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Cross-server PvP Queues coming


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Faster Q times, Server Pride E-peen, ect.


I see no problem, bring it on. :)


It won't work that way though (server pride). It doesn't work that way in WoW and I doubt it'd be any different on here...if anything players are more disrespectful towards each other because they can.


Not to mention what are the chances of more AFKers, botters and exploiters? The cusomter service is awful already, I imagine having to deal with the other server's would heighten those chances.

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I don't understand why everyone is in such a hurry to bully BW into making the same mistakes that Blizzard made. If you want cross-server crap, go back to whatever game you came from that has it. If I stop seeing people from my server in PvP, I'll be hard-pressed to think of a reason to stick around. I don't want cross-server anything. I have already been down that road. I know what is there, and I don't want to do it again. Edited by belialle
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LOL cross server BGs saved PvP in WoW i know i was there the forums looked just like these forums!

Then cross servers came & the population stablized & PvP was epic instant pops & yes i was with my server most of the time till it was off peak then i still got to PvP even tho my server population was dead at that hour!

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No, short sighted is gimping an already gimped community just to make getting a queue on low pop servers faster.


We are all in one community. Wanting to hide and only play with the same 30 people makes you Amish.


Again this idea of server communities is silly. Servers are simply hard split instances. They break up the community not foster it. Interacting and playing with a larger and more diverse group of players is superior.


Why people think fighting wars against the same 25 people forever makes any sense is beyond me. Why people cling to this community idea is beyond rational thought. It is a massively inferior experience.


I don't know if you just like being a big fish in a tiny pond but there is nothing mmog about making sure you only play with a minuscule part of the playerbase.

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LOL cross server BGs saved PvP in WoW i know i was there the forums looked just like these forums!

Then cross servers came & the population stablized & PvP was epic instant pops & yes i was with my server most of the time till it was off peak then i still got to PvP even tho my server population was dead at that hour!


Yeah, I liked it, too....at first. Hindsight is 20/20. In retrospect, I wish they hadn't done it. It caused some fundamental changes in the community, and I would have been happier in the long run without it.


The fact that they are doing this so early in the game's life is kind of distressing to me. Hopefully, they'll have server groups, rather than just lumping us all together like they eventually did in WoW. I did enjoy the server rivalry we had with a certain server in our battlegroup in WoW.


Look, I'm sorry that your server sucks so badly that you apparently feel like you need to pimp it all over the place. There are better servers out there. Maybe you should try one of them instead.

Edited by belialle
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Cross server's are going to make it feel like a grind again (AFKers and all!). Sadly if it ends up following the steps of Blizzard, I'll probably take my leave (if I want an anonymous community, I'd go back to a less flawed game). I can put up with bugs, lag, broken patches and other flaws, but taking away my favorite part of the game....that will be where I draw the line.


Cross server queueing won't fix your dead servers. It's like putting a bandaid on a gaping wound. Sigh. I wish people could see past the "my queues will be faster" theory. It goes deeper than that.

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it saved WoW not doing it kill Warhammer online.

Hmmmmm your right screw everyone that pays each month they dont need fast WZ pops or WZs in dead server times.

you are so right how silly of me to want to WZ & not wait 1hr for a pop, how silly of me to want to WZ against everyone i can, how silly of me to want to be apart of the "whole PvP community"

but you lot are right what a silly idea Cross server was im sure everyone will thank you if you get it killed & yours is the only server left!

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I'm happy with this decision.


1. Your server will be grouped if theres enough people, so MORE THAN NOT I will still see people on my server, plus premades are premade, I'll still only be talking to my team mates. I don't read the crap in general during warzones anyway. Not even sure why its there. Maybe so I can listen to one idiot type skeet skeet every 10 seconds?


2. When I want to do a warzone when theres 40 people on fleet and I've been qued for 30 minutes, I'll run the risk of an AFK'er, especially since I'm sure fixes are on the way for them. Better taking the risk than not playing at all for hours.


3. Why do I care about the community of the people on the other team? I haven't seen republic players on my server in along time anyway, so its no change to me.

