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Request to Change Project and Throw, with suggestions and examples…


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Easy solution to this for me would be replace project with saber throw.. (looks nicer, works on the same principle as project and sages finaly get to use there lightsaber)


Then give telekenetic throw the Ani of project, only have it throw 1 object per tic.


I'd be TOTALLY ok with this.... I think both sages and shadows would LOVE to have some sort of saber throw...


maybe could use animation from clairvoyant strike ???

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I love Project and Throw. Dropping boulders on people's heads, smashing people's faces in with an astromech, sandblasting the skin off their face. What's not to like? Sure, Project sometimes pulls up something environmentally inappropriate and it's odd but I can live with it. Half the time it does fit the environment so it's not really "endless supplies of environment inappropriate objects". Something should be done about the disparity with lightning but there's lots of situations where I can make the damage delay work in my favor.


There is a class that uses lightning if you prefer force powers like that. Or you can spec for blue forcy attacks like Disturbance and Telekinetic Wave. If BioWare wants to add new attacks that look more forcy and share cooldowns and damage with Project and Throw so people can choose to use whichever animation they like better then I'm fine with that but don't take away my Project and Throw.

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Whilst i agree with some that the animation we have at the moment are nice looking, i do also agree that the delay in project, is just wrong, after doing much reading and research on this matter and having read this post i do love some of the ideas the OP has suggested.


I also have an idea of my own for a change in Project:


This Idea Being



Elecrtic Judgment\Emerald Fire


Which essenatily is Shock, just a different colour Either yellow or green, it also fits quite well on with the shadow style of play and RP, and the ability is in game cannon.


Also on top of that the animation is already in game and would just require the appropriate colour change, i dont claim to know it would be that easy as im not a programmer but cant imagine it being that hard.

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I like Project, but i think the delay should go to keep it consistent with the Sith version. I don't like Telekinetic Throw, the pebblestorm looks underwhelming.


I think i'd go with Project tossing a smaller projectile instantly (to the face if you like, hence the stun) and Telekinetic Throw being the Project Storm some NPCs use. If interrupted have any levitated objects fall down. Also it'd be nice if they were more aware of their environment, but i can live with them as is (though having Acheology as a profession and seemingly tossing archaeological objects at people always seemed quite odd...).


Force Quake also seems underwhelming to me compared to the Sith version, perhaps a whirlwind of appropriate objects would be a better option, or underground explosions tossing stuff all around them.

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Easy solution to this for me would be replace project with saber throw.. (looks nicer, works on the same principle as project and sages finaly get to use there lightsaber)


Then give telekenetic throw the Ani of project, only have it throw 1 object per tic.


This is actually an excellent idea, and makes me happy that the thread is still going. Its so simple and appropriate, it makes me laugh. And I could already picture the "double hit" with the talents, the saber would just make a quick boomerang motion and hit a second time...


If we are going to learn to throw anything, it makes sense that the saber would be one of the first things. And throwing the double blade would look quite nice.


Would rather see the project ani combined with forcequake...forcequake needs beefing up and needs someway of telling which sage is responsible for which quake...tossing junk into the kill zone would solve this. And I would MUCH rather see satele's second attack on malgus used to replace the pebbles...


As far as using emerald lightning...that is very very rare and controversial...using that as the very first skill you learn as a padawan absolutely makes no sense....

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Project and TK Throw are (in my opinion) absurd.


I don't even want to try to justify why it would be more beneficial for a Sage to expend so much force power ripping something out of the ground (really?) and then throwing it at something rather than just pummeling them with that much raw force power to start with. You know, sort of like Satele Shan does in the cinematics. Like that. But no, our Sages and Shadows have to be such showoffs, we have to rip an asteroid out of space, through the hull of a spaceship, and THEN throw it at someone. Because we are that awesome/stupid?


TK throw is just whack. Everytime I use that ability I sigh, which means I'm sighing a lot. I feel like I'm playing a level 3 elemental wizard in a very unimaginative MMO... I definitely do not feel like a rockstar Jedi prodigy. Saber throw, or just having the jedi launch giant force waves from his saber instead... anything would be cooler than TK Throw's current animations, which is a joke.


I will say I was slightly amused the first time I launched a little R2D2 at someone. By the 170th time, it had lost it's charm and I was back to wishing I had a power that didn't make me feel so horribly out of place in groups or pvp.

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Funny thing about project is what I thought it implied when I first got it. I figured it was going to be a ball of force energy or something force-related that you actually project from yourself.


