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3 Battlemaster Comms out of 21 bags.


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the chance to get 1 token after four tries is... wait for it... 25%. it doesn't change just because you didn't get it the first 3 times. learn to statistics


did i say "at least"? yes i did. who has to learn stochastic (or learn to read)?

Edited by GHeissi
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We alredy have 12 players that left the game because of the gorgeous SWTOR PVP!


5 left after the Ilum patch (without BW re-rolling the server) and 7 left because of this stupid **** RNG pvp system! 5 of them are BMs


3 are also on their way to leave



GG Bioware!

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The fact is by the time you get to battlemaster, you're already almost full champion gear. Why would you have an incentive to put in champion commendations on battlemaster bags? Why do that? You're full champion by rank 60. I've opened so many bags AFTER THE PATCH. Yet i have not received one BM commendation. The only time i got my BM commendation was prepatch. Obviously this system is working /sarcasm.


Its a terrible system. There's no debating it.

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RNG is fine for items that drop off a NPC when defeated


RNG is not ok for long terms goals




The implementation of RNG is very DOSish and not very 2012ish



25% drop rate means NOTHING to somebody who hasn't seen 25% and is perceived as LYING and people take it personal/ as a slight against their soul.



Somebody explain to me with all the glitches/bugs/exploits so far....explain to me how the RNG system implemented in this game is OK when perception is REALITY

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Here's the problem, it's like an out of control child:


They whine, they cry, they moan, they throw fits, and eventually you give in. Seeing that you've given in, they'll start whining more and crying more and moaning more and throwing more fits. It'll never be enough. It's a bad precedent to set. The system works fine. Tier 3 gear is meant to be obtained over time, not instantly available less than 2 months into the game. This is an MMO, you know.


And the other side of the coin:


The whiners, criers, moaners, and fit throwers threaten to quit the game - or do indeed quit the game. The game starts losing money. They make changes, the money flow goes back up. And now every time someone whines, cries, moans, or throws a fit, they have to make changes.


It's a vicious cycle and there's really nothing anyone can do about it. Those who pay the bills make the rules. So whiners keep whining, criers keep crying, moaners keep moaning, and fit throwers keep throwing them fits! And I'll just sit back and play the game hoping you don't ruin it. But if you do ruin it... I will whine. I will cry. I will moan. And I will throw a fit.

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Homework assignment for everybody that hates their luck with Battlemaster bags: Find every thread on the first 20 pages of the PvP forum complaining about the same issue. Take a tally of how many bags they have opened. Add those totals up.


Got it? No? That's okay. Make one up. Make it big. Let's say everybody crying on this forum altogether has opened TEN THOUSAND BAGS and seen ZERO commendations.


Ludicrous right? How can you go goose egg for TEN THOUSAND?


Consider that this game has, at last report, ~1.7 million active subscriptions. Let's assume that only half of those PvP(for the sake of math, let's pretend PvE and PvP are equally appealing as a central focus of the game). That's 850,000 people. Of those 850,000, only a minority are going to be Battlemasters. Let's say that it's 5%. That's 42,500 people. If they've been diligent, they're amassing 16 bags a week (7 days of 2 dailies, plus 2 more for each of the weeklies). Again, to be conservative, let's pretend that on average, people have collected 32 bags (two weeks worth).


In just TWO WEEKS this comparatively tiny fraction of the population will open 1.36 MILLION bags. To put that in perspective, that means your ten thousand bags checks in at 7/10ths of ONE PERCENT of the bags opened during this 14 day period.


Or in simpler terms: If you reduced it so that you were running one hundred tests on whether or not a Battlemaster bag dropped a token, you're complaining about the statistics without having opened a single bag yet. In fact, in order to find ANY relevant data (even then without other points to plot, this alone would tell you nothing) you'd have to open SIX TIMES AS MANY BAGS. That's right. You could go 0 for 60,000 in a two week span and statistically speaking, you still barely register on the radar.




So STOP IT WITH THESE THREADS. You are BAD AT STATISTICS and as an individual in a game with millions of subscriptions, your bad luck will NEVER EVER BE RELEVANT DATA.

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Homework assignment for everybody that hates their luck with Battlemaster bags: Find every thread on the first 20 pages of the PvP forum complaining about the same issue. Take a tally of how many bags they have opened. Add those totals up.


Got it? No? That's okay. Make one up. Make it big. Let's say everybody crying on this forum altogether has opened TEN THOUSAND BAGS and seen ZERO commendations.


Ludicrous right? How can you go goose egg for TEN THOUSAND?


Consider that this game has, at last report, ~1.7 million active subscriptions. Let's assume that only half of those PvP(for the sake of math, let's pretend PvE and PvP are equally appealing as a central focus of the game). That's 850,000 people. Of those 850,000, only a minority are going to be Battlemasters. Let's say that it's 5%. That's 42,500 people. If they've been diligent, they're amassing 16 bags a week (7 days of 2 dailies, plus 2 more for each of the weeklies). Again, to be conservative, let's pretend that on average, people have collected 32 bags (two weeks worth).


In just TWO WEEKS this comparatively tiny fraction of the population will open 1.36 MILLION bags. To put that in perspective, that means your ten thousand bags checks in at 7/10ths of ONE PERCENT of the bags opened during this 14 day period.


Or in simpler terms: If you reduced it so that you were running one hundred tests on whether or not a Battlemaster bag dropped a token, you're complaining about the statistics without having opened a single bag yet. In fact, in order to find ANY relevant data (even then without other points to plot, this alone would tell you nothing) you'd have to open SIX TIMES AS MANY BAGS. That's right. You could go 0 for 60,000 in a two week span and statistically speaking, you still barely register on the radar.




