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PVP balance after the last patch


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My understanding of PVP in every MMORPG is next: you have to have 50% wins and 50% losses in PVP warzones, like it was in swtor before last patch. If you doing 70% wins of your games - thats 20% margin of your skills in it, and surely vise versa...if you loss more than half of your games - you must understand that you are not Chuck yet here.


What Im trying to say, this scheme worked before the last patch( at lest for me), but after loosing 8 last games in row today and 6 (ok, out of 9 yesterday, while being ranked 1-3th in medals every game - I decided to post a simple question - "What is going on?"



I see that now in every game I play vs geared guys from same guild, but I play solo...


Did last patch said good bye for soloing warzones?

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It's always possible to hit bad streaks. Sometimes I win 10 games in a row and then lose the next 10 in a row. Also, you're most likely to get into a game with the guys you just played simply because all those guys presumably re-queued at roughly the same time as you after a game's over. Especially for Empire versus Republic, that means if you got clownstomped the last game by 8 killer Republics and you queue again immediately, you're most likely seeing those 8 guys again if you didn't get Huttball. If you're worried about that, just wait a few minutes before queueing. But this also works in reverse, if you were on team awesome against the Republic and immediately requeue, chances are pretty good you end up on that team again (again if it's not Huttball). Edited by Astarica
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