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Why X-SERVER anything is a BAD IDEA


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This is another case of Bioware fixing a problem by doing a weird fix in a total wrong direction.


Its like that time when they nerfed scoundrels basedamage because a few scoundrels combined surge gear + 220 surge relic + stims from biochem + normal stims + 15% expertise buff = insane critz of doom. Clearly they should have fixed the other issues.


Same here. If people are having problems with queuing maybe you should look into merging servers.


How People solve normal issues: Find x, and then solve the problem. If we dont have any more food in the fridge, we need to buy more food at the store.


How Bioware fixes problems: something something world of warcraft. Something something good decision.


Wouldnt be shocked if they are going to merge servers in a couple of weeks anyway. If servers are deserted at most times, then clearly cross-server-pvp wont fix that.



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They also reduce queue times for regular players, especially if the server has a severe faction imbalance.




Wouldn't free server transfers for low populated servers do the trick, and more effectively?


Really, it can't be that hard considering Blizzard could transfer my character(s) in under 5min, without any problems.

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Really? In this one month in swtor, I've met and befriended more people than what I did playing a year in wow. There was no community in wow. I didn't meet any people outside of my guild, ever.


I have hopes for the community. If they start with cross-server services, however, I am going to crawl back into an isolated guild, not communicating with anyone outside of it.



I agree with you and it's the same with me. Sigh. Bioware even acknowledged that cross server anything ruins communities. They're trying so hard to dodge server merges and transfers, even if that means going back on their word. Cross server LFD or PVP will not solve the dying population problem on deserted servers! It'll only temporarily cover up the problem by putting you into a warzone/flashpoint with a bunch of strangers you'll never see again. There are more effective ways.


*shakes head*

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Hey NOOBs crying about community go join a PvE server.

Cross Server WZ fill the WZs with your server 1st then any spots left will be filled by other servers!

Your argument of community is VOID.

Stop being short sighted & think of how many other players will benifit from this, you dont seem to care that a good player may be stuck on a low populated server with no one to WZ with! i would love to group with anyone that loves to PvP!

& telling someone to server transfer at their own cost is sad, not everyone is made of money!

So i say to you wheres your community spirit as you seem to not want to PvP with the whole PvP community & just group with your little premade trying to farm solo quers!

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You also have this notion that cross server LFD causes people into being bad. That is also another myth. That dbag you met in a PUG LFG. Guess what? They were a dbag long before you ever met them. People do not change their base behavior just because they are semi anonymous. You aren't even really anonymous as you could easily trash another person from another server as well as your own.



It really does. I will never ninja kick, ninja steal, or afk in a flashpoint, nor will I use cruel and harsh language to anyone. Why, well that's not my character really, but also because It would have an impact on my reputation. Reputation keeps a lot of things in check, as it's true in real life as well.


But guess what, here comes this X-Server LFG, and something drops that I want for a mod, my companion, or better yet, my favorite spec, VENDOR SPEC! You bet your arss i'm going to need everything and anything, as I will blend in with the other bots/a-holes who will be doing this.


And guess what? You will see me 1/60 times, and have seen so many names you won't remember me.


No to X-server anything. Go back to WoW

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Its a great idea cant wait to get the chance to PvP against the whole PvP community instead of the same old same old people.

oh wait they logged guess ill have to wait till tomorrow to play the game i pay for since theres no cross server WZs thanks community for dictating my playing hours you lot are awesome!

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Its a great idea cant wait to get the chance to PvP against the whole PvP community instead of the same old same old people.

oh wait they logged guess ill have to wait till tomorrow to play the game i pay for since theres no cross server WZs thanks community for dictating my playing hours you lot are awesome!


I pvp on Ven zallow and there are no problems with the queues. Waiting 5 mins does not indicate a problem.

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Apparently, you want your pug warzones and flashpoints to be filled with bots from power leveling services who dont speak english or dont answer at all but contribute little or nothing to the group.


Adding x-server queues will be a boon to power leveling services, enabling them to operate 24/7.

I see afkers and bots all the time in warzones, adding cross-server BGs won't change ANYTHING. The community is already dog ****, that's the nature of online games. Don't like it? go play zelda or something.
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I could not disaggree with the OP more. Cross server Battleground/Dungeon queues made WoW playable. I played on Alliance on a Horde dominated server in vanilla WoW, and we NEVER won. Then came cross server, and it was fixed. But I guess that depends on what you think is more important, quick queues and balanced gameplay, or "Community". I for one have maybe spoken to 2 people from a Warzone ever, and it was just to ask their specs. If you want to play with particular people, then make a raid group.


