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Gunslinger's in PvP you must be joking


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c) Because they are weaker than other classes at lower levels. They may be equal in damage potential but they are not as mobile than most other classes at that point and lack some of their supporting skills (especially cc).


Untrue, it's quite the opposite, they are very overpowered at low lvls, it's the class who get a lot of tools by lvl 18 and have a real burst and an insane execute.

Edited by Keldaur
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Op has heals and vanish


BH has heals and a ton of defensive abilities


Sorc got stun and heals and run speed


- You have snare

- You have CD for CC invulnerability.

- You have defensive CD all the time when you're behind a cover


I do AGREE that gunslingers are not as SEXY as other classes do to their mobility. But they're certainly not underpowered.

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I have no trouble at all in pvp and I'm a saboteur gunslinger. Defensive screen, dodge and scrambling field, drop incendiary grenande at my feet and chuck grenades like candy at a parade. People get to close? Aoe knockback. No grenades up? Speedshot then quickdraw. I love playing a gunslinger....who happens to use grenades more than guns... Edited by Kane_Mkvenner
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Currently playing a gunslinger dirty fighting build. I really like the class but there are a few problems. I played a sharpshooter spec for awhile but the cast times and lack of mobility just made me an irresistable target for stealth classes. Dirty fighting is a good spec, but it has two serious problems that i can think of.


The first problem is energy consumption. This build is very difficult to keep energy levels going. Most of the times I die it is because i have run out of energy, and it is difficult to pace yourself because you are trying to capitalize on dots that you have put on targets.


The second problem isnt that big at the moment, but later on I think its going to be the biggest problem. As time goes and players are getting more experienced people are just dispelling the dots. Once more people start figuring this out and looking out for it the dirty fighting build will become near useless.

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Sniper/slinger is the most fun for me so far, but I do attribute a large portion of my success to someone else distracting my target. I'm not sure what sort of buff would really be appropriate, but I think they could use a small one. They're not broken without it, but they aren't the only class that can pump out good damage when left alone.
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The arguement that a guy does well if you ignore or cant get to him is kind of a logic fail because I can do better with tracer missile spam and take more dmg and single heal for 5k crits with heavy armor.


If i ignore any class thats on me they will kill me so I fail to see how that makes them balanced. LMFAO I ignored this sorc on me and he killed me, anyone you ignore who's gunning for you will kill you. Only the gunslinger has no way to escape ANYTHING when your gunning for him.


Your right, that argument is fail. It's a good thing that neither of those 2 points were brought up in my post that you quoted. :)


Judging from the nature of your posts in this thread you're looking for a pity party. I'm not going to give you one, in the hands of a skilled, competent player Gunslingers/Snipers can 1v1 anyone. They have the highest burst in the game currently (only competition were Operatives/Scoundrels).


In case you were wondering, I've never ignored him. He has made a name for himself on my server, among us imperials anyway. So can bet your bottom dollar that he is marked as a priority target. If he's in the fight, he will get focused quicky, but not before he can put the hurt on anyone he wants (heavy armor classes included).


I will agree with your 1 valid point though, once pressured they have VERY limited defensive cooldowns. In my opinion, a fair trade off for their insane burst potential.

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Hey you all think their fine great I find that often bad players can't tell where the balance lies in PVP.


My Sent/Scoundrel blows any sniper/slinger apart in under 8 seconds and I've never seen one defeat me in 1v1 ever. But hey your happy hitting the respawn point anytime a descent player singles you out, relying on high perchs with no mobility or escapes to save you roll with it!


I'd rather play a class with the same dps and more survivability that doesnt require support or zero margin for error to end up in the top 2 dps slots with zero or 1 death.


But hey if your happy hitting that same dps with 10-12 deaths and requiring a smart group of players to do it, when i can do it with other classes even when were steamrolled in a losing BG more power to ya!


P.S. I don't even play a Slinger anymore I just know they don't stack up to most other classes I've pvp'd with at 50

Edited by Syft
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I have no trouble at all in pvp and I'm a saboteur gunslinger. Defensive screen, dodge and scrambling field, drop incendiary grenande at my feet and chuck grenades like candy at a parade. People get to close? Aoe knockback. No grenades up? Speedshot then quickdraw. I love playing a gunslinger....who happens to use grenades more than guns...


