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in defense of the prequels


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i always felt that nerds thought he was cool cuz they wished they could act like that in front of girls and seem to be bad ***. I think nerds just actually wanted to be him. It would explain peoples passion in defending him. "dont bash what i wish i was" hes one of those people that are off limits to bashing. Edited by Solbjorn
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So tell me something then...in the OT does it ever explain why there is a Rebellion, in detail?(In ANH I mean) Of course not, at least with the PT they somewhat try to explain why such and such happened(and also give a reason for a Rebellion to be formed) rather then a Rebellion appearing out of nowhere. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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So tell me something then...in the OT does it ever explain why there is a Rebellion, in detail?(In ANH I mean) Of course not, at least with the PT they somewhat try to explain why such and such happened(and also give a reason for a Rebellion to be formed) rather then a Rebellion appearing out of nowhere.


the reason why there is a rebellion is simply because the empire is an evil dictatorship with a stranglehold on the galaxy. Sure a book could go into more detail about the ins and outs of it but we understand what is going on, thanks to a good narrative


Now without getting this information from a book or the net, what does the trade federation deal in? droid armies?

Edited by Jagerinho
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So tell me something then...in the OT does it ever explain why there is a Rebellion, in detail?(In ANH I mean) Of course not, at least with the PT they somewhat try to explain why such and such happened(and also give a reason for a Rebellion to be formed) rather then a Rebellion appearing out of nowhere.

Are you trying to act dumb here?


The arguments by the PT defenders that reference the OT films and how they were "just as bad" pretty much strike me like this: a kid who's been caught doing something wrong who points at his brother and says, "He did bad things too!". Yawn.

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the reason why there is a rebellion is simply because the empire is an evil dictatorship with a stranglehold on the galaxy. Sure a book could go into more detail about the ins and outs of it but we understand what is going on, thanks to a good narrative


Now without getting this information from a book or the net, what does the trade federation deal in? droid armies?


Trade Federation was formed by Palpatine, using them as a scapegoat to cover his real deeds the blockade made the current chancellor of the time(Finis Valorum) look like an idiot and Padme blamed him for her people's suffering(he was already losing power), over time during the senate meeting Finis was ruined and removed from office and this is where Palpatine stepped in and took over as Chancellor. Then by EP 2(would assume Dooku had something to do with it) made the trade federation into having a droid army, which the geononsis's with their droid factories help them build the vast droid army(along with other corporations who would side with them.)


From there this is where the Clones come in, thus starting the Clone Wars and the future of Palpatine's Empire.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Trade Federation was formed by Palpatine, using them as a scapegoat to cover his real deeds the blockade made the current chancellor of the time(Finis Valorum) look like an idiot and Padme blamed him for her people's suffering(he was already losing power), over time during the senate meeting Finis was ruined and removed from office and this is where Palpatine stepped in and took over as Chancellor. Then by EP 2(would assume Dooku had something to do with it) made the trade federation into having a droid army, which the geononsis's with their droid factories help them build the vast droid army(along with other corporations who would side with them.)


From there this is where the Clones come in, thus starting the Clone Wars and the future of Palpatine's Empire.


Admittedly I haven't watched the films in years, but I don't remember that being that level of explanation found in the PM

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Admittedly I haven't watched the films in years, but I don't remember that being that level of explanation found in the PM


Well its shorter in the way the movie portrays it as, I just gave a more explanation looking into it deeper.




to 1:48 you can see the Chancellor getting ragged on by the Queen, and saying that a new leader is needed because he won't do anything and that he should be removed from office.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Admittedly I haven't watched the films in years, but I don't remember that being that level of explanation found in the PM


You can really tell that Sidious pulling the strings of the trade federation from the holo comm chats between the Nute Gunray and himself. Near the end of the movie, Palpatine gets elected as Supreme chancellor by making Valorum look incompetent. The movie ends with Windu and Yoda discussing about the Sith and that they are up to something.


At the end of Episode 2, we learn that Dooku is working with Sidious, which we learned in episode 1 was behind the invasion of naboo and is the other Sith that Windu and Yoda mentioned.


In episode 3, the war that started in episode 2 is coming to a end, and is revealed by Anakin that Palpatine is really Sidious but it is too late. Palpatine has started the second Jedi Purge, helped the Republic win the Clone Wars and is now the Emperor of the newly formed Galactic Empire.


This is what I got from the movies.

Edited by Seductivpancakes
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Trade Federation was formed by Palpatine, using them as a scapegoat to cover his real deeds the blockade made the current chancellor of the time(Finis Valorum) look like an idiot and Padme blamed him for her people's suffering(he was already losing power), over time during the senate meeting Finis was ruined and removed from office and this is where Palpatine stepped in and took over as Chancellor. Then by EP 2(would assume Dooku had something to do with it) made the trade federation into having a droid army, which the geononsis's with their droid factories help them build the vast droid army(along with other corporations who would side with them.)


From there this is where the Clones come in, thus starting the Clone Wars and the future of Palpatine's Empire.


And you have, right there, summarized why the prequels sucks.


Why did the rebellion exist: Evil totalitarian empire we see in the movies

Why did Trade Federation exist: Seniors Thesis pulling from various sources outside the movies.

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Trade Federation was formed by Palpatine, using them as a scapegoat to cover his real deeds the blockade made the current chancellor of the time(Finis Valorum) look like an idiot and Padme blamed him for her people's suffering(he was already losing power), over time during the senate meeting Finis was ruined and removed from office and this is where Palpatine stepped in and took over as Chancellor. Then by EP 2(would assume Dooku had something to do with it) made the trade federation into having a droid army, which the geononsis's with their droid factories help them build the vast droid army(along with other corporations who would side with them.)


