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Gunslinger's in PvP you must be joking


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I'm starting to wonder if you've ever in fact PVP'd. Having full purples means NOTHING with Bolster in place. You do realize that, don't you? Stats get normalized. Don't believe me? Go into a PVP match with just your weapon, no armor. You'll still be able do decent damage. Well, maybe not you but I've seen people doing it. It's quite funny.


I think I'm starting to smell troll. :(


Normalized is not the same as BOLSTERED, if i mod my lower lvl with purps of the highest rating his weapon dmg goes up WAY UP!!! you realize that cunning is the stat on armor for slingers and by throwing it up your dmg stats go up??? have you ever pvp'd sir?


But i realize the game your playing your gonna try to rip me up incite me and when I fire back you'll report me lol

Edited by Syft
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I'm starting to wonder if you've ever in fact PVP'd. Having full purples means NOTHING with Bolster in place. You do realize that, don't you? Stats get normalized. Don't believe me? Go into a PVP match with just your weapon, no armor. You'll still be able do decent damage. Well, maybe not you but I've seen people doing it. It's quite funny.


I think I'm starting to smell troll. :(


First of all Sub 50 PVP means NOTHING.


And concerning not being CC'ed THAT ONLY WITH Hunker Down activated. Its like calling all sentinels OP cuz they always take no dmg.

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The arguement that a guy does well if you ignore or cant get to him is kind of a logic fail because I can do better with tracer missile spam and take more dmg and single heal for 5k crits with heavy armor.


If i ignore any class thats on me they will kill me so I fail to see how that makes them balanced. LMFAO I ignored this sorc on me and he killed me, anyone you ignore who's gunning for you will kill you. Only the gunslinger has no way to escape ANYTHING when your gunning for him.


slinger/sniper will demolish your tracer missle spam if you let him freecast

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I think different opinions on Sniper perfomance depend on your server. When my enemy team is bad I feel myself overpowered (well I think all classes do), but iusually my team is full of nobrain monkeys and the class becomes unplayable.
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As a Gunslinger with a Sharpshooter build I'll say this much, we are balanced for what we can do.


The people I've heard going on and on about how much the class sucks I've seen in combat trying to rush in and be some kinda solo god. That's not what those two classes are about and how you play those two classes. Both classes are about finding a good spot to drop into cover, and doing damage. I mean when I'm playing I'm doing the following, waiting for my teammates to engage whomever we are fighting. Finding a good spot on the ground, above, or even on a area like some stairs, dropping cover where I can have line of sight and fire.


My goal at this point is to support my teammates by taking down people they are fighting, or the other teams support like healers and the like. If I get someone coming after me? I have Hunker Down that keeps me from being getting hit with CC's, I have Pulse Detonator to knock a target back and by the way that can be deadly in some areas and due to people forgetting we have it. And Defense Screen is very handy as well.


One on one? I win some I lose some, if I can keep the other person from CCing me or doing a ton of damage I'll win. If I have a healer backing me up? I'll win almost every time, if not taking the person down to near death and most of the time that's if I'm already at or below half heath. More so then that I have had times with a good healer being able to take on two to three people and winning.


Really the things any Sharpshooter Gunslinger or Sniper has to keep up on is, keeping your gear in top shape. Learning to move and use the environment of the area your in to get into a good spot.

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I really do not know where you guys get the Info that Gunslingers suck. Ive been playing Gunslinger since release and all i read on the forums is QQ about cover QQ about dmg being **** QQ about us being weak vs everything.


Firstly i can solo any other class, if i have to use all my cds i use all my Cds if i dont then good.


Secondly i Never fail to get top dmg in a WZ, you have to play smart and know who to kill.


Thirdly if you dont like cover Spec DF or Sab, cus they utilize cover to the very least, and for all those who say if u dont use cover alot in the DF or Sab spec your ****, well sorry thats total bull ****, how can u kite someone in cover? oh wait... u cant, our DmG is very hit and run, we have to build up our dots and then nuke for the full potential.


Make good use of ur shield guard and leg shot, Leg shot is one of the most fantastic moves in the game, it gives u 2 seconds free of dmg to set yourself up for a kill. Also Illegal Mods is such a fantastic CD for Gunslingers as alacrity is possibly one of the best stats for us.


End of the day if i bust all my CD's killing a marauder i know ive done well cus those ***** are hard.


Stop moaning and learn your class to its full potential and i gurantee it will pay off.