Ditto. Tried sharpshooter through into the mid 40's and finally tested dirty fighting, then sabo. Funny thing is, I switched to get more mobility. Instead I find nothing more amusing than running into the middle of the action, hitting cover, hunker down, defensive screen, scrambling field, and burning everything around me.

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Your right, that argument is fail. It's a good thing that neither of those 2 points were brought up in my post that you quoted. :)


Judging from the nature of your posts in this thread you're looking for a pity party. I'm not going to give you one, in the hands of a skilled, competent player Gunslingers/Snipers can 1v1 anyone. They have the highest burst in the game currently (only competition were Operatives/Scoundrels).


In case you were wondering, I've never ignored him. He has made a name for himself on my server, among us imperials anyway. So can bet your bottom dollar that he is marked as a priority target. If he's in the fight, he will get focused quicky, but not before he can put the hurt on anyone he wants (heavy armor classes included).


I will agree with your 1 valid point though, once pressured they have VERY limited defensive cooldowns. In my opinion, a fair trade off for their insane burst potential.


lol on paper they have the highest burst but if you count kinetic/weapon burst in pvp with NO ARMOR PENTRATION then you are wrong sir. You play a sorc and that's the only class you play hence why you think they have insane burst, but a slinger of any spec besides dirty fighter vs a heavy armor class is like throwing water pellets at dragonhide. And a slinger with dirty fighter does not have insane burst dmg they are mowers with steady dps.


And sadly I have yet to see a slinger/sniper come in top dps of any BG I run, WHY because you don't deal alot of dmg WHEN YOUR DEAD! Maybe this guy in this premade who ran next to healers did it this few times lol but pls show me where your saying Snipers/slingers #1 in DPS in tons of BG's and I'll show you a liar(and that icon you thought was a slinger was a scoundrel)

Edited by Syft
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lol on paper they have the highest burst but if you count kinetic/weapon burst in pvp with NO ARMOR PENTRATION then you are wrong sir. You play a sorc and that's the only class you play hence why you think they have insane burst, but a slinger of any spec besides dirty fighter vs a heavy armor class is like throwing water pellets at dragonhide.


And sadly I have yet to see a slinger/sniper come in top dps of any BG I run, WHY because you don't deal alot of dmg WHEN YOUR DEAD! Maybe this guy in this premade who ran next to healers did it this few times lol but pls show me where your saying Snipers/slingers #1 in DPS in tons of BG's and I'll show you a liar(and that icon you thought was a slinger was a scoundrel)


I'm a merc, in HEAVY ARMOR. Don't judge a poster by his avatar, otherwise, I'd assume you were a mindless vehicle. :p Second, I know what the difference is between a Gunslinger and a Scoundrel are. His COVER is a dead give away as to what class he plays. Being that I am a merc, I know exactly what kinetic/weapon damage is, and how it gets ***** by armor and mitigation. Rail shot, Unload, and Power Shot are all white damage abilities. I get it, you hate the class that you couldn't excel in and you're moving on. That's perfectly fine. Doesn't mean the class is seriously underpowered, at least not at the level you're claiming.

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Gunslingers here saying gunslinger isnt underpowered are full of **** or barely pvp with their class, under valor 50, maybe even under lvl 50 or in extreme denial.


I'm valor 58+, 550+ exp, full champ on helm of gruash as a slinger.


My aimed shot (2.5 cast time) does equal dmg to a tracer missle with a 1 second higher cast time (and none of the perks, like armor shred) and a cooldown, and less dmg than a force lightning.


Hunkerdown is a terribly circumstantial move since u get LOSed all day on high-cast time "burst" moves.


Any mobility with sabo/DF hybrids take 50+ energy to get off a single combo.


Our "great" cc has some of the highest resolve gains in the game. Dirty Kick gives 80% resolve as well as flashbang.


There is absolutly no reason to play a GS over a sage, who can outdmg, out utility a slinger.


I can play my slinger well and am always carry my own on WZ, but if i were a sage with similar gear I would dominate not just carry my own.

