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A simple way to make Marauders/Sents so much more competitive.


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A mean to stop being controlled so much and a gap closer. Currently it's way to easy to control us with roots/slow/kite et cetera. Almost all ranged classes have these things, and any semi-decent player can use them to make your life very hard. And marauders don't really have a counter except for the force leap.


Solution: Guardians/Jugs have force push, which is an interrupt and refreshes cooldown on the force leap, kinda adressing this issue. Marauders/Sents could use a similar ability, but instead of interrupting it could break CCs like the ability each class gets.


Something like: "Unstoppable". 1 min CD, breaks CC, refreshes the force leap.



P.S. What we also could've used is a little more group utility and a little more surviveability.

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Carnage already has this, on a 45 second cool down too... they can spec force camo to break all movement effecting CCs.


Personally I think that speeds buffs and debuffs should be able to stack with each other so that if you have a 50% movement speed buff and a -50% movement speed buff that you move at normal speed... that'd make things a lot more even. It's not a cure to roots mind you but it better balances slow effects and then just give melee classes a default speed boost of 10% where assassin's also lose their speed buff while invisible.

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Carnage is worst tree for pvp.

Besides most marauders play it dumb:he sees tracer spammer on a ledge,he leaps to him,he gets knocked down the ledge,he stands there like an idiot wasting his cd`s while he w8 for leap to get off cd while being spammed with missiles.

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What if cloak of pain made you immune to knockbacks? It only lasts 6 seconds so long as you're not being attacked. It's on a minute cooldown and it would give us the ability to be the only class who can't get knocked around like a damn pinball, instead of being the pinball who can't bounce back.


And in all honesty... I'd prefer a Push. Shouldn't the tank have Pull? He's a tank for God's sake. Why would a tank class want to push mobs away from him?


Edit: HOLY **** that's a good idea. With Push we'd be able to set ourselves in a 1v1 scenario and fight on our own terms just as easily as the other classes. Push, Charge, start beating on him. Or Charge, Push the one you don't like looking at away, start beating on his friend. :D **** Pull, gimme push.

Edited by xDreegan
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What if cloak of pain made you immune to knockbacks? It only lasts 6 seconds so long as you're not being attacked. It's on a minute cooldown and it would give us the ability to be the only class who can't get knocked around like a damn pinball, instead of being the pinball who can't bounce back.


And in all honesty... I'd prefer a Push. Shouldn't the tank have Pull? He's a tank for God's sake. Why would a tank class want to push mobs away from him?


Edit: HOLY **** that's a good idea. With Push we'd be able to set ourselves in a 1v1 scenario and fight on our own terms just as easily as the other classes. Push, Charge, start beating on him. Or Charge, Push the one you don't like looking at away, start beating on his friend. :D **** Pull, gimme push.


man cloak of pain would be OP'ed as **** then...



Maybe make it so the talent does that instead and give marauders base a 1 rage every 3 seconds when attacked like they *********** should have.

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Carnage is worst tree for pvp.

Besides most marauders play it dumb:he sees tracer spammer on a ledge,he leaps to him,he gets knocked down the ledge,he stands there like an idiot wasting his cd`s while he w8 for leap to get off cd while being spammed with missiles.


This. People suck.

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man cloak of pain would be OP'ed as **** then...



Maybe make it so the talent does that instead and give marauders base a 1 rage every 3 seconds when attacked like they *********** should have.


It wouldn't be OPd by a long shot. We wouldn't be immune to CC just the KB. I see where your train of thought goes but think about it for a minute. Just think about it.


Nothing on giving us Force Push instead?

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Give Force Charge a 3 second immunity to knockback/pull effects. And give us knockback immunity if we are full fury.


Or something. I hate getting thrown around the warzone like a ping-pong ball being handled by Forest Gump.


I would also like to see it attached to Cloak of Pain but yet that would make it OP. They'd have to balance the cooldown around it and I like a 20% damage reduction buff every 1min that can last for 30 seconds.

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It wouldn't be OPd by a long shot. We wouldn't be immune to CC just the KB. I see where your train of thought goes but think about it for a minute. Just think about it.


Nothing on giving us Force Push instead?


Imagine us in huttball... we're already pretty good ball runners as it is...


Seriously why force push, there's already too many knockbacks in this game it's *********** retarded.


Give Force Charge a 3 second immunity to knockback/pull effects. And give us knockback immunity if we are full fury.


Or something. I hate getting thrown around the warzone like a ping-pong ball being handled by Forest Gump.


I would also like to see it attached to Cloak of Pain but yet that would make it OP. They'd have to balance the cooldown around it and I like a 20% damage reduction buff every 1min that can last for 30 seconds.


Eh the only time i use charge is after i've been knocked back anyways... they'd just let us hit them for two globals and then KB us right away.

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What if cloak of pain made you immune to knockbacks?


Personally, I would rather have Cloak of Pain be a passive: Constant 20% reduction + damage on hit would be quite awesome. Then you could grab Cloak of carnage and always have enough rage for Force Scream or one of the saber throws.


But I know that's never going to happen.

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Personally, I would rather have Cloak of Pain be a passive: Constant 20% reduction + damage on hit would be quite awesome. Then you could grab Cloak of carnage and always have enough rage for Force Scream or one of the saber throws.


But I know that's never going to happen.


It's actually already constant, but you have to work for it - not forget to turn it on each time you must + use retaliate on CD. That way when the 30 sec is over, it is available again.

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It's actually already constant, but you have to work for it - not forget to turn it on each time you must + use retaliate on CD. That way when the 30 sec is over, it is available again.


That's not really constant, it still falls off if you aren't hit every few seconds.

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It's actually already constant, but you have to work for it - not forget to turn it on each time you must + use retaliate on CD. That way when the 30 sec is over, it is available again.


lol like you get 10 retaliates off in 30 seconds...

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My two ideas to fix Marauder:


1: Short CC immunity after force charge


2: Lower the cooldown of Battering Assault, or allow for the Annihilation spec to talent it to a lower cooldown. For a class that has to build resources in order to do anything, i spend an inordinate amount of time spamming a low damage, low resource building attack for very little gain.



Both of those need to be implemented, and I'd be a happy camper.

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