Regards Joel


Ahto City-50 Slinger "Joel"

Edited by samfar
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I have no complaints on Gunslinger. Granted I'm a lowbie (level 20) and not playing with the full deck, but I manage to do quite well for myself. The only classes that give me trouble on a consistent basis are tanks that get lucky with certain attacks and their shields.


It takes some getting used to, but it's not bad once you get the hang of how the class handles. The most important thing I have learned in my time playing Gunslinger is that you don't want to dismiss them and let them end up free casting. If you do, people are going to get blown up.

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I like my gunslinger. Some times hes friggin awsome, other time he's incredibly frustrating. I find its all about positioning. If you try and stand on the bridge and say 'You shall not pa.....return to med center' then yes, your going to be a joke.


On the other hand, if you stay on the edge of the fighting and use available cover and pick your targets, you'll own the battlefield. Pick on the weak targets, kill them fast, then your teams numerical advantage will overwhelm the tougher targets you might struggle with.

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I've got a level 17 gunslinger alt I PvP with and I do fairly well considering my level, and if I stick with a healer and work to keep them safe I do awesome. The class is very positional and if you get out maneuvered there's very little if any margin for error (i.e. you're going to die). But the damage is strong, with me being able to kill characters in their 40's.
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ss build GS (valor 57) here and loving it, sure there are some annoyances - espeicially with cover, but once you get the hang of those you can be a beast in PVP


But...its not just about DMG and kills...most of the time its about winning the WZ and Smugglers can help a lot with that. We have a lot of AOE for defending doors in Voidstar or turrets in Civil War. 12 seconds of not being able to capture a point because i've AOE'd it can (and often has) made a difference!


An AOE knockback with a handy little stun on the end...very nice!


But if you're just talking damage and kills well we can do that too. If foolishly left alone we can cause silly amounts of damage, even to heavy armored players. We can pick off low health opponents, we can harrass those healers and make them focus on themselves so other members of their team get killed etc etc etc


versatility is what I love about my GS...and if i also get top dmg then I'm happy.

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Snipers and Slinger's are not underpowered interns of output. The damage is really good and I find that well positioned I can hit hard and do well on the charts with either Marksman or Lethality in any warzone. But I think the thread has established this somewhat.


The issue I feel with Sniper/Slinger is that you are squishy as hell, to the point where I've noticed in Civil War and Voidstar (where I'm usually closer to the melee Zerg) that people will notice me and quickly switch off their current target to smash my face in. In the same situation I imagine I'd do the same as quite often it's a free kill. Which leads to the next gripe I have, scoundrels/operatives tear me up, to the point where I hear that sound if them leaving stealth, the smack from Hidden Strike knockdown and I die a little inside. Being opened on or stalked by them wouldn't be an issue if there was always a chance I can get up and fight back, but barring all Cd's and my escape being off cd I have little chance to even hit them much never mind kill them.


I'm not sure how I'd change (notice not buff) Sniper/Slinger. We definitely don't need more damage and I guess in Shield Probe, Evasion etc we have some form of defence.

Some quality of life stuff like not having to redeploy cover after every stun, some sort of escape as mentioned previously in this thread would be nice or even having an out of cover knockback or non melee range stun would help survivability a little. As for dealing with Scoundrels/Operatives... I just don't see anything other than a survivability buff being of any help. Perhaps they're just our counter class and I can live with that, I'd just like a chance to fight them back after they open on me :(

(And I'm talking Scoundrels/operatives as they are now and not pre-patch 2 shot gods)

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I'm not saying that the class is seriously underpowered by any means but they pale in comparsion to most other classes.


They were intended to be a high dmg range dps class, but they got none of the tools any other class dedicated to dps has.


Unlike the scoundrel/operative they have no heals, vanish or run speed escape basically no way to escape multiple targets focus fire and with weak armor and almost NO defensive skills one stun is the end of them.


I'm not saying that they can't be a deadly or viable BG force but only when everyone pretty much ignores them.


All of their dmg rolls off weapon and kinetic which means it's absorbed by armor, they have only 1 armor debuff at 20% and there dirty fighting talent rely's on low dmg dots to bypass armor and requires setup time they don't have.


The margin for error and reaction time needed is higher then any other class and giving a range class one stun that requires 4 meter range is a joke. Otherwise their forced to rely on flash grenade to save their lives and when there highest dps build is dirty fighting and dot aoe's the targets, this is just silly.


It just seems like this class was not given very much attention in consideration to pvp and lacks the synergy most other classes have.


Pyro Mercenary is in the same boat.