Edited by goskins
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gunslingers here saying gunslinger isnt underpowered are full of **** or barely pvp with their class, under valor 50, maybe even under lvl 50 or in extreme denial.


I'm valor 58+, 550+ exp, full champ on helm of gruash as a slinger.


My aimed shot (2.5 cast time) does equal dmg to a tracer missle with a 1 second higher cast time (and none of the perks, like armor shred) and a cooldown, and less dmg than a force lightning.


Hunkerdown is a terribly circumstantial move since u get losed all day on high-cast time "burst" moves.


any mobility with sabo/df hybrids take 50+ energy to get off a single combo.


our "great" cc has some of the highest resolve gains in the game. Dirty kick gives 80% resolve as well as flashbang.


There is absolutly no reason to play a gs over a sage, who can outdmg, out utility a slinger.


I can play my slinger well and am always carry my own on wz, but if i were a sage with similar gear i would dominate not just carry my own.


yep this^


I never said you can't do WELL but gear vs gear a high skilled GS can only do as well as a crappy sage/BH/scoundrel of the same gear can do.


The skill margin for the class is just totally off kilter

Edited by Syft
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What I'd improve with Gunslinger/Sniper...


1) Give us the option to choose the cover we roll to (make it a short cd if you really need to). Cover is one of the most hindering abilities we've got in PvP, and when you press roll to cover, and it simply slams you right into cover where you are doesn't help.


2) More armor pen, so that we can break through some of the heavy armor classes (just enough so that we don't get laughed at when we shoot them with our super soakers). At this point they can simply outsustain us. Their survivability owns our burst damage and lack of mobility.


3) Increase the damage on our DOTs (decreasing how long they last if need be to compensate). Dirty Fighting's only redeeming qualities are completely ignoring armor, and stopping people from capping points. That was one of the few reasons I was even playing DF.




4) Add CD reduction and energy reduction to some of the higher up skills in the DF tree. DF has to be one of the most inefficient energy rotations in the game. 20 for vital shot, 20 for shrap bomb, 20 for hem. shots, and 30 for wounding shots.


5) 2/3 or 3/3 in "Black Market Equipment" allows Vital Shots to stack up to 3 times. Each stack would tick every 6 seconds (rather than 3), and the 2nd stack would lose 25% damage/3rd stack would lose 45-50% damage.


Gonna do the math on 5 to make sure that wouldn't be grossly imbalanced. Probably won't even be considered, but it's fun to think about how it it could be improved.




Opening Vital Shots - 350dmg per tick, ticks 6 times, every 3 seconds over 18 seconds.


Second Vital Shots - 260dmg per tick, ticks 3 times, every 6 seconds over 18 seconds.


Third Vital Shots - 190dmg per tick, ticks 3 times, every 6 seconds over 18 seconds.


3450 total damage with those ticks, over about 40 seconds. That really doesn't sound grossly overpowered...

Edited by Ukita
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Battlemaster sniper here, and i play mostly as full Lethality/dirty fighting (2/5/34).


I think we are doing fine, if you use the right spec in pvp, i can easily do 9k damage Culls, and my dots ticks for 500-700, they all bypass armor reduction. (Culls can still be dodged if you have Evasion up, tho)

so i don't see any problem in our damage, BUT if you take a look at how our energy works, you will feel bad for us =/

and we can't regen our energy as easily as Operatives can, also, i have to waste like 50 energy to full dot someone + use weaking blast, that alone is enough to mess up our energy gain for a little while.



If we are to receive a buff, it should be energy related, because our damage is fine, imo.

Edited by RodCS
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Agree with you OP. There are many posts like this ( there is a reason why sniper/gunslinger is least played class in game ) yet Bioware just seems to ignore it. In fact they gave us a slight 'nerf' in the last patch...no comments on that :rolleyes: Edited by Wrakk
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cause not like your IMMUNE to CC while in cover....





OH WAIT yes you are =D


this is why dont have alot of tools of other dps classes because they CAN NOT be CC'd lept at, ect the idea behind the gunslinger and sniper is to actually keep enemy away from you as long as possible and drop them before they reach you. not saying that is BEST design but it is certainly not terrible... what i DO think would be easy/nice easy buff is a talent in marksman called shot on the run, basically lets you channel any attack shot you want while moving but reduces movement by 50% while doing it. This way COULD still run a bit and cast something at enemy maybe(then again most of attacks require cover so maybe thats not best solution). BUT over all i feel snipers are amazing! just need a little support to do there job and do alot of damage when given time to do so.