I figured "telekinetic throw" actually meant to throw something with force powers, essentially the same thing as the current project animation but longer, like in the "return" cinematic, chucking several chunks of stuff at your enemy.


I also think its absurd that my project never stuns players. I seem to always get immobilized by a well placed shock, but I never slow anyone down with project.

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Im leveling an assassin and a shadow, alternating. It is painfully obvious to me, as I have read as well, that the inquisitor side was done first/best. I knew this from my sorcerer and sage toons as well, and I knew the consular side was done later, because in beta the chunk a clunker "septic tank of doom" was described as a "placeholder" for what we were later stuck with..."the random junk table of doom"...but the difference in coolness factor and "potency" feel between the sets of animations is really staggering...like the difference between the force breach ani and the discharge ani, etc....and of course, the main offenders, project and throw, which brings me back to:


OK, in an effort to refocus and streamline things, I'm going to edit the original post to start with a summary as follows:



Option Grp A...Possible changes to Project to increase coolness factor and get away from junk throwing:


1) Simply replace project with a consular saber throw (Paradoxfoxx's idea). This works for several GREAT reasons...a) The saberthrow animation in this game looks awesome with its motion blur effect, b) Consulars have no saberthrow, yet with a class that can "throw" things, what makes more sense for a jedi to start with than his/her lightsaber? c) this is WELL documented in canon and is truly a neutral power. d) The double hit effect could look awesome with a quick boomerang motion in the animation...most of this is already in the game.


2) Simply switch the Project and Disturbance animations. Project looks and feels like an activation time type of animation...it takes time to pull up debris, spin it in the air, then throw it. Disturbance can easily have its wind up shortened into one smooth casting motion and go as an instant ability. That way shadows will get at least one skill that looks like what Satele did in Hope, and chunk a clunker will still be around for sages. But it will help move the basis of the class towards force energy and away from junk. This is already in the game.


3) Take the animation for "Force blow up an explosive container", beef up the force energy projectile a bit, and use that to replace project. Most of this is already in the game.


4) See my description below for taking Satele's first attack in Hope and using something like that as a replacement. See below (in original post).


5) See my description below (in original post) to replace the junk in chunk a clunker with a force created zephyr, which we already "create" in the telekinetic wave and forcequake ani's, and hurl the zephyr at the target.


Option Grp B...Changes to Throw...


1) Replace throw with a version of Satele's second attack on Malgus...She uses two hands to generate a ball of force, and from this comes a shockwave that is much more powerful than her first attack/jab, but also takes longer to generate. I would make this basically a series of PULSES from that ball of force over the channeling of the skill, with a focussed series of shockwave projectiles. More wave-like, continuous (like pebblestorm is continous) than Disturbance or Telekinetic Wave since it is channeled, and they are discrete attacks. but similar to them in appearance and theme.



Option Grp C...Other....


1) Combine current Project and Forcequake...Forcequake is a channeled ability. Right now the current animation is ok, but if you are pvping or in a grp with multiple sages, it is impossible to tell which sage is quaking which area...


So as part of my suggestion to get rid of the current project and throw animations and completely replace them, I am also suggesting that they combine the current project with the current forcequake...So instead of the small zephyrs on each side of the toon, which are the same as in telekinetic wave (they make sense for wave, but not so much for quake), just have the project animation (the double talent version) fire off, and send objects into the kill zone...hopefully environment correct objects....


2) To be continued as the thread keeps going and ideas keep coming in...


Thanks for all the positive, constructive feedback.

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I don't even want to try to justify why it would be more beneficial for a Sage to expend so much force power ripping something out of the ground (really?) and then throwing it at something rather than just pummeling them with that much raw force power to start with.


Perhaps their impact strength does not match their lifting strength. Think of it like a net on a rope, if you just swung the net at someone, it'd do weak damage, because it's a weak impacter, but if you used that net to pick up a 50lb. ball, and then hurled them together at the target, you'd do a lot more damage.


Actually, another great example is a gun. If you fire a gun at someone, it launches a projectile, a bullet, and can kill people hundreds of yards away. The bullet doesn't fire itself though, the force generated by gunpowder actually fires it, and yet the gunpower itself is a very weak impacter. If you fire a gun at someone that has no bullet in it, you'd be lucky to harm them even at very close range, because while the projecting force is the same, the air molecules being pushed by the gunpowder are a much weaker impacter than a bullet is.


