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Operative healing question


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I am currently leveling as an operative healer and I am lvl27 at the moment. When I don't need to be healing I like to contribute to the damage whether I'm soloing or in a group situation.


I have been experimenting with different ways to deal damage and for some reason it seems like it is most energy/dmg efficient to use my Cover-only abilities. Am I imagining things? Explosive probe is kind of expensive but it is like a 20sec cooldown and it does pretty awesome damage. Snipe isn't all that great but I can regen energy while it is casting. On top of that, it is generally better if healers stay out of melee range so they don't take unnecessary damage.


Is this a silly idea and should I just stick to running in and knifing folks? I am obviously nowhere close to having all my abilities and still experimenting with things so any perspective on this would be great.

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