I don't go to Warzones to make friends, I go there to KILL MY ENEMIES!!!! MWHAHAHAHA... *cough*

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I work nights so i cant play prime time most of the time i have to get up early b4 work to get my dailies done or spend my whole days off trying to catch up! its a game i shouldn't have to change my real life schedule to cater for a computer game which i pay for!
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I could not disaggree with the OP more. Cross server Battleground/Dungeon queues made WoW playable. I played on Alliance on a Horde dominated server in vanilla WoW, and we NEVER won. Then came cross server, and it was fixed. But I guess that depends on what you think is more important, quick queues and balanced gameplay, or "Community". I for one have maybe spoken to 2 people from a Warzone ever, and it was just to ask their specs. If you want to play with particular people, then make a raid group.


I don't go to Warzones to make friends, I go there to KILL MY ENEMIES!!!! MWHAHAHAHA... *cough*


Wow was different in that there were alot of servers with large horde populations and others with large alliance populations.


This game almost all the servers are heavy imperial, it is just going to add more imperials to the pot and not fix anything at all.

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I see afkers and bots all the time in warzones, adding cross-server BGs won't change ANYTHING. The community is already dog ****, that's the nature of online games. Don't like it? go play zelda or something.


Just because you dont have any friends doesnt mean everyone else are lonely. :rolleyes:

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Servers exist because of technical limitations. They do not exist to create tiny little walled off communities. If most mmog developers could do it every one would play on one server.


For pvp, cross server war zones are mandatory. They instantly make the game experience better and they allow for devs to do more long term.


People claiming community issues are bring silly. Real mmog communities stopped existing in about 2002. People who complain about others playing with them are just being anti social. That people treat others more poorly due to cross server is an entire myth. There is no accountability on individual servers.


People against cross server play are against a better and more viable game. Having 1.7 million players but only ever interacting with 100 of them is dumb. We should all be pushing for one world, not trying to hug this server instances. That is all servers are by the way, full world instances? What if they made it so you could not switch instances on your servers to play with others? That is what people against cross server play support.

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Apparently, you want your pug warzones and flashpoints to be filled with bots from power leveling services who dont speak english or dont answer at all but contribute little or nothing to the group.


Adding x-server queues will be a boon to power leveling services, enabling them to operate 24/7.



That is a dumb reason to be against cross server war zones

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I used to be one of the anti cross server people. Then I realized the communities of MMO's will never be like they were 8 years ago. The internet has turned everyone into trolls, and a cross server LFG system isn't going to change anything.






There was a time when reputation mattered, getting to cap meant something and we had actual loss in pvp, now everyone wins, gets to cap with ease and reputation is meaningless outside of the few names you can recall.



cross server warzones will change nothing that matters because nothing mattered on day 1 anyways.


If anything we might as well get cross server for more frequent pops on low pop servers

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Wow was different in that there were alot of servers with large horde populations and others with large alliance populations.


This game almost all the servers are heavy imperial, it is just going to add more imperials to the pot and not fix anything at all.


This is not completely true. There actually are Rep dominated servers, believe it or not. Granted there are more Imps overall. But it's not just about population balance. As with WoW, there are skill gaps on some servers as well, where one faction will automatically dominate the other side for one reason or another. If they strategically combine different servers, this can be mitigated to some degree.

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Apparently, you want your pug warzones and flashpoints to be filled with bots from power leveling services who dont speak english or dont answer at all but contribute little or nothing to the group.


Adding x-server queues will be a boon to power leveling services, enabling them to operate 24/7.


reactionary drivel.

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Community Q&A: Feb 10th 2012





Lets look at the results of x-server warzone and flashpoint queues in games like WoW and RIFT.


  • X-server queues create an anonymous mini-game where players sit in a central hub such as carrick station and wait for queues while trolling open chat. Players level their characters through anonymous queues without experiencing either their storyline or class quests.
  • Upon entering the warzone or flashpoint, many players use the anonymity offered by the anonymous x-server pug groups to engage in the worst kind of behavior. They insult, demean and degrade players from other servers, knowing there will be no consequences from the community on their own server or even their own guild.
  • X-server qeues encourage exploiting, power leveling, valor and gear farming, account swapping, afk-botting and ultimately real money trading. Players with extra money pay power leveling services to farm the best pve and pvp gear. This has happened in every game I have played with x-server queues.
  • X-server queues ultimately destroy communities by bypassing the self-policing nature of closed server communities. Players who engage in bad behavior such as trolling and griefing are ostracized and punished on closed server communities. In an x-server environment they disappear behind the cloud of anonymity. Players are prevented from getting to know others from the opposite or same faction and engaging in friendly competition. There is a lot to be said for knowing your enemies and your friends.


If the purpose of x-server queues is to allow players on low pop servers access to content, there is a simple solution, allow free transfers off of low pop servers. Problem solved.


So in a game that is instanced like crazy you are worried about people not doing quests and doing what they enjoy with there spare time? The communities are already detached. there is no policing as it is. As long as players have safe areas and factions to save them there will always be bad behavior.

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