So sages can attack directly with Force energy, using Disturbance, but it takes a lot more power and concentration to do the same amount of damage that hitting people over the head with a rock would do. Shadows can't do this because they don't have as much TK training as Sages do, just as Sages aren't able to stealth.


OK, in an effort to refocus and streamline things, I'm going to edit the original post to start with a summary as follows:


You forgot Option Grp D: Leave them alone.

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Bioware, please do not change the project animation for any reason. I love it, it is flavorful and awesome. If you do ANYTHING to resolve the timer problem, please do it on the Sith end. Bring their timer in line with project. We have other instant-cast abilities to stop door cappers, like tele throw/force lightning. Just balance the classes please.


A common suggestion in my circle would be to make Shock Arc at an angle before it hits, timing it for the .7 seconds.

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Honestly, at this point, between watching for procs, managing cooldown abilities, keeping all my dots up, and playing through boss mechanics... I don't even spec into Deathfield/Force in Balance. I know, I know... It's a DPS loss, but I hate it!


How does anyone actually watch and enjoy the game with the extra pointless clicking crap? I, personally, would love to see this ability as a simple click-cast. Can I not enjoy actually watching the game I'm playing instead of being forced to keep an eye on so many different things distracting from what's actually going on?


Bioware, please just change Deathfield/Force in Balance to a click-cast so I can use it and enjoy what's going on during the battles, instead of one more ungainly clickty click fest, please! :)


I just wanted to bring this over from another post where I replied, I feel like there are so many aspects of the interface and pointless garbage that could have been done so much better....


I mean of all the options to improve the abilities we are even talking about in this thread, how come I haven't heard any variations on throwing a lightsaber for telekinetics or the like? It's basically a stat stick anyway, so why don't we have at least one graphic that uses it, at least as a Sage/Sorcerer?


Are we not allowed to have any because Knights/Warriors also have a saber throw ability, so they can't whip out any other version?

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So sages can attack directly with Force energy, using Disturbance, but it takes a lot more power and concentration to do the same amount of damage that hitting people over the head with a rock would do. Shadows can't do this because they don't have as much TK training as Sages do, just as Sages aren't able to stealth.




You forgot Option Grp D: Leave them alone.



We get that you like it, inspite of its flaws. A lot of people dont. This thread is not for you. If you want to start your own thread on how great it is, and try to explain away why the consular class in this game is defined by throwing junk and rocks, please do. Not needed here, because the "I like it" argument doesnt cut it.


Also, your examples are just wrong. Your idea that hitting someone in the head with a boulder is somehow the pinnacle of power is laughable. Comparing gunpowder to the force is also just silly, but ok, lets talk bullets and projectiles.


What is more powerful, a .40 cal bullet or a .223? One is almost twice the diameter and much heavier than the other, yet it all comes down to the FORCE behind them. That is why high velocity rounds can weigh a fraction of larger rounds and do much more damage with their hydrostatic shockwaves from greater velocities achieved from greater force. A larger, slower bullet/rock/boulder impacts and may just poke a hole. One you can bleed out from, but compared to the high velocity round, which creates a secondary wound channel that basically just jellifies tissue, the bigger round is nowhere near as damaging. For the rock to do the kind of serious damage other force style attacks can do, it would have to be moving faster than could be easily seen. In the project animation, IT OBVIOUSLY isnt moving that fast.



NOW, what would be more elegant, more powerful? A jedi that is able to have SUCH control of the force that he can manipulate molecules and speed them up into hypervelocity projectiles and just trash a target, or one that can pick up a rock and throw it about as fast as a baseball fastball, like in the project ani? And if that series of molecular projectiles glows with force energy, then fine, it could look like a ball or some kind of quanta of energy, because for a jedi energy and matter should be close to the same thing. To a jedi, size matters not...so who are you to say throwing a rock is harder or easier than throwing molecules for a jedi through the force? Who knows...what we do know is that the current animation doesnt cut it.


No physical projectile IS EVER going to look as cool as a force energy animation done right, and IT WILL NEVER, EVER have the kind of damage potential...picking up a rock and throwing it is childs play compared to controlling energy and molecules and propelling them at the kind of velocities that jedi are capable of through the force. And for that rock to be propelled as fast and have the kind of damage potential as other energy/molecular weapons, it would NO LONGER BE A ROCK, at least not one that we could see. Jedi have no need to throw large objects at obviously slower speeds, because they can throw molecules/energy at MUCH faster speeds. Which are MASSIVELY more damaging than just some large mass. That should be obvious to you. If not, go back to the .40 cal bullet travelling at 950fps versus the .223 round travelling at close to 3000 fps. Size matters not...and especially not in this case as the .223 round is FAR more damaging.


