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loving the PvP !? Let BW know here !!!


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I will even Make a character just to see it level by pvp :D

I can do the storyline of that class in 1 roadtrip from start to finish, wich is also good to be immersed!


I hope they make more instanced fun stuff, I admit Ilum is not my cup of tea, and open world pvp... Well i was first on a pvp server, but I cant stand the fact that during questing I got jumped too often wich lead to frustration since you just wanted to quest and not some guy waiting at ur back to jump on you when you were on low health.


but instanced pvp stuff rocks!

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Trust me, if you haven't heard of the more than 8 players in a WZ exploit, you haven't been pvping in SWTOR.


The fact that they spend the time deleting posts like this makes me wonder why they don't use their resources more efficiently...


Because forum moderators are developers...:rolleyes:

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I will even Make a character just to see it level by pvp :D

I can do the storyline of that class in 1 roadtrip from start to finish, wich is also good to be immersed!




I have done this on 2 out of three toons so far and I must say I enjoy just playing the class storyline straight through a ton. Usually at level 25 I will star the class quest and take a day or two and just do the pve.


Really make it hard to put down and I cn really get into the story.

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Here comes a list of happy Sorc players.


I play a watchman sentinel and a gunnery commando. I am very pleased with how balanced PvP is, and I am really enjoying the quality of the 3 WZs we have.


I can't wait for more content and for the balancing of mirror classes that needs to happen. But those are small issues to me.


I can't wait to try my combat medic in PvP and see if I can learn the ropes as a healer, too.


In short, I really like this game's PvP. It's not perfect, but it's going in a positive direction.


...and I have never played a sorcerer. :eek:

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Hi all,



New to themepark pvp , altough I played several mmo's, this one is the first that can get me excited about pvp!


So for me BW did a great job, cause before lvl 50 i was saying that i wouldnt do pvp here, that it sux in these games. But they made the nice huttball, and capture the flag alikes, and im sure many other stuff will come in the future!


So thanks BW for making me like PVP in Themepark MMO's !!!


Well, its no DAOC. Its decent right now but it needs a lot of work.


*cue the GW2 nerds*

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Trust me, if you haven't heard of the more than 8 players in a WZ exploit, you haven't been pvping in SWTOR.


The fact that they spend the time deleting posts like this makes me wonder why they don't use their resources more efficiently...


I know right.


I wish the game developers would stop moderating these forums and develop stuff. They should hire forum moderators and community managers to maintain the forums.


O wait....

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I love this games PvP.


It's like a watered down version of WoW. Classes are all about equal prowess and no classes have absolute control or non-stop spammable CC's in PvP. Battles aren't won by running your enemy out of resources, but really about switching targets and terrain positioning.


It's not perfect. OPs still freaking hurt and healers are borderline invincible except for a select few classes.

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the pvp in warfronts is really good. I play both sentinal watchman and vanguard tank. THere is good variety in the three WFs, but I will look forword to new released maps.


Overall, bugs have been extremely minimal, classes are fairly well balanced. We haven't been overly creamed on any maps. Some good organized huttbal games, but if the team is really skilled at passing, the game is short anyway :)


Minimal lag, and worst issue was my computer froze in WF and I had to reboot. Maybe twice in a couple months.

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There is some real potential in this game. It just still needs a load of work. I mean if we compare it to other new games it isn't too bad I mean even WoW has 7+ years of developement to get to what is is.


Within the next few months I would like to see 3 more Warzones. Some change made to make the Sorc less popular. Seems being bad and lightening is popular.


I would like the choice of if I want to go against a PuG or a group when I queue. A chatting group of friends have an advantage in many cases although they can still loose to good players in a PuG. Just means those chatting friends are bad players.


I might have some interest in a huge Warzone that is 16 vs 16 with killing leaders. Also some real capture the flag action.


So I enjoy the PVP. Hate the exploits and hacks that are being used. Find a issue with class balance and a OP like of the Sorc among much of the game population. Just nothing else is as cool to many ppl I guess. Not enough PVP to choose from. Bored of the same three Warzones over and over and not a huge fan of World PVP.

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I love this games pvp, lets let the developers know that the forums is full of crybabies and there are a lot of people who are just enjoying the game and the pvp too much to come here post non-sense.


thats basically the main reason I wanted to post a positive thread like this.

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The "pvp" games are kind of fun but they are not what I would call PVP. I was really hoping for objective based world PVP like DOAC originally did (wonderfully) and WAR tried to do but failed (almost in the same way DAOC failed with their big PVP update). I am still holding out hope that Bioware is working on something.


Hutball, etc. won't have any staying power. They are a nice distraction right now but definitely not a PVP end game.


At least they didn't make the mistake of having an Arena.

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I particularly love huttball, so I'm really happy to be on empire for how often I get into it. I can understand others getting bored of it but for me, it's absolutely the funnest pvp instance I've ever played.


I really hope that in the future we can play huttball in new locations, maybe even some way to start games in the open world... that would be just fricken awesome to be able to pick the location to play, starting it between two ops groups with at least 8 players per side, start it similar to starting a duel.

Edited by Nukor
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For World PvP i Hope they can pull something off like TABULA RASA (mmorpg) did.

Altough there it was a PVE theme, it can surely be done in PVP.


There were controllable bases (not a simple flag) the humans could capture, and it could be retaken by NPC's since there were timed attacks on it. So it was either defend it or lose that base. If they can implement this in a PvP map with maybe some incentives to control those bases (resources, tokens, points, valour,...) it would be great.

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