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Cross-server PvP Queues coming


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I just want to kill in WZs when ever i log on, i dont want my playing time dictated by server populations.

We pay to play not pay to wait Hrs for a group with the same people over & over how borimg!!


Your server must be really, REALLY bad if you are waiting hours and hours for a queue. I'm sorry that you picked a bad one. The good news is that you can always just roll a character on a server that is decent if what you want to do is PvP.


I never have to wait more than 5-10 minutes. People say that we do outnumber the Pubs, but I hardly ever play Huttball against my own faction. To top it all off, we have a great community.


Instead of trying to sucker poor fools into rolling on your dead server all the time, why don't you just relocate to a better one?

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ummmm no i dont play in Prime time i work nights so when i log after work its dead & im like great 15 a month for a game i cant play unless i wake up at a certian time of the day! ummmm hello i have a Real life to attend aswell!


The time is now ~3:30. Just queued for WZ....Instant queue. Yay! :D





Well, it was one of those in-progress games. That's the way it goes sometimes. Republic seems to win a lot here. I only had to wait 2-3 minutes for my next queue though. Not too shabby.


Since your play times are so much different from most, you might want to consider rolling on a west coast server. Ajunta Pall is the only west coast RP-PvP server. I bet they have a huge population.

Edited by belialle
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ummmm no i dont play in Prime time i work nights so when i log after work its dead & im like great 15 a month for a game i cant play unless i wake up at a certian time of the day! ummmm hello i have a Real life to attend aswell!


Taking the COMMUNITY out of the mmo, one game at a time.


People like you should be playing COD or BF3, not a social game like an mmo.


But hey, bioware is following suit with blizzard and turning mmos into casual COD romps. taking the social aspects out of this genre.


What a slippery freaking slope. Utter disappointment in bioware. They said they wouldnt add cross server bull****. Freaking lies.

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cross server queues suck. it kills any sense of community, and you will see the number of players who jump ship at the very first sign of a loss increase exponentially.


just like there will be no cross server flashpoints, please do not add in cross server pvp

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why do you think we want more people to come to Ven Zallow??

could it be so we have a larger player base?!

untill cross server happens we are dictated by server times/prime time for fast WZ pops so a fix till then is get more people who like 24/7 PvP to join the server = more pops & less dead time at off peak Hours!

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Lol at that comment from Gabe, what was all this talk before launch from the devs saying how they were dead against cross-server queues because it ruins pvp community.


I'll just never go in warzones if it happens, lets hope they sort ilum lag.



Already know about 10 ppl who unsubbed the game due to the severe bugs in end game raids, dnt now push out the regular pvpers because of children crying about having to play a warzone they dont win every time.


they didn't expect the game to die so fast. you need cross-server when that happens.

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why do you think we want more people to come to Ven Zallow??

could it be so we have a larger player base?!

untill cross server happens we are dictated by server times/prime time for fast WZ pops so a fix till then is get more people who like 24/7 PvP to join the server = more pops & less dead time at off peak Hours!


What is easier? Trying to recruit people to your dead server? Or just moving to a vibrant one?


I just queued twice in a row. One instant queue, one 2-3 minute queue. It's 4 AM here. It's 5AM server time.


If your server sucks for PvP, wouldn't it be so much easier to just move to a better one?

Edited by belialle
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I don't see how small battlegroups of servers wouldn't alleviate most of the queue problems, but still retain a pretty large amount of the "community" you all are desperately clinging onto, I know everyone worth knowing on both sides of my server's factions, say you're a mid pop server and they just merge two or three of them together for a battlegroup. That's honestly not that many more people to form "rivalries" with. There's no dev comment on how they're actually going to go about it, but despite what you'd take over que times, the bottom line is if a large portion of the population base (spread out on medium-low pop servers) wants to pvp and they can't do so in a timely fashion, they'll move on to other games. There's a higher chance that people who hate 10 minute + queues will quit than people who don't like cross server pvp will quit. Nothing would be keeping anyone from grouping with friends from their own server, and there will still be a server side community, it won't just dissolve. That's just hyperbole.
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Cross server because the servers are becoming empty and aren't popping queues fast enough.

They used to have queue timers they were so full, now they barely hit high during peak times


I get queue's has soon has I leave a war zone on my server lol (during prime time). I suggest you man up and roll a toon on The Fatman server ( republic side if you want my experience :D)

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It's pretty hilarious that people think cross-server PvP will make their queues instant 24/7. Just look at the Wow forums, Horde players are waiting 30-45 minutes to get into each match.


yeah like years ago before they merged battlegroups together


to all the "this kills the server community" last i check you are still on a server you know talk to people on YOUR server and get into a premade or join a pvp guild they are even bringing in RANKED WZ for the people on your server to group up and compete in.

Edited by genmyke
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  • 4 weeks later...

Cross server PvP is alright in my book, hell even x-server FP is fine by me. Didnt affect my experience in WoW. If i wanted 'community' I joined a guild, competed with them, raided with them etc. Built new friendships within a structured group.


In terms for end game pvp (ilum) maybe multiple servers can compete? More players on each side, more epic fights. And dont tell me it kills the game, WoW is still doing well. Yes, its lost/loosing players, but its still going strong.


As long as I can participate in PvP matches with my guildies, im happy. You want community? Join a guild :)

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We are all in one community. Wanting to hide and only play with the same 30 people makes you Amish.


Again this idea of server communities is silly. Servers are simply hard split instances. They break up the community not foster it. Interacting and playing with a larger and more diverse group of players is superior.


A continent is a hard cut piece of land. A border is an imaginary divide. Do you call yourself and identify yourself as Canadian / American / New Yorker? People build a sense of community exactly because of 'splits' -- in real life people can only maintain about 150 friends so even as hard-wiring into our brain from our tribal days we appreciate and respond to recognition of a smaller-set of people.




CSQ. Not looking forward to it -- would be more tolerable if there was solid oPVP on 'PVP Servers'. I pvp a lot in WZs and part of that for me - a big part - is getting to know who is on the server. How well they fight and how they conduct themselves? Do they fight with dignity or do they scream about how losing the battle is everyone else's fault? Seeing an enemy guild in battle and appreciating their skill -- that's also a big part.


From Bioware's history and the license. I expected something truly innovative and immersive from this MMORPG. Instead we get WoW in Space with the aDhD fixes for loud-fingered keyboard jockeys.


Better oPvP -- please -- so I don't have to contend with CSQ and Rated WZs.

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