Edit: unless i was lied to at least i was pretty sure they were immune to CC while in cover.

Edited by Lokai
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cause not like your IMMUNE to CC while in cover....





OH WAIT yes you are =D


this is why dont have alot of tools of other dps classes because they CAN NOT be CC'd lept at, ect the idea behind the gunslinger and sniper is to actually keep enemy away from you as long as possible and drop them before they reach you. not saying that is BEST design but it is certainly not terrible... what i DO think would be easy/nice easy buff is a talent in marksman called shot on the run, basically lets you channel any attack shot you want while moving but reduces movement by 50% while doing it. This way COULD still run a bit and cast something at enemy maybe(then again most of attacks require cover so maybe thats not best solution). BUT over all i feel snipers are amazing! just need a little support to do there job and do alot of damage when given time to do so.


You are not immune to CC in cover AT ALL, you are only immune to a powertech's grapple or assassin/shadows death grip ability. They have a long cooldown ability that makes them immune to Cc for 20's but it's hard to time the right moment to use that as it's reactive and not passive so yea they can be stunned lept at etc when in cover when that ability is down.


And thats all i think They need to be brought in line, one movement speed haste ability to displace to a new position when things get too hot(or to regain some energy as they are energy hogs) and they would be fine


lol i'm not asking for the world here just some common sense

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My lvl 30 gunslinger that is a joke alt is my most vicious class. I can get 300k damage in a warzone, while eating an apple. I've done that, snipers and gunslingers are so easy to play. Sure if i get mobbed there is little I can do to stop people. But I can do even less on my 50 sentinel. It isn't even comparable. I can hit a person for around 9k easy like clockwork, as long as I time it right.


I suppose a lot of people don't know how to play, but I barely play my smuggler but when I do warzones I absolutely lay waste. I wish I felt so powerful on my jedi, that is the one thing I hate the most. I feel more like a jedi on my slinger than I do my sentinel.

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My lvl 30 gunslinger that is a joke alt is my most vicious class. I can get 300k damage in a warzone, while eating an apple. I've done that, snipers and gunslingers are so easy to play. Sure if i get mobbed there is little I can do to stop people. But I can do even less on my 50 sentinel. It isn't even comparable. I can hit a person for around 9k easy like clockwork, as long as I time it right.


I suppose a lot of people don't know how to play, but I barely play my smuggler but when I do warzones I absolutely lay waste. I wish I felt so powerful on my jedi, that is the one thing I hate the most. I feel more like a jedi on my slinger than I do my sentinel.


lol LIES thats all i can say to that because at lvl 30 in full purple geared by purple barrels and cybertechs purple mods I never hit 300k with dirty fighting and there's no way you had the armor pen to hit that with sharpshooter and stay alive without two healers on your back constantly. You either fought the worst groups ALIVE and in which case you only got one or two BG's with half that dps and stopped because if you kept running EVERYONE WOULD BULLSYEYE YOU AFTER HITTING 300K and you'd be focus'd fired every BG after till you quit or did 50-100k in the top ten till you left.

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lol LIES thats all i can say to that because at lvl 30 in full purple geared by purple barrels and cybertechs purple mods I never hit 300k with dirty fighting and there's no way you had the armor pen to hit that with sharpshooter and stay alive without two healers on your back constantly. You either fought the worst groups ALIVE and in which case you only got one or two BG's with half that dps and stopped because if you kept running EVERYONE WOULD BULLSYEYE YOU AFTER HITTING 300K and you'd be focus'd fired every BG after till you quit or did 50-100k in the top ten till you left.


I'm starting to wonder if you've ever in fact PVP'd. Having full purples means NOTHING with Bolster in place. You do realize that, don't you? Stats get normalized. Don't believe me? Go into a PVP match with just your weapon, no armor. You'll still be able do decent damage. Well, maybe not you but I've seen people doing it. It's quite funny.


I think I'm starting to smell troll. :(

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