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Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Is there work on more of the creature comforts ingame that some of us are use too? (raid calendar, being able to invite from guild roster, being able to shift click a persons name and see info like level, guild, a better network for selling, loot drop info system, guild bank and of course ALOT LESS LAG.)


This stuff is not new to industry, coming up with something new is hard but repeating shouldnt be that hard.

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I know the development team is busy trying to squash bugs and crank out content but I and my wife were wondering something. We love holiday / seasonal events in other MMOs and wanted to know if you were planning on having holiday / seasonal events for SWTOR in the future?
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Right now the PvP mechanic is somewhat lacking, you would notice a large wanting for actual open world PvP with real purpose. Many in fact refer tot he original DAoC and a few others, even SWG had great environment manipulation mechanics in you can see up your own city and plant a few faction bases around it.


I would like to know if anything of this nature is in the works?

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Why, in patch 1.1.2, were shadow Techniques and assasin charges raised from 50 to 100 force cost, making them the only stance-based AC that needs a full resource bar to change stance and thus the only one that can't feasibly do so in combat? I've yet to see a dev even mention this change aside from the patch notes.
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I am a Gaymer, and I am in love with SWTOR. Although, I feel there is one major flaw in the game story-lines. I remember reading is past posts/forums that you were going to implement gay options for flirting with companions and various NPCs. I would like to know a timeline on this addition since I have already started every class and have leveled most of them to at least 32. One of the major reasons I bought this game was due to this promise of the homosexual options you were going to give players (like in many of your other games). Info please!?!
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Currently in PvP situations, healers don't seem to get as many medals as DPS or Tanking classes. You also have to "tag" them to even get credit for the kill. Is there something planned to help encourage more healers to crawl out of the woodwork to come keep their allies alive rather then just go a different spec to rank up faster?
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My question is about gear & outfits: I know you will be releasing more gear, and I am sure that style and appearance are being taken into consideration.


Will all gear being released be better than it's predecessors? or will items be released on par with other current gear?

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Whats the future of crafting?

I would like to hear more on this subject.


Seems as it stands now it is pointless.


The leveling curve makes crafting any of the lower stuff irrelevant for most of the skills.


Will crafting ever be able to produce end game quality gear, mods and weapons?


Obviously it would be very difficult maybe even needing rare mats and such but it would be nice to have the ability to make something epic.

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