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Big wins for casuals! Dual Spec - Cross server


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I really hate cross server LFD....it kinda separates the community. No community in a game, it just becomes a mongolian cluster****



Not to mention I have to deal with immature people that wanna call me a ****** for playing on a RP server because they wanna try and look and feel superior because back on their server they most likely are terrible or they want to defend their image because they're insecure about the amount of DPS I do compared to theirs.

Edited by Bobinator
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I'd be interested to hear yours. Genuinely, I like trying to understand a lot of different views points and the direction of things. It's a puzzle I can never hope to solve, but I sure as hell like trying.
It's not my conception. But the M in the MMO stands for multiplayer. It can go as far as requiring a strong community feeling, or it can only be reduced to a co-op interaction. Both extremes are valid. The good news is that both can coexist. Applied to PvE group content, the LFG cross server can be there for people only interested in a co-op interaction, while the old good ways, including guilds, extensive friend lists, spamming chat channels, etc can cater to the players interested in one strong community feeling.

But never one aspect should prevail, since one category is left out in that scenario.


Understand well, that people asking for cross server tools, are not asking to remove emotes, whispering, chat channels spam, guilds, etc.

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Can someone please explain for me what they mean by 'community'? The reason I ask is because based on my own definition I see zero community on my server. People do not chat, there are zero events, no guild drama ;) , etc, etc etc.


The game already seems like a lobby MMO to me anyway. How would LFD hurt that? People tend to just stand around Fleet waiting for PVP or putting group together for PVE content anyway. How would LFD be any different, other than groups would get together faster meaning people get to run more content?

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I really hate cross server LFD....it kinda separates the community.
That's what I like wit the cross server LFD. It's a good filter. I know that the ones not using it are the ones claiming that it destroys the community or accuse people to be socially challenged. I'm glad I won't have to group with such kind of narrow minded people.
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And yet we are two steps closer to Wow.

The game i left because i wanted to play something DIFFERENT.

But peeps keep whining because they wanna play Wow with a different suit.


BW can we pls have portals, summoning stones, achievements bla bla

Christ...lazy people...


Oh well...cant wait to see thousand of topics about:

que times


rude people

afk people

cant kick bla bla

kick abuse bla bla


BW, can i have a companion named "scotty" so he can portal me everywhere i want?


If WoW was Coke Swtor would be Pepsi now how different is that ?

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If they throw up a teleporting, cross server queue LFG system, I'm out of here.


I really don't understand what the big deal is.


Everyone can still make friends and go do pve with them just as before, ask your guildees or on the fleet. You can still build a group the old-school way.


All it will do is help reduce the time it takes to build a group.


cross server only really hurts PvP because there you will lose sight of your favorite enemies - guaranteed - and since you can only group up with 4 people the chances of you seeing friends from the same server in your team are slim as well.

Edited by mufutiz
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Why? So you can yell at them if they do something stupid? It won't change anyone's behavior.


No. It's so I can befriend them if they're nice & I enjoy playing with them. And do something else with them in the future.


Sure if they release a crossrealm friendslist / chatting & grouping features when they implement the crossrealm flashpoint finder I have no problem with it :)

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I don't really think of it as a win for casuals. I think it's a difference in gaming generations. Everytime a anti-lfder goes into their "it destroys the community" anecdotes, I think of my Grandpa telling me how he had to walk ten miles to school butt-naked in a blizzard everyday.


Listen gramps, just because you did it that way doesn't mean the rest of us have to. The times have changed. We don't wait for the newspaper to get the news anymore. We don't wait until we get home to call people. We don't wait at the DMV to register our cars anymore. THE AGE OF WAITING IS OVER GRAMPS! Get over it and join the next generation already.

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I don't really think of it as a win for casuals. I think it's a difference in gaming generations. Everytime a anti-lfder goes into their "it destroys the community" anecdotes, I think of my Grandpa telling me how he had to walk ten miles to school butt-naked in a blizzard everyday.


Listen gramps, just because you did it that way doesn't mean the rest of us have to. The times have changed. We don't wait for the newspaper to get the news anymore. We don't wait until we get home to call people. We don't wait at the DMV to register our cars anymore. THE AGE OF WAITING IS OVER GRAMPS! Get over it and join the next generation already.


