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Big wins for casuals! Dual Spec - Cross server


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No different then what you'd get having to look for specific people. The healer you just spent 26 minutes trying to find turned out to suck really badly. Back to the fleet to spam another 26 minutes looking for a healer.




Kick Healer because was bad. Back into Que to get another one.


A lot different. Those bad healers: ignore list and they never are an issue again and possibly start having problems with getting groups with other people if they really are that bad.


FYI, I'm not talking same server tools, I'm talking about CROSS-server tools.

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Dungeons & Dragons was initially invented as a therapy (call it what u will) for children affected with Down syndrome. It was intended, to help them create their own personality and act as they wanted to and not how society expected them.



LOL No it wasn't. Gary Gygax & his friend (I forget his name) created Chainmail (the pre-cursor to D&D) while in college. It was originally distributed by word of mouth & photocopied papers amongst college students.


Those of us that are "ancient", remember those those days quite clearly.


I'm not a fan of "insta-grouping" used by many LFG tools in games. Just because I'm looking for a group or more members for an existing group, does not mean I want people just "pop in". That opens the door for azz-hats.


Think if /when they implament a LFG tool, it should open a window listing names of players who are also LFG. There in a notes section, players could list which flashpoints etc they want in on. This would allow you to /tell them first. Also allow you to not invite players on your "azz-hat list"


I see nothing wrong w/cross-server lfg done in this manner.


Having dual-spec added would GREATLY boost my enjoyment as I'm not looking forward to running the Inquisitor storyline again so I can have one as a healer.

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Dungeons & Dragons was initially invented as a therapy (call it what u will) for children affected with Down syndrome. It was intended, to help them create their own personality and act as they wanted to and not how society expected them.



Speaking as someone who was there for the first incarnation of the game, back in the late 70s, this interpretation fascinates me. Could you tell me how you came by that impression?

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Dungeons & Dragons was initially invented as a therapy (call it what u will) for children affected with Down syndrome. It was intended, to help them create their own personality and act as they wanted to and not how society expected them.



LOL No it wasn't. Gary Gygax & his friend (I forget his name) created Chainmail (the pre-cursor to D&D) while in college. It was originally distributed by word of mouth & photocopied papers amongst college students.


Those of us that are "ancient", remember those those days quite clearly.


I'm not a fan of "insta-grouping" used by many LFG tools in games. Just because I'm looking for a group or more members for an existing group, does not mean I want people just "pop in". That opens the door for azz-hats.


Think if /when they implament a LFG tool, it should open a window listing names of players who are also LFG. There in a notes section, players could list which flashpoints etc they want in on. This would allow you to /tell them first. Also allow you to not invite players on your "azz-hat list"


I see nothing wrong w/cross-server lfg done in this manner.


Having dual-spec added would GREATLY boost my enjoyment as I'm not looking forward to running the Inquisitor storyline again so I can have one as a healer.



im all for a crosserver lfg..


what im against is playing with bankers and RL succesfull people who rush through content and bring their "time is money, money is time an its mai fukin time were tlaking bout here" to the FP....


"SPACE pls space pls.. no **** bonus quest, lets get on, who is raven> i dont care skip pls.



it seems to me this game has already catered for these people to play a genre they didnt care for when it was less.. dialuted...


The xserver lfg would atelast remove/reduce waiting times. the damage is already done to the comunity when we allowed for our genre to be dialuted so much as for bankers and yuppies to like it... just wish they went back to their FPS and XBoxes...

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Speaking as someone who was there for the first incarnation of the game, back in the late 70s, this interpretation fascinates me. Could you tell me how you came by that impression?


Open a sociiology book....

im talking about the 60's

D&D was taken from the idea i mention. It is history and it is part of the history of sociology too, the fact that you were there and weren't aware makes absolutely no diffrence at all...

Edited by SushaBrancaleone
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Open a sociiology book....

im talking about the 60's

D&D was taken from the idea i mention. It is history and it is part of the history of sociology too, the fact that you were there and weren't aware makes absolutely no diffrence at all...


Um. D&D wasn't invented until 1977 or so. So, you know, in the sixties, the Downs kids may have been playing something but it wasn't that.


But carry on. Truth is so limiting in a good discussion. :)

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I agree w/you. That was part of my "azz-hats". Many of us keep a "no invite" list. Be a a jerk, ninja, speed clicker, etc & you go on the list. You will never been in a group of mine or a guildies.

We have the power to police ourselves. I encourage everyone to do so.

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You all keep saying there is the LFG spam going on but I have to wonder. How come none of these people can seem to find each other?


I have played this game solo right up to yesterday when I responded to LFG in chat and ended up doing 4 heroics and was asked to join a guild.

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Um. D&D wasn't invented until 1977 or so. So, you know, in the sixties, the Downs kids may have been playing something but it wasn't that.


But carry on. Truth is so limiting in a good discussion. :)


so u agree to the fact it came from somewhere?


ok besides the details... u care about adressign the point i had made or just troll about the details?

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so u agree to the fact it came from somewhere?


ok besides the details... u care about adressign the point i had made or just troll about the details?


Ah, yes. I agree it came from somewhere. Wargaming rules. Which didn't have anything to do with, ah, 'sociiology' or therapy.


Also, the details are the point.


But life is too short to argue with people on the Internet and I am not an educator today. Carry on!

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Open a sociiology book....

im talking about the 60's

D&D was taken from the idea i mention. It is history and it is part of the history of sociology too, the fact that you were there and weren't aware makes absolutely no diffrence at all...


Gary Gygax based his game on Tolkien & the like. He never based it on some phsychology healing tool. I interviewed him & other game designers (Steve Jackson for example) many years ago. Also was fortunate enough to have played games w/him.

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speak for yourself not for "wowers" u will find 11 million people have 11 million opinions (and also 11 million "holes where the sun dont shine" cos after all, everyone has theirs...)


Practice what you preach. I'm an EX wow'er and the cross server LFD lead to content as difficult as candyland which lead to alot of players being dissatisfied with the game they were pretty much addicted to which lead to the new game for many being a contest of how good you are a brutalizing others in chat which lead to my disinterest in the game.




You don't speak for anyone either. Yeah WoW has 11 million subs, BFD. Thats less than worldwide births per year and theres a sucker born every minute. Even William Hung sells alot of records.

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and thousands will be back. so bye?


Some of the time the people you claim "come back" when subs suddenly go up aren't previous players returning, it's new people buying the game for the first time. Some of the players are returning, for whatever reason, but they don't necessarily account for the increase in active subs. Take WoW, for example. They've probably lost more subscribers, from my understanding, than they currently have as subscribers, and many aren't going back anytime soon.

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AWW HELL NAW! A cross-server LFG is just a dumb idea to begin with. If only there were an in-server LFG system. THAT'd be GREAT! But this.....Goddammit Bioware, why can't you ever go half way with things? I mean, first they add a big, neon GCD notification system (thankfully they're now getting around to being able to change that) instead of a SLIGHTLY more noticeable notification, and now this...*sigh*

Not to mention, dual-speccing promotes bad, indecisive gameplay. If you choose to play a certain way, than, goddammit, you WILL play that way! :(:mad:

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Not to mention, dual-speccing promotes bad, indecisive gameplay. If you choose to play a certain way, than, goddammit, you WILL play that way! :(:mad:


Yes, dual spec might be a big problem...


...to people like you "undecided".


Sweet jesus, if you want to play a certain way, just play it damnit.


For some people its useful, like having a slightly different build for PvP and another for PvE, or like be a healer in a FP and dps in a PvP wz or, again, just stick to what they like and no need to "use " the dual spec.

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