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Community Q&A – Feb 10th 2012 Blog Discussion


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Legacy is still going to be interesting. So far however it sounds a lot like a Chiss being a Jedi to me, which from a lore point, makes no sense. And perhaps old characters can take themselves to what amounts to create a character again and completely change themselves, perhaps even change their race. If this is all it offers, I am going to be thoroughly disappointed.


On another note I really hope they fix PvP. Right now you have players who play the objective and they don't get nearly as many commendations as those who just go in for the kills. Illum is 1 of 3 things now. 1. A lagfest when you actually have some decent world pvp going on. 2. A gankfest where one faction is camping the middle. 3. A Borefest where you have to collect weapons because the republic suddenly had all their arms factories destroyed. : WHAT!? Come on Bioware. Competitive gamers need their fix, rather than giving us what amounts to Huttball 2, give us fixes to the current issues. Playing the objective should score you more points than trying to be rambo ever could. And for the love of all that is holy please fix dailies and weeklies. There are people who run warzones all day and they get 30 loss streaks! Am I the only one that thinks that perhaps rather than winning a match, that participating in a full match, whether win or lose should count for the daily? If 3 participations isn't enough make it 6, but for the love of god think of the people on the losing team. I understand the gear grind but things like this turn people off from PvP. And please Bioware make Illum fun regardless of if there are enemies on it or not. At NPCs that you can kill in a player's stead, but make it use an AI that mimicks a players' movements and actions. Have it jump around, and have it hunt for players rather than just standing still, or walking around a certain spot. Make people want to bring their friends in because right now when I think Illum PvP I think circle of boredom (Center Capture Point)...If I invite my buds it will take 3 times as long. Add speeders with turrets that can shred through small groups and have those walkers fight back and shoot at enemies. Or better yet make them usable and let players have vehicle combat. Add upgradable and capturable outposts around Illum making certain paths dangerous to walk and allow players to use tactics ranging from Guerrilla warfare to choke points. I love free content as much as the next guy, but the focus really should be on fixing the current issues with the game.


Overall though I'd like to see one more thing implemented. More customization.


And for all of you people who think I'm a hater. I'm not. I just want to see this game successful in the long run and these are just some ideas I had floating in my head to improve the overall situation.

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You answered mostly questions that I feel have been answered to some degree already while still completely ignoring other questions that many, many customers continue to ask you. Some new stuff, but not enough.


But...at least you said something to us. *sigh*


That said, I'll be looking forward to the "Hue to Chest" feature. Or at least I would if there were any gear variety whatsoever that would make such a thing even worthwhile. (Gear variety being an issue you blatantly continue to ignore, btw).


Not enough Gear Variety!? With orange gear and the upcoming removable-purple-mods you can look (almost) whatever you want to look like. With Juggernauts wearing BH armor, Marauders wearing Agent armor and vice versa for PvP, I'd argue there's even cases of too much Gear Variety in the game already!


They also said on the community Q&A that they'll be adding Medium and Heavy social armor.


I'm pretty sure they'll add in more orange and purple items with new tiers of PvE and PvP content in the future, but for a just-launched MMO, this has a metric frakton of valid gear options for endgame already, mate. WoW took 7 years to introduce an option to customize your look at all.

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Legacy is still going to be interesting. So far however it sounds a lot like a Chiss being a Jedi to me, which from a lore point, makes no sense. And perhaps old characters can take themselves to what amounts to create a character again and completely change themselves, perhaps even change their race. If this is all it offers, I am going to be thoroughly disappointed.


And the sad thing is, if they had actually made race a meaningful customization decision, this feature would actually mean something. No racial abilities, no race-specific quest lines, no race-specific dialogue choices on 99.9% of quests.


Races being little more than alternate character skins is acceptable (if a little disappointing) until you create in-game rewards using them. Most people aren't going to reroll entire characters and replay an entire class story for a new character skin.

Edited by Greyfeld
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Their stance about ac switching will change after a few months, since it's purely a money making decision for now as there are people rolling all sort of chars and paying to do so.


I on the other hand won't give them a single cent until they implement it because the way it is now is just retarded.