That's a very fair assessment

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I keep seeing posts about "community in the game" in regards to cross server group finders. Excuse me? What community in this game? How can people say in this thread over and over again that it's really hard to find a group, and then say that they don't want a group finder tool? I am convinced that this community on the forums will never be happy with any decision being made by the devs. Time for the whiners to find a new game. I for one am THRILLED at all the changes they have made so far.
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That's what I like wit the cross server LFD. It's a good filter. I know that the ones not using it are the ones claiming that it destroys the community or accuse people to be socially challenged. I'm glad I won't have to group with such kind of narrow minded people.



I play on a server type that thrives on good communities (RP) so I am ardent believer a good community is something a server need.

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It's not my conception. But the M in the MMO stands for multiplayer. It can go as far as requiring a strong community feeling, or it can only be reduced to a co-op interaction. Both extremes are valid. The good news is that both can coexist. Applied to PvE group content, the LFG cross server can be there for people only interested in a co-op interaction, while the old good ways, including guilds, extensive friend lists, spamming chat channels, etc can cater to the players interested in one strong community feeling.

But never one aspect should prevail, since one category is left out in that scenario.


Understand well, that people asking for cross server tools, are not asking to remove emotes, whispering, chat channels spam, guilds, etc.


Makes sense, and well spoken.


Kinda off-topic: Personally I feel there is not much interaction in the current combat styles. I am looking forward to seeing if Guild Wars 2 makes that better.

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I don't really think of it as a win for casuals. I think it's a difference in gaming generations. Everytime a anti-lfder goes into their "it destroys the community" anecdotes, I think of my Grandpa telling me how he had to walk ten miles to school butt-naked in a blizzard everyday.


Listen gramps, just because you did it that way doesn't mean the rest of us have to. The times have changed. We don't wait for the newspaper to get the news anymore. We don't wait until we get home to call people. We don't wait at the DMV to register our cars anymore. THE AGE OF WAITING IS OVER GRAMPS! Get over it and join the next generation already.

Very good post.


I play on a server type that thrives on good communities (RP) so I am ardent believer a good community is something a server need.
I'm playing on the same server as yours. I don't think it's needed. Just it's a good bonus. Now just because I don't log much and can't be actively part of the community, means that I must be excluded from the group content. You can have your community. I can have my cross server tool. Both of us are happy.
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Lets be honest, the fanboys are going to defend and love the game no matter what, but i just want to play a fun game and spamming chat for lfg, and no dual spec is annoying, with gw2 and tera coming out soon, plus the new wow exp, I would think bioware needs to step there game up period, or its going to be a complete ghost town, i am already bored and never have gotten bored this fast in a new mmo Edited by Thunderslice
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If they throw up a teleporting, cross server queue LFG system, I'm out of here.


Cya, can I have your stuff?



On topic: Very pleased to see this. Better sooner than later.

If this is true (Cross server LFD/Dual spec) I'll be here for a loooong time.

Edited by Gehoornde
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Lets be honest, the fanboys are going to defend and love the game no matter what, but i just want to play a fun game and spamming chat for lfg, and no dual spec is annoying, with gw2 and tera coming out soon, plus the new wow exp, I would think bioware needs to step there game up period, or its going to be a complete ghost town, i am already bored and never have gotten bored this fast in a new mmo


Off-topic: Thats because its not a new mmo, it's WoW covered in swtor skins. If you were sick of WoW, you'll be sick of SWTOR the moment the stories end.

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It would help lazy people get a group, yes, but people who wants a system like that is only thinking about themselves and not the greater good.


I'm reluctantly willing to accept a same-server FP finder, but preferably I would want a system that doesn't put you in a queue at all. What is the point of playing an MMO if you're gonna let an automated system do the socializing for you? I'm all for making finding groups easier than it is now, but leave the auto-grouping and cross-server crap out of it and I'd accept anything they wished to do with it.


A functioning cross server LFG tool is not for lazy people, it is for people with off hour schedules, people on low pop servers, people leveling alts and wanting to do level appropriate content.


Basically it is for people who love this game and simply want to find other players who would like to run specific content together.