You like throwing junk. A lot of players don't. And for good reason. It looks silly. It isnt powerful. It is more shaman-like than jedi-like. Some people like pebblestorm because they think its more embarrassing for their enemy to die from pebbles. You could put in dog poo lightsabers (not that far from black cores) and some players will be on the forums claiming they are their favorite thing ever, and they wont play jedi anymore if they are removed. There is a better way than junk and rocks. Sorry if you dont see it, Im afraid your love for chunk a clunker has blinded you to some basics.

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I posted this concept in a another tread ealier, but im giong to link it here to.


Telekenetic Throw animation concept video with commentary:


Ppl have been informing that something like this animation already excists in SWTOR.

If this is true, Bioware would have even less trouble changing the animation.

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I'm sorry, but you say liking it doesn't cut it, yet your argument is that you don't like it. You can argue about "elegance" or "power" all you want, it's still purely subjective.


Besides, if you want to show mastery of the force, why aren't we just one shotting everything by crushing brains/batteries?


And don't forget, Project is the one used by Shadows mostly, and they're not the masters of the force here. The Sage even has a whole tree dedicated to not using Project, though you still have to "suffer" Telekinetic Throw. Balance does buff and use it though, but you have a choice there.

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I posted this concept in a another tread ealier, but im giong to link it here to.


Telekenetic Throw animation concept video with commentary:


Ppl have been informing that something like this animation already excists in SWTOR.

If this is true, Bioware would have even less trouble changing the animation.


I saw that. The last thing the class needs is to throw more junk.

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I saw that. The last thing the class needs is to throw more junk.


So we need more blue fireballs and hadoukens?

Retorical question, dont answer that.


Many ppl argue that throwing things is a dark siden thing to do.

Yet Bioware gave Sith lightning. So what is the most neutral / nice thing to do to someone that you intend to kill? <- Not a retorical question, you can answer that one.


So, what is your suggestion?

Iv read all the "blue force punch" and "force tornado" suggestions, and to me they sound.. well.. its a matter of oppinion.


Using the color blue in everything dosent make it a good suggestion.

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So we need more blue fireballs and hadoukens?

Retorical question, dont answer that.


Many ppl argue that throwing things is a dark siden thing to do.

Yet Bioware gave Sith lightning. So what is the most neutral / nice thing to do to someone that you intend to kill? <- Not a retorical question, you can answer that one.


So, what is your suggestion?

Iv read all the "blue force punch" and "force tornado" suggestions, and to me they sound.. well.. its a matter of oppinion.


Using the color blue in everything dosent make it a good suggestion.


Throwing more junk is the absolute worst suggestion. Keep it in your thread. There are much better ideas in this thread, including swapping in a consular saber throw. OR yes, any of the Satele like effects. Rocks and junk are boring and unimaginative. Even if you ignore that sith throw junk more than jedi. Even if you ignore the fact that the animation has a delay that it isnt supposed to have. Even if you ignore the fact that IT ignores your environment. One of the MOST stupid things about the current animation is that we magically pull up crap out of the ground. Your idea makes that even worse, because we pull up more crap. No thanks.

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Throwing more junk is the absoute worst suggestion. Keep it in your thread. There are much better ideas in this thread, including swapping in a consular saber throw. OR yes, any of the Satele like effects. Rocks and junk are boring and unimaginative. Even if you ignore that sith throw junk more than jedi. Even if you ignore the fact that the animation has a delay that it isnt supposed to have. Even if you ignore the fact that IT ignores your environment. One of the MOST stupid things about the current animation is that we magically pull up crap out of the ground. Your idea makes that even worse, because we pull up more crap. No thanks.


How is Project a boring animation? You smash a Siths face in with a rock /droid.

Project is one of the more unique animations in the whole game, and it fits in perfectly.

Im not alone having this oppinion.


Saber throw? So... A copy of the Jedi Sentinels throw then?

Thats creativity for you. Maybe we should make it.... BLUE! Yes blue! So it looks more force'y


I will agree with you on one thing. The "haoudoken" idea was awsome! 300 years ago, when Street Fighter made it.


We can discuss this "issue" to the end of time, but. Its only a matter of oppinion.

