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Big wins for casuals! Dual Spec - Cross server


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the only way i would support a cross server LFD tool is if they added repurcussions for player actions while in the group.


a boot system that each player in the group has a cooldown system. nothing like wow where it glitched all to hell and people were getting 24 hour cooldowns on their ability to boot. because it was abused all to hell, another bad thing about the LFD system: a dps waits 45 minutes for a grp, gets one and kills the first boss and gets booted.


a reputation system done by votes by the party. once a player has a certain amount of bad rep their LFD tool begins a cd.


say every bad vote you get while in a group adds 5 minutes to your cooldown time between uses of the LFD tool. getting good votes with people from other servers only while in a random party will decrease the CD time to 0. (must be a random party made up by the LFD tool to prevent acting like an *** and getting some friends to vote you up)


after 0 rep you gain +rep that puts you ahead in the que line of the people with bad (negative rep)


this system is simple, it rewards good behavior and punishes bad behavior.


this is all we are asking for. something that will hold people responsible for their actions, because anonymous people you dont know will never play nice.

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So excuse me for being stupid, but what is Dual Spec? I've heard of it before, but can never remember what it actually does.
you pay a one time price in credits to a trainer and get the ability to have 2 specs instead of 1 that you can switch to at will without cost. you can keep a tank and dps spec, switch when you want to for free.
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What community?


Explain to me what this community is, is it elitsts recognizing each other as they trample casuals under them in same server pvp?


Is it general chat? It's not going anywhere.


Is it forums? They don't exist.


As I keep saying this "community" you all defend to the hilt exists only in your mind and in your guild. Neither of which are going anywhere.


The "community" people see as having been destroyed by x-server functionality was people on the same faction on the same server interacting and building networks with the people around them, for pvp or pve or just social purposes. None of that exists anymore. The community i was a part of in UO comprised close to a dozen guilds who all worked together to create player events to involve players from both their own guilds and the wider server population. People got to know each other, help each other become better players and contribute to their servers "community" and wellbeing (economy etc). And some of us, still know each other and game together some 15 years later.


It amazes me that people bash this game as being a single player game with a couple of multiplayer features, yet those same people demand a tool (x-server LFD) that actively promotes isolation and single player game play. Why would someone want/need to join a guild or work with people on the server around them (for heroics etc) when they can just click a button, get teleported to the instance and do their run without saying a word to anyone, get their loot/commendations and teleport out? ESPECIALLY IF as the OP's title says they're casuals? People complain on these boards saying they don't want their MMO's to be single player friendly...yet in the next breath they're demanding a tool that promotes and actively encourages it! :rolleyes:


With x-server lfd There's zero reason to be in a guild unless:

  • You know the people you're in the guild with from another game / irl.
  • You're in it for the hardcore Raiding / PVP


Sure it's convenient, but it's not healthy for a server at all. It also gives people who are likely to be morons in a group free license due to anonymity to be an a'hat because at the end of the run, there's a damn good chance they'll never bump into that group of players again, so what's it matter if their behaviour is woeful. Without cross server, people have to mind their behaviour (at least a bit) because sooner or later there will be repurcussions as they get a negative reputation.


Reality is, no system for forced grouping to complete (interesting) content will ever be perfect or please everyone, but in my opinion based off experience in Ultima Online (best community based game i've ever played), SWG (with player /guild towns) and WoW (vanilla post LFD) cross erver does far more harm than good. It's only saving grace is convenience and to me, that just doesn't trump the issues it creates.


Some of these issues are community created (an a'hat's always going to be an a'hat no matter how good the system is) and others are flawed design - MMO's trying to draw so many people in from many varying playstyles at the expense of quality in the area that their game excels at. Neither of which will change any time soon due to human nature and the (greedy) corporations who only care about tapping the biggest market possible.

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For healthy sized guilds the LFD tool is useless and should be meaningless. Those in such a position shouldn't whine about the implementation of it on the grounds of it "ruining community".


You will always have the option to form your own guild groups, the LFD does not remove the "invite to group" action from the game. There are no shortage of people in health sized guilds to fill the roles needed to form consistent groups.



For small guilds it is hard to have the "right" amount of people at any given time. Using the tool saves a lot of problems in gearing up. People not able to be in high populations servers will find it very very mind numbing hard to find group members. Spamming general for a lengthy amount of time only to never find what you are looking for is disappointing. It does the community a lot more damage that you have failed groups because of lacking members. People give up trying to find groups and eventually stop playing entirely because they cannot advance.


Does the tool help casuals? Yes it does. Is that bad? No, no it is not. Believe it or not Casuals pay the bills. Casuals will pay the bills for every MMO. Hardcore raider sand pvp'ers are like 10% - 20 % of a games population.

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im all for lfg, just not cross server. people lose all accountability when there is a high chance you will never group with them again. keeping it server specific limits it to a level that if you are a ***** then you will be held accountable for it. dont play well with others and you wont have anyone to play with.
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What this does is prevent the large zerg guilds from completely dominating over smaller guilds and thus it allows newer players to have other options than just to pug it or join large guilds. It keeps the gameplay hopping and also prevents monopolies from developing. So far Bioware is being smart and Im all for it.
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lol lazy?


