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Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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If all equipment and gear from Ops and hard Flashpoints will be able to have its armour, barrel etc removed. Will this be restrospectively applied to items already gained or will we need to farm all over again to remove the mods from the new versions of the items?
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Hello Developers.


Many times I have been inconvenienced by the inability to check whether or not a specific piece of gear is available (i.e. In a set of leveling gear sometimes the head slot item is unavailable).


Will a search engine dedicated to purchaseable/attainable items be implemented into the swtor.com website or in-game?

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Can we get an update on if/when the hard-coded 'Create Ticket' keybind will be removed?


As a user of a non-US English keyboard layout this is hard-bound front center in my keybind bar (the paragraph key, to the immediate left of '1') and is causing considerable grief during general gameplay.


If there's one issue I'd rate high enough to unsubscribe due to that would be it.

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For the Legacy system, will it be like the current talent trees and we get a point each level to unlock something? Or will it be more like our abilities, where every level something new is automatically unlocked? Also, will any of the things such as species have the option to be applied to characters we've already made? For example, if I have a 50 human Jedi Knight and I unlock cyborg jedi, can I have the option to change that human to a cyborg once?
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Playing quite a few of the classes so far I've noticed that a lot, if not all, of them rely heavily on proc based skills: E.G., Troopers high impact bolt, Assassin's Exploit Weakness, etc...


While I am getting used to it, I hate having to constantly look at my buff bar/skill bar to see if I have the specific proc buffs needed to use a skill. This is especially annoying in PvP and Tanking while movement is key and glancing away from the action could mean death.


Would it be possible, or is it in the works, to add some sort of graphical overlay right on the screen that shows up when certain buffs have been gained or specific proc based skills are available?


It too Blizzard 6 years to implement this in Warcraft, and they didn't have as many proc heavy based classes as this game.

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As a huge fan of KOTOR and SWTOR, what are the chances you guys at Bioware will implement Pod racing, swoop bike racing, and pazaak into the game via a future update or expansion? I know alot of people would love to see some sort of in game activities such as gambling (pazaak) or racing. Thanks and keep up the great work! Edited by justandulas
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SW:TOR really inspires a great desire to play and create many Alt characters. Unfortunately, this makes it really hard to catch friends online sometimes, especially if you spread your characters over different factions or different servers. Are there any plans to implement a cross-server, cross-faction communication system similar to the RealID system of World of Warcraft?


I'd really love to be able to see when my Empire friends are on even if I'm playing Republic on another server. (Also fix the bug that makes it so you can't add someone to Friends if they are offline!)

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In a post prior to patch 1.1, the developers had made a post stating upcoming changes to the guardian class to address anti-kiting mechanics, as well as dps guardian survivability. neither has been seen since, and I was wondering if we were going to get any new information, or be left in the dark to speculate about how things will be changed.
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Do you plan on opening up the empty space for us to travel ( with limitations ) freely around in our ships? Which then leads me to asking would the thought of customizing our ships be out of the question and when will we see swoop bike racing!
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Despite 1000's of posts and over 25 threads on the Beta forums about how horrible and inadequate the Character Customization (creation screen) is, why did Bioware choose to release the Non-slider/preset garbage (as most in those threads called it) we got on release and can we expect this "new species" to be just as lacking in actual options ?


*See rattataki race for prime example of non differences in options. Everyone is Kaliyo.

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Will there be some sort of cross-server dungeon finder soon? Living in a different time zone to where the server I play in is based makes it difficult to find robust teams for flashpoints and especially heroics (although that is a different problem to handle altogether). Edited by Jeicawb
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Any plans on linking the GTN cross-faction for each server or just possibly linking each server's faction GTN, rather than having them separate and spread out? On low pop servers it is becoming increasingly difficult to purchase goods through the GTN as most are either barren or too spread out amongst the various locations.
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Are you guys planning to give us proper space?

What we have now I cannot call space this is SW universe and space on rails do not work, its good for kids and I do not mind if current space satay as a mini games( my daughter love current space she’s 5 years old BTW) but I want to see something for big boys.

You have been coping lots of stuff from every MMO out there but yet you did miss best part of SWG: Space combat.

Where are big ships with mountable turrets so group members can shoot something when I fly ship?

Where is PVP in space?

Where are big space battles.

This is SW we need proper space stuff.

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