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Big wins for casuals! Dual Spec - Cross server


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Some of those threads are actually positive. Not to mention many of them are well over a year old. But you know, when your argument fails you start reaching for anything. Hang in there, pal.
i dont remember posting any of those threads.


so.... i guess.... you know......it was still all just me?????:D

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not really a big deal, there will always be one that can implement a system that will not kill certain aspects of the game, in this case, the community.


guess ill be looking forward to GW2 if this cross server dungeon finder gets implemented.


no skin off my teeth. but i was hoping bioware would want to entice players to keep playing. guess not.


They are not interested of having you, they rather take WoW player base to play this game than DaoC,Eve,SWG and future GW2 players counted together. With budgets liek this games nowdays havem they got no other option than to attract masses, thats why this game is already exact copy of WoW apart of voiceacting.

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I think you have helped me a lot here.

I am beginning to realise that it is the major MMO syndrome and their overall atmosphere that I have become weary of. The communities in the not so major MMOs are far more forgiving and less demanding and whiney that those I have seen in my excursions into “major MMOs”. Still I am enjoying SWTOR for now.


Good observation, it was so obvious that I really didn't see it staring me in the face. I've heard good things about LOTRO but haven't tried it yet. I think I may give Fallen Earth a try when things stop being fun here. It looks like that will be coming sooner rather than later unfortunately.

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Good observation, it was so obvious that I really didn't see it staring me in the face. I've heard good things about LOTRO but haven't tried it yet. I think I may give Fallen Earth a try when things stop being fun here. It looks like that will be coming sooner rather than later unfortunately.


Umm, no offense but "if you do this I'm quitting" is as whiny and demanding as it gets. That sorta weakens the point you're trying to make by calling the other side whiny and demanding.

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LFG or LFD tools do not stop people from making friends online. If it stops you then your just not trying. I say more tools to help make grouping faster when you do not have time to wait for friends to come online the better. Dual Spec is more exciting for some classes than others. Now I think about it, more for PvP to PvE switching specs. I do not PvP so as a Sniper I will not be using Dual Spec all that often. It will be a good addition. More options in MMOs is better in my opinion
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Whilst a cross-server FP queue is something that would likely make me quit (simply because it makes it less of an MMO, more of a theme park, but I respect that others disagree ), the amount of ninjaing due to unaccountability will be rife. Look at how bad it is now and multiply it by 10.
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Whilst a cross-server FP queue is something that would likely make me quit (simply because it makes it less of an MMO, more of a theme park, but I respect that others disagree ), the amount of ninjaing due to unaccountability will be rife. Look at how bad it is now and multiply it by 10.


Well that ninjaing can be sorted by BW in a day.

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Whilst a cross-server FP queue is something that would likely make me quit (simply because it makes it less of an MMO, more of a theme park, but I respect that others disagree ), the amount of ninjaing due to unaccountability will be rife. Look at how bad it is now and multiply it by 10.


Oh here we go with the ninja excuse again. You community types promised us this wouldn't be a problem because the "community" would fix it.


Well guess what... you were wrong. It's time to leave that sorry excuse behind.

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I am all for a cross server LFG tool, as I am with dual spec. As far as "hurting the community" goes you can still group with the friends you've made and run dungeons, it's just they aren't always online. The LFG tool never hurt my WoW community, and I doubt it will hurt this one... Edited by Gladiius
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Basic fact in all of this. Bioware -- as does Blizzard -- knows exactly who is participating in group work, how often, and how much of the level cap population is actually participating in instanced content.


Blizzard played with LFG tools for years before settling on one that upped participation significantly. Bioware most likely looked at that participation percentage and moved right towards cross server LFG tools.


Why? Not enough people are participating. Anyone with a brain could have predicted this, and it's very, very likely that introducing such a tool will up participation and increase high level player retention.


In short, the anti-LFG folks were wrong. Again.

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If so many are spamming chat with LFG why are so many people ignoring it?


If there is no LFG in chat it couldn't be that most are in a guild and don't look outside the guild?


Could it be that if they need one or 2 more members they go with companions?


If I was to believe the LFG tool people I would imagine 100 people standing next to each other saying they wish they had people to do stuff with and after talking about it they all leave.

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A LFG tool is great so long as you have easily pugged content. I.E. no vent, no spending 10 minutes typing out each fight, no calling out CC for every pull, content easy enough most can do it, etc.