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It's so funny people keep saying cross server pvp is going to ruin the "community" or how they like going against the same people. Building a name for them self as the best w/e on their server or they will always get huttball 24/7. But are to dumb to realize that 1. once cross server pvp is implemented that you will be able to queue for w/e warzone you want AKA not huttball ever. Or 2. there will be a match making system no im not talking about ranked matches but a hidden elo that will match you with other players of similar skill/gear so building a name for your self will still be quite easy if you don't suck. Plus we dont even know how large these battlegroups will be for all we know it could only be 2-4 servers per group. I for one am a fan of this, This will do nothing but improve game play for everyone especially for those that did not want queue times to log in to play that are now on servers that have no WZ queues popping at 50 and very little to no pvp in ilum.
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2. there will be a match making system no im not talking about ranked matches but a hidden elo that will match you with other players of similar skill/gear so building a name for your self will still be quite easy if you don't suck.



Can you link to the devs post mentioning this, I must've missed it at one point.


And despite singling out people who dislike the changes due to the community aspect, you didn't address that point at all.

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or they will always get huttball 24/7.


I'm sorry your server sucks, but I don't get Huttball 24/7. I often get to play Huttball against Pubs, in fact. This leads me to my next point.....


1. once cross server pvp is implemented that you will be able to queue for w/e warzone you want AKA not huttball ever.


But if the faction imbalance is as bad as people say, you will still have wait times when you queue for your specified WZ. Even WoW had faction imbalance problems that led to really long wait times for Horde players....and that was with cross-server PvP and random BGs.


Also, considering that I get a very good mix of WZs on my server, I would be pretty resentful if cross-server queues meant that we started getting Huttball all the time due to the alleged overall faction imbalance. I like Huttball. I don't want to start hating it because that's the only thing that pops for me in the random WZ queue.


2. there will be a match making system no im not talking about ranked matches but a hidden elo that will match you with other players of similar skill/gear so building a name for your self will still be quite easy if you don't suck.


So make rated matches cross-server.


Plus we dont even know how large these battlegroups will be for all we know it could only be 2-4 servers per group.


That might be OK. Maybe.


This will do nothing but improve game play for everyone


....Except for the people who are on servers that don't suck. No offense, but I don't like the idea of being penalized because some whiners don't know how to choose a good server for themselves.



I suspect that many of us speak out against it because we've seen what happened when another game we used to enjoy took similar steps. That other game waited several years before doing this though. To add it so early in this game's life seems hasty, and it makes me feel a little fearful of what might come of it. I am wary based on past experience with this sort of thing. For now I'm adopting a "wait and see" approach. If it turns out bad, I have other ways to spend my free time.

Edited by belialle
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(artists always look at technique over substance and are horrible at creating design that appeals to anyone but other artists or snooty critics)


This one time, in art school, I had this chief instructor that was horrible at creating design that appealed to anyone but other artists or snooty critics.


He designed the submersible that is launched via torpedo tube from a navy sub that is used to deploy SEALs in clandestine maritime insertions.


Also, he created He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.



But he wasn't the only one.


Then, this other time at art school, I had this Marine for a life drawing instructor. He had his nose broken 4 times in bar fights, and it sort of wandered across his face. He could hit himself in the face and crack it back into position. He did this every morning. Also, he threw xacto knifes at the walls and could hit a target the size of a quarter from across the studio.


And then, one time, he unrolled this 6 foot roll of butcher paper for us to show us one of the most beautiful portraits I had ever seen- A Saudi oil baron paid him 25,000 dollars to paint his bride's portrait, and he drew every sheer and transparent garment she was wearing, 7 layers. The sheet of butcher paper that had every detail of her wedding dress drawn to life-like perfection? that was the rough sketch.


but you know, those artists are only good at pleasing themselves, and snooty critics.

But hey, I only knew that because I interned at a hollywood costume company where we did nothing but make stuff out of feathers for showgirls, strippers, burlesque dancers, and all the other professions that involve insanely hot girls wearing not a lot of clothing.

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I'm sorry your server sucks, but I don't get Huttball 24/7. I often get to play Huttball against Pubs, in fact. This leads me to my next point.....


Im not saying people actually get it 24/7 but as seen is waaay to many post people hate huttball i my self like it. so was simply stating they wont have to play it.




So make rated matches cross-server.


They will have ranked matches cross-server i was just pointing out that even out side of ranked you will still be match with people of similar skill level still giving you a since of community.




....Except for the people who are on servers that don't suck.


Well unfortunately not everyone is on a server that doesn't suck :(

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