You mean people who have jobs and families that cant sit around spamming for a group all day and night?


Using this argument to it logical conclusion, they need to add a auto-quest completion button. You know us folks with jobs and families can't sit around all day grinding out quests all day and night....

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It didnt hurt WoW, it made participation to dungeons go a lot higher than ever before.


Yea, it made participation higher.. but that's not accounting to how many players got ticked off about other rude players, how many groups disbanded because of a leroy jenkins, etc. Overall I meant it made the community much worse, which is peoples complaints on cross-server LFD tools.

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Using this argument to it logical conclusion, they need to add a auto-quest completion button. You know us folks with jobs and families can't sit around all day grinding out quests all day and night....


No. That is taking the argument too far and off base.


What you're suggesting is that people do not want to play the game but instead get instant quest rewards and complete dungeons.


What people are actually saying is that they do not want to spend hours in General Chat. Spamming LFM.

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No. That is taking the argument too far and off base.


What you're suggesting is that people do not want to play the game but instead get instant quest rewards and complete dungeons.


What people are actually saying is that they do not want to spend hours in General Chat. Spamming LFM.


You can't argue with him. He doesn't like anyone to have fun.

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The ninja argument is really good one. Let me see... I am sitting around now--doing nothing, experiencing none of the group content and getting no loot.


An LFG tool comes along and now suddenly I'm not standing around. I'm actually getting to experience and enjoy the group content. Oh rats--someone ninjas something.


Well--at least I a) got to do something besides spam chat and 2) actually got to have fun playing group content. Loot will drop again.

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Teleporting? Yeah such a pain to run 20 meters in the Imp Fleet for a flashpoint.


Just wanted to point out that with a LFG tool--there would be no reason to stand around in Fleet. Run around and do a few dailies while you wait for the queue to pop. But as nice as it would be to be able to do something else while waiting. Once the group gets formed, I would hate to make the other people wait while I travel to the space port, run to my hanger, etc--how many long load screens are there between a planet and fleet? You can run some of the Flashpoints in less time that it takes to travel from planet to fleet.

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Just wanted to point out that with a LFG tool--there would be no reason to stand around in Fleet. Run around and do a few dailies while you wait for the queue to pop. But as nice as it would be to be able to do something else while waiting. Once the group gets formed, I would hate to make the other people wait while I travel to the space port, run to my hanger, etc--how many long load screens are there between a planet and fleet? You can run some of the Flashpoints in less time that it takes to travel from planet to fleet.


NO! You must stay at your computer at all times spamming general chat looking for group!


You most certainly cannot que while questing. Because only casuals wanting instant rewards want something like that. :rolleyes:


Quantity went up.



Quality went down.


No different then what you'd get having to look for specific people. The healer you just spent 26 minutes trying to find turned out to suck really badly. Back to the fleet to spam another 26 minutes looking for a healer.




Kick Healer because was bad. Back into Que to get another one.

Edited by SimbotFoxtrot
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Maybe some players' lives are comfortable enough so they don't have to escape to some virtual reality where they are the God-King worshiped among the droves of lesser geared players.


Maybe a "community" doesn't matter to them because they have plenty of social contacts in the real world, you know, the world that matters.


And just maybe these people would rather log on, do a few flashpoints, que for a warzone, craft some items, and log off for the night. All things that can be accomplished in an hour or two.


What is this fascination you people have with spending all of your time logged into a video game? They are hobbies, not alternate egos folks.



Dungeons & Dragons was initially invented as a therapy (call it what u will) for children affected with Down syndrome. It was intended, to help them create their own personality and act as they wanted to and not how society expected them.


After that we can safely say that until ATLEAST the late 90's RPG (video games or not) were GEEK stuff (and im talking when geek wasn't considered cool one little bit).


It ofcourse brings the discussion to the terms of dependancy used n sociology.

Drugs are usually divided in two areas (according to what the user seeks from them)


these are Inclusive drugs and evasive drugs,

- opiods are usually evasive as the user tends to "go elsewhere" and not accept reality. These are mostly drugs for "outcasts" or people who DONT fit in with the majority. under opiods fall many drugs from cannabis to heroin.


Inclusive drugs are those that make you more efficient at something, specifically something which is society approved. Cocaine and exctasy fall under this heading.



what the original poster said rings true, and seeing a "outcast" product, become mainstream and radically shift from one kind of user to another is at the least depressing to the first who was seeking exclusion and not inclusion.


We let them do it, somewhere along the lines a LOT of geeks and nerds grouped up in huge guilds, and suddenly thaught they had become mainstream nd cool...


We are now living the repercussions as company after company tries to emulate or grab hold of a piece of the cake after they saw wow had 11 million subscribers.


Blizzard can be proud of having guided this process (making MMORPG's mainstream) because well they guided it and kept it going.. and going and going.


Those who after wow have jumped in the mmorpg market are just vultures in reltation to the discussion made above, as they just want to reap the consequences and did NOT participate in turning MMO's from exclusive products into always more inclusive ones...

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So you'll leave if they implement a tool that helps people get groups without spamming general chat for an hour? Cool. Have fun with your other games.


the problem most people have isnt with a LFG tool its the cross server part. weve seen it before and what it does to peoples attitudes. a LFG that just works on the server.. that would be great

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