From there this is where the Clones come in, thus starting the Clone Wars and the future of Palpatine's Empire.


but that didn't answer what he asked. what is the trade federation? why do they even have droid armies? what are they blockading Naboo for? Why Naboo? Why are they listenning/working for to Sidious?

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Okay, why does the Evil Empire exist in the first place then?


Why does the galaxy the movies take place in exist? Sure we can play this game if you want, but you are just being difficult because you have no real response. It doesn't really matter to the plot of the OT how or why the Empire came into existence, just as it isn't important to the plot why that particular galaxy came into existence. The motivations of the Trade Federation IS important to the coherence of TPM's plot, and the lack of exposition on those motivations are one of the many reasons why TPM's plot lacks coherence.

Edited by Fizil
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but that didn't answer what he asked. what is the trade federation? why do they even have droid armies? what are they blockading Naboo for? Why Naboo? Why are they listenning/working for to Sidious?


An organization formed by Palpatine, the droid army comes from the various corporations they had siding with them to use because Palpatine wanted them to have it(for the future Clone Wars). They blockade Naboo because not only is it Palpatine's homeworld and taxtation, but an innocent Queen who isn't corrupted makes for a certain person(the current chancellor of that time) look like an incompetent moron. This makes it easier to tear down Finis from his position as chancellor, and have Palpatine swoop in for that position.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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but that didn't answer what he asked. what is the trade federation? why do they even have droid armies? what are they blockading Naboo for? Why Naboo? Why are they listenning/working for to Sidious?


thats answered in the opening screen crawl. its in protest of taxation on free trade zones

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Why does the galaxy the movies take place in exist? Sure we can play this game if you want, but you are just being difficult because you have no real response. It doesn't really matter to the plot of the OT how or why the Empire came into existence, just as it isn't important to the plot why that particular galaxy came into existence. The motivations of the Trade Federation IS important to the coherence of TPM's plot, and the lack of exposition on those motivations are one of the many reasons why TPM's plot lacks coherence.


how does it not matter how or why the empire existed but it does matter how the trade federation existed?

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An organization formed by Palpatine, the droid army comes from the various corporations they had siding with them to use because Palpatine wanted them to have it(for the future Clone Wars). They blockade Naboo because not only is it Palpatine's homeworld, but an innocent Queen who isn't corrupted makes for a certain person(the current chancellor of that time) look like an incompetent moron. This makes it easier to tear down Finis from his position as chancellor, and have Palpatine swoop in for that position.


where in the movie does it say the trade federation was created by Palpatine? Why would a Trade Federation need an enormous army of battle droids? I know there's the clone war later, but this still makes no sense while watching TPM for the first time.


Are they blockading incoming or out going trade? what is being traded?


Why does no one believe what is going on when there would be testimony of TWO JEDI KNIGHTs who came back with the Queen. What is the treaty that needs to be signed? How would signing a treaty under coercsion be acceptted by the republic? that's not what a treaty is.

Edited by JeedaiFiresaber
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how does it not matter how or why the empire existed but it does matter how the trade federation existed?


It doesn't matter how the Trade Federation came into existence. It DOES matter why the hell they are doing what they are doing in the movies.

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Why does the galaxy the movies take place in exist? Sure we can play this game if you want, but you are just being difficult because you have no real response. It doesn't really matter to the plot of the OT how or why the Empire came into existence, just as it isn't important to the plot why that particular galaxy came into existence. The motivations of the Trade Federation IS important to the coherence of TPM's plot, and the lack of exposition on those motivations are one of the many reasons why TPM's plot lacks coherence.


You're asking why the Trade federation exist, which they never explained in PM, but they never really explained why the Empire exist in the first place either.


But I'll concede to you that its not very clear why the Trade federation invades. I guess people could just assume out of greed or motivated by Sidious, but that shouldn't be the case when it comes to movies.

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did you actually read the opening crawl? if not ehre it is Turmoil has engulfed the

Galactic Republic. The taxation

of trade routes to outlying star

systems is in dispute.


Hoping to resolve the matter

with a blockade of deadly

battleships, the greedy Trade

Federation has stopped all

shipping to the small planet

of Naboo.


While the congress of the

Republic endlessly debates

this alarming chain of events,

the Supreme Chancellor has

secretly dispatched two Jedi

Knights, the guardians of

peace and justice in the

galaxy, to settle the conflict





says right there that they are trying to settle a dispute over taxation. did you not see sidiuous discussing with them the whole time? did you figure out it was palaptine? who then suddenly becomes chancellor? you gotta which and comprehend whats happening.

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where in the movie does it say the trade federation was created by Palpatine? Why would a Trade Federation need an enormous army of battle droids? I know there's the clone war later, but this still makes no sense while watching TPM for the first time.


Are they blockading incoming or out going trade? what is being traded?


Why does no one believe what is going on when there would be testimony of TWO JEDI KNIGHTs who came back with the Queen. What is the treaty that needs to be signed? How would signing a treaty under coercsion be acceptted by the republic? that's not what a treaty is.


Is Lucas writing a serious movie or a comedy? YOU CAN'T TELL! My head hurts.


Lucas's first scene:


"GRrrrrr, I am dark and I chopped off your head!!" - Anakin

"Oh look, R2D2 sprayed oil on the clumsy droids...lololololo...tee hee so funny"

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