We wont agree. You can post your ideas, and i will post mine.


The only thing i dont want, is for Bioware to think that everyone hates Project.

Because thats not true.

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How is Project a boring animation? You smash a Siths face in with a rock /droid.

Project is one of the more unique animations in the whole game, and it fits in perfectly.

Im not alone having this oppinion.


Saber throw? So... A copy of the Jedi Sentinels throw then?

Thats creativity for you. Maybe we should make it.... BLUE! Yes blue! So it looks more force'y


I will agree with you on one thing. The "haoudoken" idea was awsome! 300 years ago, when Street Fighter made it.


We can discuss this "issue" to the end of time, but. Its only a matter of oppinion.

We wont agree. You can post your ideas, and i will post mine.


The only thing i dont want, is for Bioware to think that everyone hates Project.

Because thats not true.


Did I troll your thread? No. Did I go in your thread and post a link to my thread? No. I did read your thread. I think it is nice that you put in the effort to animate your idea. But the idea of pulling up MORE junk, magically, is just as inherently flawed, well moreso, than what we have now. So, you have your thread, kindly stay in it. Or offer ways to improve the NUMEROUS stated flaws of Project, instead of coming up with the bland idea to just throw more junk, magically pulled up out of the ground in the same nonsensical fashion. Talk about uncreative.


Yes, SOME people like throwing junk. Some people think its ok to have a jedi class based on it. Many dont. Many think it is one of the main reasons there is a coolness gap between the factions and why there are more Sith. What is boring about rocks and junk? Well, BECAUSE THEY ARE ROCKS AND JUNK. Whereas other class have lightning, blasters, flamethrowers, and missiles. There are plenty of crap generic games out there where you can play a shaman. If you want to complain about jedi throwing lightsabers, then perhaps you should look at another IP? Consulars have sabers, yet they do VERY little with them. Sages do virtually nothing with them. This has been pointed out by a number of players. Also jedi throw their sabers, this is very well documented in the lore, and the animation looks very nice in this game with the motion blur. So yes, that is actually an excellent idea.


You want to talk about creativity, yet, you want to double down and have more of the WORST animation in the game? What is creative about magically defying reality and pulling up rocks out of starship decks? Or magically defying reality and somehow having a droid graveyard EVERYWHERE at your feet, no matter where you are? Sure its a game, sure, you have to accept the idea of the Force, but that is what star wars is all about. What you should not have to accept is pure stupidity where you are expected to believe there is an endless supply of junk at your feet, wherever you are. That isnt creative, that is called a flawed concept and a piss poor implementation. The animatoin would be terrible, EVEN IF jedi were junk throwers.

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Did I troll your thread? No. You have your thread. Yes, SOME people like throwing junk. Some people think its ok to have a jedi class based on it. Many dont. Many think it is one of the main reasons there is a coolness gap between the factions and why there are more Sith. What is boring about rocks and junk? Well, BECAUSE THEY ARE ROCKS AND JUNK. Whereas other class have lightning, blasters, flamethrowers, missiles. There are plenty of crap generic games out there where you can play a shaman. If you want to complain about jedi throwing lightsabers, then perhaps you should look at another IP?


You want to talk about creativity yet, you want to double down and have more of the WORST animation in the game? What is creative about magically defying reality and pulling up rocks out of starship decks? Or magically defying reality and somehow having a droid graveyard EVERYWHERE at your feet, no matter where you are. That isnt creative, that is called a flawed concept and a piss poor implementation.


If it looks like im trolling, im sorry. That is not intended.


Why dident you roll a sith? that keeps popping up in my mind. The "coolness" factor clearly is lacking at the republic side (from your point of view).


Have you ever considerd the Jedi Counslar class to be aimed at an more adult audience?


I have no problem what so ever that Jedi Sentinels throw there lightsaber, so a IP change wont be nessesery. Since they are more a warrior jedi version, specialising in cutting sith.


Another thing. For the Saber toss idea to work, there has to be 2 versions of it.

1 with a single saber throw (for sages) and 1 for double blades (shadows).

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If it looks like im trolling, im sorry. That is not intended.


Why dident you roll a sith? that keeps popping up in my mind. The "coolness" factor clearly is lacking at the republic side (from your point of view).


Have you ever considerd the Jedi Counslar class to be aimed at an more adult audience?


I have no problem what so ever that Jedi Sentinels throw there lightsaber, so a IP change wont be nessesery. Since they are more a warrior jedi version, specialising in cutting sith.