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I wasn't very impressed with it tbh, felt like i was reading some sort of political speech. They may of well just said that they were working on new stuff and patch 1.2 will be awesome :)


I do like this game and don't really have a problem as such, but i just found most of this piece irritating. One point was :


The Legacy System will take some first steps towards incentivizing players to look at what the other side has to offer and we will continue watching the most extreme servers to see if additional steps are needed.


well that's all well and good getting people to roll the other side, but what if the other side on the server is as dead or rotting as the one you presently play? it really isn't going to help those people much.


Server transfers would be good, but i wouldn't pay to move a character from a dead server anyways, i just rerolled, however it is still irritating.

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Please not another Huttball! That warzone is a display of creative bankruptcy. It tells no story, shows no creativity in design, and it's annoying as hell. The only way to play it is with voice volume off to make the announcer shut its yap, and even then it's boring after the first match.


If you manage to repeat that amount of inadequacy, I'll have to idle out of 50% of all warzone matches instead of just 33% :(

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Annexes: In the EU our keyboards are a little different than in the US, and I´m wondering if you guys are going to make the "bug report" shortcut key unbindable?


Daniel Erickson: Yes! This will be addressed in a weekly patch in the very near future.




I used this button to go steath in WoW and its driving me crazy now pressing it all the time >__________<

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I am happy with this Q&A!

I now know target of target is coming.

I now know that they have not changed their stance on AC respecs

I now know their stance on cross server tools has changed!


Al thu not asked i already know a lfg tool is in the works from another dev post. That along with changing their stance on cross server pvp i now feel sure that the in the works lfg tool will be cross server when it is released!

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I was excited about the Legacy system at first and I still sort of am. But it has me worried that they will also butcher the lore with it. I'd hate to see Sith Pureblood Jedi running rampant because as cool as it sounds and looks(probably), it makes zero sense. Some may argue that one appears in the story of the game, but as a whole, that character is an exception. Pureblood Jedi should not be seen in droves. They should leave that race exclusive to the Empire and grant the Republic an exclusive race.


I'd much rather the Legacy system allows CERTAIN race/class combos and allows new races to choose from. We already see Mon Calamari, Togrutas, Chagrigans, Rodians, Devaronians, Nautolans, Cathar and some other races in the game. Just open those for player selection. Given that the Empire does not like or approve of aliens make one of those Republic exclusive the same way the Sith Purebloods are Empire only. This way rolling a Republic will be encouraged due to being able to play a unique race. Incentivise people.


I'd personally love to be able to pick a Mon Calamari for example. Or a Togruta. Or a Nautolan. And I assume many others want those choices available too. But I certainly hope they stand by their lore abiding principles as stated multiple times by Daniel Erickson and don't go all crazy and ruin it for us "lore nerds" or however people choose to label us.

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Deezler, we wont miss you..


Constant whining in this game by the players and still this MMO has by far troughout the MMO timeframe been giving the absolutly most feedback you can get and still ppl ***** about it. I feel really really sorry for you guys/girls out there...Cant be easy being you..



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I was excited about the Legacy system at first and I still sort of am. But it has me worried that they will also butcher the lore with it. I'd hate to see Sith Pureblood Jedi running rampant because as cool as it sounds and looks(probably), it makes zero sense. Some may argue that one appears in the story of the game, but as a whole, that character is an exception. Pureblood Jedi should not be seen in droves. They should leave that race exclusive to the Empire and grant the Republic an exclusive race.


I'd much rather the Legacy system allows CERTAIN race/class combos and allows new races to choose from. We already see Mon Calamari, Togrutas, Chagrigans, Rodians, Devaronians, Nautolans, Cathar and some other races in the game. Just open those for player selection. Given that the Empire does not like or approve of aliens make one of those Republic exclusive the same way the Sith Purebloods are Empire only. This way rolling a Republic will be encouraged due to being able to play a unique race. Incentivise people.


I'd personally love to be able to pick a Mon Calamari for example. Or a Togruta. Or a Nautolan. And I assume many others want those choices available too. But I certainly hope they stand by their lore abiding principles as stated multiple times by Daniel Erickson and don't go all crazy and ruin it for us "lore nerds" or however people choose to label us.


All in all I have to agree with this entirely, and expand on it a little.