And it is highly needed as servers are nothing more than artificial technical barriers that restrict and limit player socialization. SWTOR is the community, not some small subset instance of the game limited for technical reasons.


It boggles my mind that some find it acceptable to have players on server A wanting to do FP Y unable to group with other players on server B wanting to do the same content, all due to technical limitations that keep them separated.


What Bioware really needs to do is improve the current socialization tools such that 'friendships' could be formed with players across servers, and be able to chat and group with others across servers.


Even more points if they could integrate this with web tools and things like functioning 'armory' tools that would let players share and compare everything about their characters, their companions, and their achievements / codex.


If we want this game to succeed and continue to grow with new content and added features, we need be thinking about how to expand the universe and increase player contact with one another, in other words we need to be thinking inclusive rather than exclusive.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Now that's laughable. You don't meet more people with a cross server tool. You might PLAY with a lot more people, but you probably won't ever see them again. It's all just an endless parade of random people that you can't even start a group with if you wanted to, because they're almost certain to be on a different server.


But that's really what you want, isn't it?




Another poor soul that cant be social with people if they cant ever see them again. I feel sorry for you.

I dont need the ability to see people again to be social with them or enjoy playing the game with them.

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A functioning cross server LFG tool is not for lazy people, it is for people with off hour schedules, people on low pop servers, people leveling alts and wanting to do level appropriate content.


Basically it is for people who love this game and simply want to find other players who would like to run specific content together.


And it is highly needed as servers are nothing more than artificial technical barriers that restrict and limit player socialization. SWTOR is the community, not some small subset instance of the game limited for technical reasons.


What Bioware really needs to do is improve the current socialization tools such that 'friendships' could be formed with players across servers, and be able to chat and group with others across servers.


Even more points if they could integrate this with web tools and things like functioning 'armory' tools that would let players share and compare everything about their characters, their companions, and their achievements / codex.


If we want this game to succeed and continue to grow with new content and added features, we need be thinking about how to expand the universe and increase player contact with one another, in other words we need to be thinking inclusive rather than exclusive.


Damn, I thought I was just lazy! Good post.

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Another poor soul that cant be social with people if they cant ever see them again. I feel sorry for you.

I dont need the ability to see people again to be social with them or enjoy playing the game with them.


I know right? People need to stop wasting their time denying this tool and start coming up with solutions that work for both otherwise they are going to be very disappointed when that tool comes out

Edited by Touchbass
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A functioning cross server LFG tool is not for lazy people, it is for people with off hour schedules, people on low pop servers, people leveling alts and wanting to do level appropriate content.


Basically it is for people who love this game and simply want to find other players who would like to run specific content together.


And it is highly needed as servers are nothing more than artificial technical barriers that restrict and limit player socialization. SWTOR is the community, not some small subset instance of the game limited for technical reasons.


What Bioware really needs to do is improve the current socialization tools such that 'friendships' could be formed with players across servers, and be able to chat and group with others across servers.


Even more points if they could integrate this with web tools and things like functioning 'armory' tools that would let players share and compare everything about their characters, their companions, and their achievements / codex.


If we want this game to succeed and continue to grow with new content and added features, we need be thinking about how to expand the universe and increase player contact with one another, in other words we need to be thinking inclusive rather than exclusive.


I agree in theory, but from my experiences with Bioware so far (swtor being my first exposure to them) asking them to be the ones to overcome technical barriers is... I dont have an adequate comparison, pigs flying seems more likely.

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Off-topic: Thats because its not a new mmo, it's WoW covered in swtor skins. If you were sick of WoW, you'll be sick of SWTOR the moment the stories end.


It still lasted longer then Aion for me. I hit L22 and was like "where are all the quests?".


Well the quests were all repeatable and required me to go travel some distance and kill x number of mobs over and over. Not going to happen!


(TERA is some stupid korean mmo that gets "westernized" so America can be all happy, I strongly hate it because it has hyper-sexualized race of children)

Ha. You are talking about the little animal girls. They remind me of female gnomes with no chest and animal ears and tails.


People that tend to get offended by something tend to be well, the biggest culprits in "enjoying" that aspect. Like evangelical republicans being closet gays and catholic priests having a field day with chore boys. What is up with that?

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