They will need to put in gear checks as well so people don't get stuck with a level 50 wearing all level 41 greens.


tl;dr - if the LFG tool turns into a wipefest people simply won't use it.

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A LFG tool is great so long as you have easily pugged content. I.E. no vent, no spending 10 minutes typing out each fight, no calling out CC for every pull, content easy enough most can do it, etc.


They will need to put in gear checks as well so people don't get stuck with a level 50 wearing all level 41 greens.


tl;dr - if the LFG tool turns into a wipefest people simply won't use it.


I'm ok with gear and level checks before you can queue for a specific flashpoint. It works.

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its a loss when it comes to cross server wz and FP's it killed wows fun aspect with people being rude and hate filled to others for stupid reasons.


go look at wows forums people still post each day how rude people are or how they get kicked for being new.




its bad all around it can be done right (unless server only).




i really hope they only do it for PVP and stay clear away from it for PVE. i dont want another stan around hub game.



(But you cna always look for gorups you say??? NO it wont work that way in wow i try to form a gorup NEVER HAPPENS! people rather press one button and eat a samich and check face book and not have fun)

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i need like 15s to change into tank-spec, swap gear and queue


lie, again




I have no need to lie. The proof is in the game. Why do you think there is Tank and Healer gifts when using the LFD que? Because DPS have to wait a very long time. That was part of Blizzards plan to get more Tanks and Healers to play so DPS didn't have to wait so long in ques.


/100% Resil against Trolls ;)

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If so many are spamming chat with LFG why are so many people ignoring it?


If there is no LFG in chat it couldn't be that most are in a guild and don't look outside the guild?


Could it be that if they need one or 2 more members they go with companions?


If I was to believe the LFG tool people I would imagine 100 people standing next to each other saying they wish they had people to do stuff with and after talking about it they all leave.

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(But you cna always look for gorups you say??? NO it wont work that way in wow i try to form a gorup NEVER HAPPENS! people rather press one button and eat a samich and check face book and not have fun)


If your definition of fun is LF group while sitting on the fleet is your idea of fun good for you. I ran dungeons with guildies and when i couldnht i used LFD tool, or formed groups via trade for making achievement runs with random people. All those 3 options worked well for me in prett much every run.

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Oh here we go with the ninja excuse again. You community types promised us this wouldn't be a problem because the "community" would fix it.


Well guess what... you were wrong. It's time to leave that sorry excuse behind.


It's not an excuse, I couldn't give less of a frack about it, it's only a game. Either way, it's an obvious potential problem.


And I never claimed to be a 'community type'. If I wanted community, I'd hang out with my neighbours.

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I am all for a LFD tool, but them making it cross-server is stupid. It hurt WoW, and it will hurt this game. We will get a lot of people who don't care what happens in a specific group, needing everything, and just generally being a jack-***. I hope they add a LFD tool, but server specific only.


As for the dual spec thing, that sounds great and shuts up the people who said "AC's are not another class." I am glad they put their foot down on allowing AC transfers.

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The sooner they actually implement the stuff, the sooner i can actually think about resubbing. Until then, it's either nothing or wow which i haven't played since june and where i need to check the new 5mans, raids, cross server real id grouping, and raid finder, an actually featured game in other words.


This is me, too.


Lack of modern MMO features, which at this point in my gaming experience at the top is server transfers (to get off a dead server), is the reason I've unsubbed.


I just suspect by the time these features are all implemented, I'll be enjoying one of the many 2012 releases I'm planning on buying, and the window of opportunity for me to be a long-term subscriber to this game will have passed.


But I do know if none of these modern MMO features are added, I'll never be back.

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Makes me kind of regret re-rolling on harbinger to flee a dead server.


But I'll get over it quickly especially given how hard it is to get a group even here.


I'm republic and it's easy as pie to get a group on Harbinger. You sure you're not on a lot of people's ignore lists?

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I am all for a LFD tool, but them making it cross-server is stupid. It hurt WoW, and it will hurt this game. We will get a lot of people who don't care what happens in a specific group, needing everything, and just generally being a jack-***. I hope they add a LFD tool, but server specific only.


As for the dual spec thing, that sounds great and shuts up the people who said "AC's are not another class." I am glad they put their foot down on allowing AC transfers.


It didn't hurt WoW. It drastically increased dungeon participation, so much so that they implemented it for raiding too.

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