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Snipers / Gunslingers are by far my worse matchup. As a marauder I literally fear no class if my defensive CCs are up, but not being able to close the gap with force leap just lets them Bump / root / snare / pound away, and I've come to engage a sniper with the most caution.
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My main toon is a defense specced guardian. In warzones I will sometimes put guard on a gunslinger if there is no healer around, and defend him while he dishes our huge damage. This combination can be extremely effective. To be honest, I don't see many gunslingers in PvP.


My secondary toon is a gunslinger. He's only level 11, but I think he's great. I have only taken him in to a warzone one time, yet he dished out more damage then my defense gurdian ever has.


If he is left alone he rocks, if he is targeted then he dies quickly of course. Gunslinger is all about positioning, I try and find a good spot, where I won't easily be noticed and pew pew away.

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Snipers and Slinger's are not underpowered interns of output. The damage is really good and I find that well positioned I can hit hard and do well on the charts with either Marksman or Lethality in any warzone. But I think the thread has established this somewhat.


The issue I feel with Sniper/Slinger is that you are squishy as hell, to the point where I've noticed in Civil War and Voidstar (where I'm usually closer to the melee Zerg) that people will notice me and quickly switch off their current target to smash my face in.


But thats how the class is designed. The skill of playing is in staying alive, you have so much burst on demand things will die to you if you can just stay alive.


Other classes are reverse, they are more durable, but its incredibly easy for their targets to just get healed and suddenly all their damage was useless. They have to stack debuffs and snares and set up self buffs and use cooldowns to get enough burst to kill something. Where a sniper just pushes a few buttons and its dead.


All of the snipers defensive abilities are secondary to positioning, the main defense of snipers/gs is positioning to make themselves either unnoticeable or not worth going after instead of something else.


I dont think anything needs changing with snipers, at least not MM snipers, i did not bother trying the other specs, because MM was just so perfect once you got all your abilities.

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except that you can't interrupt them when they are in cover.


Idk, sniper is the one class I'm really not sure about. ***** a few, been ***** by a few. They do have a knockback root or slow or something whilst they are in cover that allows them to pretty much set up some great shots, I think they are fine really, just need to set up shop somewhere smart.


Focus jedi guardian here.


I find the sniper/gunslinger the most annoying class (in huttball especially) as a marauder.


Not because I think they are op...


Just the fact that I cannot charge em (unless FC+Leap) and their long *** KB annoys me.



Agree and agree. Playing a rage (focus) marauder (sentinel) here also.

Fortunately when I'm 10 meters away I can Obliterate to jump at them. But no Force Charge (Leap) ... You have to pop defensive CDs and Force Camo to avoid being open'd a new one (especially after being pushed back+root/slow).


Some Snipers/Gunslingers (champ geared) on my server are freaking killing machines if left unchecked.


I had a friend that was in full orange+epics (only like 100 expertise) and complained that he didn't get more than 800damage a hit... Maybe it was his spec or a L2P issue, he rerolled an Assassin lmao.


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Initially laze target gave debuff + dmg received to target (kinda wow hunter mark).


Now laze target - stupid + 100 % crit chance for one 20 energy snipe, good luck to not to miss you shot and waste CD.


Without + dmg debuff or + armor ignore debuff or + hit chance debuff the whole sniper design could be dumpstered.


In future you will get more powerfull PvP gear > more armor, more defence and shield chance for tanks.


The more operative and merc scrubs will find their cleanse.


If sniper will not get his missing debuff it will be better to dumpster the class altogether.

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I had a friend that was in full orange+epics (only like 100 expertise) and complained that he didn't get more than 800damage a hit... Maybe it was his spec or a L2P issue, he rerolled an Assassin lmao.



As a newbie 50 when i was running around on my MM sniper with bought level 49 and some ilum daily mods, my ambush crit for between ~3.6 and ~4.2k in pvp (depending on target). My followthrough crit for around 3-3.2k, my snipe crit for 2.2-2.5k, and my takedown crit for around 3.5-3.8k.


Crit rate was 40% and 46% for half of those


This is again against pvp targets it was higher for pve.


The only thing i noticed on my MM sniper going from the 10-49 warzones to the 50 ones, was that i would die faster if people attacked me, i still felt like i was killing just as well, people had more hitpoints sure but i never went after full health targets, i always focused down things that were wounded or being hit on, ensuring they died before anything could guard/heal them.


So other than learning not to start attacking people unless they were already at around half instead of already at around 70%, nothing changed for me at all. My playstyle was already focused around staying un-noticed and not worth the hassle of chasing after.

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