So STOP IT WITH THESE THREADS. You are BAD AT STATISTICS and as an individual in a game with millions of subscriptions, your bad luck will NEVER EVER BE RELEVANT DATA.


Contrary to you crying, im not lying about how many bags ive opened. Sadly i wish this was the case.

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Contrary to you crying, im not lying about how many bags ive opened. Sadly i wish this was the case.


It doesn't matter whether or not you're lying. You could be lying to a factor of a thousand and it still wouldn't matter. You have no command of statistics with which to make a sound judgment on whether or not the system is working as intended, and furthermore, why would anyone who had exceptional luck with the bags come here and report it?



These forums are toxic, hate-filled, tear factories and even if they reported relevant data theyd just be told to shut up and leave and to stop rubbing their good fortune in peoples faces. I just want people to stop falling for skew.

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It doesn't matter whether or not you're lying. You could be lying to a factor of a thousand and it still wouldn't matter. You have no command of statistics with which to make a sound judgment on whether or not the system is working as intended, and furthermore, why would anyone who had exceptional luck with the bags come here and report it?



These forums are toxic, hate-filled, tear factories and even if they reported relevant data theyd just be told to shut up and leave and to stop rubbing their good fortune in peoples faces. I just want people to stop falling for skew.


You mad?


These forums deserve to have worse criticism, i dont need a Star Wars fanboy defending a game that has hundreds of bugs, and the PVP system is designed solely on RNG? You fail at comprehending.

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uh what? you're still wrong


No, he is right. He's calculating the probability of an event occurring within a certain number of consecutive tries. An example question would be something like, "What is the chance of not flipping any heads after 10 tries?" You wouldn't say 50% would you? Else you'd be saying that for every 10 coin flips there is a 50% chance that not even one of the 10 was a heads. This is basic probability that should have been learned in high school; pehaps you ought to take your own advice and "learn to statistics."

Edited by Dinadan
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You mad?


These forums deserve to have worse criticism, i dont need a Star Wars fanboy defending a game that has hundreds of bugs, and the PVP system is designed solely on RNG? You fail at comprehending.


Actually, the PvP gear system is based on a commendation system. The extra, rare, random commendation is a BONUS, not the purpose of buying the bag.


You buy a bag for the blue commendations, you sometimes get a BONUS of an extra good piece of gear.


That's what you people fail to understand, you think the extra commendation is the purpose of the bag.


It is a consistent and steady gearing up process with the possibility of a lucky extra piece of gear.

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Actually, the PvP gear system is based on a commendation system. The extra, rare, random commendation is a BONUS, not the purpose of buying the bag.


You buy a bag for the blue commendations, you sometimes get a BONUS of an extra good piece of gear.


That's what you people fail to understand, you think the extra commendation is the purpose of the bag.


It is a consistent and steady gearing up process with the possibility of a lucky extra piece of gear.


Wrong im not talking about champion, can you read? We're talking about BATTLEMASTER COMMENDATIONS. Investigate this before you speak again.

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25% means that if I open a bag 4 times, there is a 100% chance that my 4th bag has a 100% chance of dropping a commendation. You guys are all bad at math and the game is bugged.


Umm, not sure if you understand how statistics work. You do seem to understand division.... which is good. But if you have a 25% chance to get a token from a bag..... there's still 75% chance (Now pay attention to this) ON EACH BAG<------ to not get a token


Meaning that there is a possibility with RNG to open 10000 bags and never receive one single token. Granted your luck has to seriously suck ***, and not probable.... but the potential is still there to hit in the 75% (which is a higher percentage obviously) of not getting a token in the bag that you just clicked on.


Also the BattleMaster set is supposed to be a bonus set.. like the gentleman said above. Which means that it's supposed to be rare. It's like gambling.... if everyone that gambled was guaranteed money then they would have to change the definition of gambling to say... "Taking Money"

Edited by Krim-
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I fail at comprehending.




I'm a Battlemaster caught on the wrong side of the law of averages in this system too, my gripe is that people keep pretending "I went 0 for 21" or "0 for 40" or "0 for X" MEANS something. It doesn't! X can LITERALLY be 50,000 and it would still yield next to no statistically relevant data, which is the sort BioWare is liable to act on. It's actually the main issue that plagues this entire forum. People think that their personal experiences equate to valuable data. It's not, and it almost never will be.

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25% means that if I open a bag 4 times, there is a 100% chance that my 4th bag has a 100% chance of dropping a commendation. You guys are all bad at math and the game is bugged.


Obviously. ***. Emergency patch please.










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I'm a Battlemaster caught on the wrong side of the law of averages in this system too, my gripe is that people keep pretending "I went 0 for 21" or "0 for 40" or "0 for X" MEANS something. It doesn't! X can LITERALLY be 50,000 and it would still yield next to no statistically relevant data, which is the sort BioWare is liable to act on. It's actually the main issue that plagues this entire forum. People think that their personal experiences equate to valuable data. It's not, and it almost never will be.


People think their math equates that they prove something to people who already know what they're talking about. Read the last post, but keep bumping my thread with your useless information.

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25% means that if I open a bag 4 times, there is a 100% chance that my 4th bag has a 100% chance of dropping a commendation. You guys are all bad at math and the game is bugged.


My dead statistics teacher is rofling at you from the grave.

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