It's quite obvious that npc's in game have far more options for customization that players currently do, I personally would like to see this expanded upon. More facial customization is a definate must in my opinion.


New races interest me greatly and feel that with the variety available in the Star Wars Universe (and currently ingame with npc's) there are a wealth of options to explore.


Just to browse over several of the bullet points in the Q&A


Whilst I can see the attraction of housing (especially coming from SWG) I honestly dont feel it has a place in ToR. I would however like customization of ships (inside and out) to be able to personalize my own space.


Quite honestly I am really looking forward to the legacy system, the impending guild enhancements and UI customization.

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Do you really want to hear that "it's coming, but there is no ETA"? To me that seems like a waste of a response.


Yes, a simple "We're already working on them right now/we have made a project plan for them, but unfortunately we cannot give you a specific date for their release yet." would work just fine.

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Sounds like some good stuff Bioware. Don't listen to the jerks. You've put out a great game and I hope it stays strong. I work at Gamestop and constantly promote this game. I work in an area where we have almost zero PC gamers, but we've been gettin a bunch lookin for Star Wars. Had to order more from HQ so we can keep selling them. Good Job Team keep up the work!!!!
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I was excited about the Legacy system at first and I still sort of am. But it has me worried that they will also butcher the lore with it. I'd hate to see Sith Pureblood Jedi running rampant because as cool as it sounds and looks(probably), it makes zero sense. Some may argue that one appears in the story of the game, but as a whole, that character is an exception. Pureblood Jedi should not be seen in droves. They should leave that race exclusive to the Empire and grant the Republic an exclusive race.


I'd much rather the Legacy system allows CERTAIN race/class combos and allows new races to choose from. We already see Mon Calamari, Togrutas, Chagrigans, Rodians, Devaronians, Nautolans, Cathar and some other races in the game. Just open those for player selection. Given that the Empire does not like or approve of aliens make one of those Republic exclusive the same way the Sith Purebloods are Empire only. This way rolling a Republic will be encouraged due to being able to play a unique race. Incentivise people.


I'd personally love to be able to pick a Mon Calamari for example. Or a Togruta. Or a Nautolan. And I assume many others want those choices available too. But I certainly hope they stand by their lore abiding principles as stated multiple times by Daniel Erickson and don't go all crazy and ruin it for us "lore nerds" or however people choose to label us.


I agree - They always argued that the story was more important than player enjoyment so we had suff naff species. Now they are saying thats a lie because we can have pure blood sith jedi, Chiss Troopers etc etc and get identical conversations to humans. Well why not just add in wookies

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Same stuff again, i just want to know these some things:

1 Any reason to login SWTOR at lvl 50, valor 60, rakata and battlemaster geared?

WArzones: was fun first 100500 times

Instances: for what? im rakata geared and saw almost all instances

Operations: underway nm mode

Alts: never

PVP: in swtor? rly? u mean zergin reps near base? no way for free pvp on any planet cos its empty, and i do not want to zerg at ilum with 3 fps

Quests: done

2 Why nm loot the same as hm

3 FPS issue on ilum, i saw ur posts in dev tracker, **** thats all i can say. 5 FPS, NVIDIA GTX570, Intel i7, 6 gb ram, RevoDrive x2 hard drive


Al other possible questions are no matter here, 7 of my guildmates alrdy canceled subscription, more will do the same soon.

Edited by MuadDlb
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What an absolute joke. For all of those that predicted they would avoid anything but the most softball of questions and STILL give vague and nondescript answers, you were RIGHT! They didn't answer anything.




Why did you even do this?


You probably won't even read this, but PR has to be very careful with what it gives the community, if they make even a single promise they can't keep and have to go back on it, there will be unsub threads for miles. They don't even have to do this, they don't even have to have a community forum. How many products are you involved with whose forums you can go to and complain all day and sometimes they have an answer for your problem? You have a right to comlpain about issues in a game you're paying for, I get that, but not everyone browses these forums 24/7, if they were answers to questions already asked, a good number of them were news to me because I'm not on here complaining all day. They're planning on doing it weekly right? Chill the hell out and wait for next week's questions.

Edited by Tempsticks
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