?


TLDR; Cross Server Queues Bad, Community GOOD!


actually this all stuff is already on every server..mass of trolls, blind fanboys, noobs, ninjas....people not responsible for what they talking or doing....and so on. this game is tunned to such people actually most of mmos is,if dev team setting up whole process of gearing up dependant from time spending not SKILLS then....what kind of kids you expect........so... nowdays you cant make perfect community ...


making cross server PvP will not change anything...

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Horrible idea, the only positive for me I can see is.... I won't have to heal the person who smashed my face in the previous round... yay?


It'll destroy the community and for the love of god don't do cross server LFG too...


The more anonymous you allow people to become and not be responsible for their actions the worse this game will become. Can't wait to see the childish and obnoxious PvP chat that I ran away from in WoW again.


So dissapoint

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I think it's probably a good thing overall. More people care about choosing their warzone than the "community" aspect lost by throwing more players into the mix I suspect. And honestly, if it's broken down into battlegroups of specific servers kind of like in WoW you get to know those players too. It's a bigger playerbase but not infinite.
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You are starting an outcry for something that they are not taking away from you, knock it off.


Simoon: Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?


Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone – and for every player that loves a certain Warzone there is another player that hates it. The population would end up divided by their Warzone choice, negatively affecting the time it would take for a specific Warzone to become available for anyone. With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server, but those players who choose specific preferences such as these will likely end up in a match with players in the larger Wargroup.


So you will have the option to que for your server only. No one is trying to take that away from you so please don't try and take cross server away from us. I agree on the point of community and making a name for yourself but I don't think cross server queing should be removed entirely to support this. I play on Canderous Ordo, probably one of the most balanced servers in the game. Imperial does outnumber but not by much and the Republic talent pool is pretty good. My que's are no longer than 5min even at 5am server time. I would like cross server queing and obviously not to support shorter que times. Even with a nice balance of players on my server I would really prefer the option to be able to cross-server que and see some new faces and stomp some new republics. What better way to spread the name you have made for yourself on your own server then to slaughter some opposing forces from another server. It not only opens up new rivalries but it also gives you more diversity in your playing options. When you want to play with your friends/enemies from your server the option is still there.

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You are starting an outcry for something that they are not taking away from you, knock it off.



So you will have the option to que for your server only. No one is trying to take that away from you so please don't try and take cross server away from us.


I think (and I could be wrong) the system will set up so that when you que up for a warzone a group from just your server will take priority, however if they can't fill that group with just players from your server then it will start grabbing players from other servers.


I doubt there will be a choice (could be wrong).

Edited by Dharagada
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Uhh I play to win, I don't care if someone picked another server than me...


If you want to see friendly faces, queue with 4 people on your server. If that's not enough, sorry...


My time is valuable, and the less waiting around the better. Hell, sometimes it is just as discouraging to see the SAME people you just queued with (and got rolled with) and the SAME people on the enemy side (that rolled you). Variety is the spice of life...


Great points! Cross server pvp is the only way to go. Can't disagree more with op. There are no downsides imho.

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This thread comes down to two groups of people, and no it's not the "hates community" "loves community" groups.


It's literally:

1.) Plays on a decently populated server.

2.) Plays on a low population server.


All statements, arguements, and points can be looked right through to identify which group that person falls into.

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cross server ques wont stop people from being childish were on the internet people dont care what others think of them


Cross server Q's get rid of any sense of community. You lose the whole "Oh it's so and so watch out for him he's a beast" "Oh it's that guild crap they are good".


you also lose the oh crap its these guys again /quit wz

Edited by shirayuki
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I'm fine with it IF they let us queue a group of 8.


I'd much rather have seperate queues for Huttball and the rest though. Just like the OP I'm willing to wait for a real game instead of playing the same thing over and over again.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Yes...Esp. with rated WZs coming out they will HAVE to have x-server WZs! If they didn't implement x-server WZs, one to two teams max would dominate a server. This would create queue dodging and people not playing WZs at all if they are being crushed. X-servers increases the pool of teams and allows for similar rated teams to fight against each other. I can't wait...it shortens Queues and lets me play more!@#.
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This thread comes down to two groups of people, and no it's not the "hates community" "loves community" groups.


It's literally:

1.) Plays on a decently populated server.

2.) Plays on a low population server.


All statements, arguements, and points can be looked right through to identify which group that person falls into.


It's sort of true.


Hint: There are more people on the populated servers. Don't ruin our experience for the benefits of a small number of people. There are other solutions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We NEED cross-server pvp queues. This game will die without it. Your server community won't go anywhere, and everyone will get to pvp as much as they want. If you are unlucky enough to have rolled on a server that stayed low-pop (as I did, twice), you will sit in pvp queues for hours and never have anyone to do FPs with. Very few people like fighting the same 5 people over and over, unless they happen to be the ruling premade on their server. Huttball causes bad blood within our own faction, which I think hurts the server community more than cross-server ever will. Cross-server will minimize this as well.


With cross-server, at least, there are many more people to play with. Cross-server pvp would have helped Warhammer Online (though it had other many problems). It will only help this game. I like the people on my server, and will continue to pvp and pve with them, as well as talk to them in general chat. Cross-server won't change that at all. I am a long-time WoW player and cross-server pvp and dungeon queues kept me from having to re-roll, transfer or quit the game altogether when my server's population was low or was not into pvp.

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Cross-Server Rated Warzone Qs.


Server restricted Warzone Qs.




that should suffice imo.


to the above poster - Cross server Qs may have helped Warhammer earlier on, but not in the later days of it's existence. People played that game for their server rivalries at that point - at the end there when a few good people still played on Badlands I logged on solely for people to see my character and me see theirs, that I had played agianst for 2 years, and fight them. and many many others were the same. Cross server Qs are not a Godsend, but they are necessary for actual competitive Qing.

Edited by Kiyoma
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I hear some Asian F2P MMO's need you to walk to the instance, and there always people outside the entrance. maybe you should try one of those games OP ;)


All jokes aside I welcome this change. I know several very good players from different server and it will be a relief to sharpen my skills against someone I haven't fought before.

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