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BW announced their plans to kill server communities yesterday...


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Originally Posted by wargonglok

I dont want crosserver




I like knowing who to guard, who to avoid, who are the good guys/guilds, who are the stupid afk'ers, and so on.



Exactly and exactly. Cross-server pvp and pve basically removes one of the best aspects of mmo's, you will take a lot of the personality out of the game. Not all of us have built in friends in game, none of my friends in real life play mmo's and by grouping with basically the same players in warzones over and over you develop a rapport with one another. And it's only going to make the pvp-balance worse, the best way for the Republic to compete at the moment is with well executed group tactics and if you've got 12 random people from 12 different servers that goes out the window and better stats will win every time.

Edited by yanyost
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Exactly and exactly. Cross-server pvp and pve basically removes one of the best aspects of mmo's, you will take a lot of the personality out of the game. Not all of us have a built in friends in game, none of my friends in real life play mmo's and by grouping with basically the same players in warzones over and over you develop a rapport with one another. And it's only going to make the pvp-balance worse, the best way for the Republic to compete at the moment is with well executed group tactics and if you've got 12 random people from 12 different servers that goes out the window and better stats will win every time.


Um once again. How the **** does x-server Q ing prevent you from grouping with these good players and premade Q ing for WZs?

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its so obvious that whiners ALWAYS wins here.

and its also obvious that in any case they will quit the game sooner or later.


create your game BIO and let them deside if they like it or no.put some GMS online during game and watch closely how the game goes.put also some GMS on PTR to test the game with us.



stop LISTENING to casual players that has nothing else to do than spamm all day and night forums for nerfs and changes.


Yes, I'd like to see them cater to the people that would actually be willing to stick around for the long haul....if they bothered to make this game worth anything to anyone with a lick of sense. As it is now, it feels like they are catering to the "Call of Duty"-style players who will be gone when GW2 comes out anyhow.


Make the game what it should be. Make it special and different. If it is good, people will play it. By catering to the loudest whiners, they are effectively stripping the game of any special or unique qualities it could ever possibly possess.


I was delighted when I read that they seemed to be taking a pretty strong stance against cross-server play in this game. Well, at least now I know that I can't put stock in anything BW says because it's all subject to change when the short-sighted, entitled whiners start to bray relentlessly for horrible changes that are ultimately detrimental in the grand scheme of things.


Screw it. Let's just call it "World of Generic Instanced Instant Gratification Wars" and be done with it.

Edited by belialle
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I bet you're one of those people who thinks he's part of his server's community but only talks to people from his guild and ignores everyone else.


No, that's also wrong. I'm sorry, are people not allowed to have their own opinions without being pigeonholed by some non compos mentis with an ax to grind?

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Cross Server WZ fill the WZs with your server 1st then any spots left will be filled by other servers!

Your argument of community is VOID.



Once again, post a link to where the devs stated that.


Because so far you have no basis for most of your comments...

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Yes, I'd like to see them cater to the people that would actually be willing to stick around for the long haul....if they bothered to make this game worth anything to anyone with a lick of sense. As it is now, it feels like they are catering to the "Call of Duty"-style players who will be gone when GW2 comes out anyhow.


Make the game what it should be. Make it special and different. If it is good, people will play it. By catering to the loudest whiners, they are effectively stripping the game of any special or unique qualities it could ever possibly possess.


Screw it. Let's just call it "World of Generic Instanced Instant Gratification Wars" and be done with it.


I don't even think they're catering to whiners. This smells like a change forced "from above," especially given earlier dev quotes saying they wouldn't be implementing it.

Edited by EternalFinality
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One for, one against, wish I could have made a poll :)


polls would be pointless, BW doesn't listen to the gamers, they don't give us what we want, they give us what they think we want because they know better than us.

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Yes, I agree. But I think that change from above is inspired by whiners.


I don't think EA reads a single thing on any forums. It's some number crunching bean counter who wants to make the game more like WoW because that's where all da monies are and Blizzard's quarterly numbers are way better than Bioware's.

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I don't think EA reads a single thing on any forums. It's some number crunching bean counter who wants to make the game more like WoW because that's where all da monies are.


I'd say it's more BW, they've stated in other forums in regards tot heir games, that they make the games they want... Not what the public wants.

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I don't think EA reads a single thing on any forums. It's some number crunching bean counter who wants to make the game more like WoW because that's where all da monies are and Blizzard's quarterly numbers are way better than Bioware's.


Why wouldn't they? They have a rather large interest in the success of this game. I'm not saying that the CEO is lurking here. But if I were a large company with a huge investment like this on the line, you better believe I'd have little grunts out gathering all the data they could muster for me.

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Cross server is coming and pvp will be much better for it.


On the contrary, pvp will be worse for it. Accountability will have no impact whatsoever. Join a random BG in World of Warcraft and tell me that that is good pvp.



No, you would not be correct. That's okay, people that preface their observations with a shot in the dark assumption frequently are. The fact is what you just described doesn't represent a community. Instead, it suggest that war zones have had what appears to be a marginal impact on your sense of community. It appears your perception is merely based on some yet to be expressed bias. You don't even define what community is nor do you bother to explain how this one facet of the game amounts to the demise of community.


I might take these self indulgent threads more seriously if people could actually articulate what is wrong with this feature as it relates to pvp beyond just saying they're bad.


According to this post you've clearly proven that you're fluent in the English language, so how is it that you have not managed to understand any of the concerns? I could write you a wall of text, but what would be the point? I would just be repeating what so many people have already said. And what has been said is beyond just "bad".


What I wrote in my previous post is simply an effect of why no cross-server services is such a good thing. In wow, I never had anyone whispering me after a battleground. I never whispered anyone after a battleground and I sure as hell didn't team up with anyone lest they were in my guild. Compare that with my previous post and tell me to be optimistic about cross-server queues. Does that help you understand my frustration (if nothing else)? It's subjective. And I'm going to keep supporting these threads in hopes that Bioware will change their mind.


If you do not take these threads seriously, then why even bother to post?

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Why wouldn't they? They have a rather large interest in the success of this game. I'm not saying that the CEO is lurking here. But if I were a large company with a huge investment like this on the line, you better believe I'd have little grunts out gathering all the data they could muster for me.


But the funny thing is they only appear to be adopting the bad differences between the games.


Not a combat log.


Not UI mods.


Not the Auction House.


I assume Arenas are coming next?

Edited by EternalFinality
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Once again, post a link to where the devs stated that.


Because so far you have no basis for most of your comments...


"With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server"


Simoon: Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?


Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone – and for every player that loves a certain Warzone there is another player that hates it. The population would end up divided by their Warzone choice, negatively affecting the time it would take for a specific Warzone to become available for anyone. With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server, but those players who choose specific preferences such as these will likely end up in a match with players in the larger Wargroup.



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