Another thing. For the Saber toss idea to work, there has to be 2 versions of it.

1 with a single saber throw (for sages) and 1 for double blades (shadows).


Hopefully adults are a little more into critical thinking...which means that they should be sitting there going "now where in the heck is all that junk coming from at my feet? Why am I pulling up rocks out of the floor of this building or deck of this starship? Where are all these droid parts coming from? Why are my primary jedi skills tied to junk throwing?" So actually, no, given the ridiculous nature and poor mechanics of the consular animations, it actually never occurred to me that they had adults in mind, in any way shape or form. In fact, just the opposite. You have to ignore the obvious problems and just go wow, I canz throes big stuffz!!1!!!...to actually like that animation.


So you seriously think that having a double bladed LS throw at 10m represents any kind of challenge for BW in addition to having a single blade throw out to 30m? Uh no. That is trivial. And you think its smart to come in a 30 page+ thread where the whole IDEA is that junk throwing doesnt work as the basis of the class for a number of reasons, and your contribution is "Hey, here a link to my thread with this idea...let's throw MORE junk...we can just keep magically pulling it out of the ground, piece of junk after piece of junk"...Ugh.


I have multiple accounts with multiple toons, in BOTH factions. I have a 50 sent and a 50 sage. I have sorcerers, a scoundrel, assassin, shadow, powertech, guardian, vanguard, and commando, all at various levels, from 11 on up. In addition I have been playing the game since last July in beta, where I tried just about every class multiple times across multiple builds as well. I am making suggestions that are IMO for the good of the game. I want EVERY class to be incredible. When you play all the classes, from both factions, CONSULAR is by FAR the most disappointing, especially for this star wars fan. To have a jedi class based on tossing junk and debris is reprehensible, IMO. And even if you play other classes, exclusively, you still have to see grp mates or opponents cast the same ridiculous junk throwing animations, over and over and over. Because they are central to the class and define the class.


There are FAR better ways to go. That is the purpose of this thread. To ask me what my suggestions are when I have laid them out so clearly is very poor form. I do know the consular class was done after the inquistors and it shows. It is like they are an after thought, done by the B team. You dont watch the star wars movies, then think "junk" when you think jedi.

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I'm sorry, but you say liking it doesn't cut it, yet your argument is that you don't like it. You can argue about "elegance" or "power" all you want, it's still purely subjective.


Besides, if you want to show mastery of the force, why aren't we just one shotting everything by crushing brains/batteries?


And don't forget, Project is the one used by Shadows mostly, and they're not the masters of the force here. The Sage even has a whole tree dedicated to not using Project, though you still have to "suffer" Telekinetic Throw. Balance does buff and use it though, but you have a choice there.


If you think my argument is no better than "I dont like it", then you just havent been reading or paying attention...


1) More Sith than jedi throw debris/junk in the movies. Jedi rarely do it. Every Sith does it. Basing the jedi class on something that SITH do more than Jedi is questionable at best. Furthermore, debris throwing has traditionally been classified as a darkside trait going back 15 years in multiple lucasarts officially licensed, seminal jedi games.


2) With BOTH project and throw centered around junk/debris throwing, the class is defined by it. That is repulsive to many players, and is a HUGE disappointment for the representation of jedi.


3) The animations are horribly flawed in concept. This has been stated a million times. They are ignorant of the environment and expect you to believe there are endless supplies of junk buried at your feet, everywhere. Its beyond stupid. They demand you buy into something that is so obviously impossible its just ludicrous.


4) Together, project and throw create a coolness gap...other classes have much better themes...The jedi theme is junk...literally. Compared to other classes in the game, junk throwing is the most ridiculous and the most contrary to the IP. As one player posted, who actually LIKED pebblestorm...he liked it because he felt is was more embarrassing to die from it, so it was a way of taunting his enemies...yeah, that is definitely the sign of a 5 star animation and the signature skill for the jedi caster class....you should BE EMBARRASSED when you die from it because it looks so ridiculous...


5) There are FAR better options available, some of which are in this thread. Options with more WOW factor and more JEDI appeal.


6) The project animation is clearly not suited to be instant...it takes TIME to pull up junk and TIME to spin it in the air, and TIME to hurl it. It needs an activation timer, EVEN if you like throwing junk. This REALLY is not debatable, if you want to be honest. The delay it introduces is unacceptable and is likely being addressed by BW as we post about it.

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