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Deception pve balance


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The title says it all. It has come to my attention that deception spec is very inferior for pve dps compared to madness due to a number of things, specifically:


" Deception is lower dps for a multitude of reasons; Dots give you more sustained damage between your burst phases, madness has better regen, madness copes with movement (and the multitude of terribly coded boss centered aoes) better and math (on SW) suggests that it does more damage ins a knock down drag out patchwerk fight. "


- Invitcted (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=288841)


That said, I would like to start an official brainstorming thread on what you, the community, think Bioware should do to address these weakness mentioned above. Go ahead! Be creative! I'm excited to see what people will come up with.


For example, we could address the regen problem problem by tweaking the internal cooldown of saber conduit, say drop it to 5 seconds instead of ten.

Or for fights in which we have to run out a lot, we could add a internal/ tech resistance debuff from one of our strikes, ensuring that even if we aren't able to do damage our raid is at least getting a nice debuff.




Just some ideas to get the ball rolling.

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