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Gunslinger's in PvP you must be joking


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I'm not saying that the class is seriously underpowered by any means but they pale in comparsion to most other classes.


They were intended to be a high dmg range dps class, but they got none of the tools any other class dedicated to dps has.


Unlike the scoundrel/operative they have no heals, vanish or run speed escape basically no way to escape multiple targets focus fire and with weak armor and almost NO defensive skills one stun is the end of them.


I'm not saying that they can't be a deadly or viable BG force but only when everyone pretty much ignores them.


All of their dmg rolls off weapon and kinetic which means it's absorbed by armor, they have only 1 armor debuff at 20% and there dirty fighting talent rely's on low dmg dots to bypass armor and requires setup time they don't have.


The margin for error and reaction time needed is higher then any other class and giving a range class one stun that requires 4 meter range is a joke. Otherwise their forced to rely on flash grenade to save their lives and when there highest dps build is dirty fighting and dot aoe's the targets, this is just silly.


It just seems like this class was not given very much attention in consideration to pvp and lacks the synergy most other classes have.

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Not gonna lie, whenever I see a Sniper I think "Free kill." They are the only people squisher than me as a sage, and they have next to no burst so as long as I stun and interrupt they aren't gonna be able to get through da bubble fast enough for me to have to wait too long afore recasting it. Edited by BrotardNosef
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ehh.. If sniper is on a ledge or elsewhere and i cant LOS him i'm dead. Their burst is awesome, only way to kill them is to get them off cover.


I think they're operating just fine. The bad thing about snipers is that they're almost useless for objectives.

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Not gonna lie, whenever I see a Sniper I think "Free kill." They are the only people squisher than me as a sage, and they have next to no burst so as long as I stun and interrupt they aren't gonna be able to get through da bubble fast enough for me to have to wait too long afore recasting it.


except that you can't interrupt them when they are in cover.


Idk, sniper is the one class I'm really not sure about. ***** a few, been ***** by a few. They do have a knockback root or slow or something whilst they are in cover that allows them to pretty much set up some great shots, I think they are fine really, just need to set up shop somewhere smart.


Focus jedi guardian here.

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I find the sniper/gunslinger the most annoying class (in huttball especially) as a marauder.


Not because I think they are op...


Just the fact that I cannot charge em (unless FC+Leap) and their long *** KB annoys me.

Edited by atreyuz
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ehh.. If sniper is on a ledge or elsewhere and i cant LOS him i'm dead. Their burst is awesome, only way to kill them is to get them off cover.


I think they're operating just fine. The bad thing about snipers is that they're almost useless for objectives.


There burst seems awesome if your a low armor class but not agianst any class with descent armor since they have zero to no armor pen skills.


Unless they use hunker down they can easily be knocked out of cover and hunker down has a long repop.


Honestly it's like playing a wow hunter with no pet, traps, armor pen, or run speed. while the scoundrel/ operative is like playing a wow rogue with heals lol it's not even close by comparsion.


One run speed ability on a long repop would make a huge difference for this class, but I play a Sent/scoundrel and gunslinger and I will say I can only win with my gunslinger when I play flawlessly and make zero mistakes. And compaired to every other class i played this class is pretty weak.

Edited by Syft
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Snipers and gunslingers are amazing. If I see one they are the first thing I target and I don't stop until they are dead. If you ignore them they will pick off your teammates 1 by 1 very quickly. My friend is a Sniper with him on a ledge in cover we can hold spawn against 3-4 players easily.


I wish I knew in advance I would have rolled a powertech so I yank people down that go up the ramps after him.

Edited by Rhazesx
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There burst seems awesome if your a low armor class but not agianst any class with descent armor since they have zero to no armor pen skills.


I've heard snipers/slings complain about this so often when they start out, but once they get decent pvp gear they start blowing up the charts every warzone and feel like the most powerful persons in the world.


It's just REALLY gear dependant.


( ALSO: Scoundrels are boring <-- rank 40, dont play it anymore )

Edited by Piriste
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I wish there were more Gunslingers in PVP, they suck solo; but if you assist them with guard or heals, they can obliterate the other team.


This. I'm in all champ/BM gear with over 600 expertise and mostly faceroll anyone I come across. However, there is a gunslinger on my server that will tear me to shreds if I don't LOS him. Seriously, people complaining about Snipers/Gunslingers make no sense to me when I see this guy in the battlefield tearing people apart. Not saying it's an l2p issue or anything, but he must be doing something right that others aren't.

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This. I'm in all champ/BM gear with over 600 expertise and mostly faceroll anyone I come across. However, there is a gunslinger on my server that will tear me to shreds if I don't LOS him. Seriously, people complaining about Snipers/Gunslingers make no sense to me when I see this guy in the battlefield tearing people apart. Not saying it's an l2p issue or anything, but he must be doing something right that others aren't.


The arguement that a guy does well if you ignore or cant get to him is kind of a logic fail because I can do better with tracer missile spam and take more dmg and single heal for 5k crits with heavy armor.


If i ignore any class thats on me they will kill me so I fail to see how that makes them balanced. LMFAO I ignored this sorc on me and he killed me, anyone you ignore who's gunning for you will kill you. Only the gunslinger has no way to escape ANYTHING when your gunning for him.

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The arguement that a guy does well if you ignore or cant get to him is kind of a logic fail because I can do better with tracer missile spam and take more dmg and single heal for 5k crits with heavy armor.


If i ignore any class thats on me they will kill me so I fail to see how that makes them balanced. LMFAO I ignored this sorc on me and he killed me, anyone you ignore who's gunning for you will kill you. Only the gunslinger has no way to escape ANYTHING when your gunning for him.


Tbh i'm much more afraid of Snipers. Tracer Missiles are usually pretty easy to beat but good Snipers are extremely strong. They have so many great Talents.

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When ranked warzones come i BET gunslingers are in HUGE demand.


Mark - My - Words.


Then why are they the least represented class in PVP???? In my exp the most amazing classes in pvp were never the least played ones.

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They are amazing with Support. They deal so much damage it's crazy. I met a few good ones and aren't beatable on Open Field as Sage. Also as Melee they are extremely annoying to play against.


Anyone can be amazing with support but i know their underbalanced because the one thing I've never seen on this forum is




and I've seen a whine for every other class BUT THEM!

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Then why are they the least represented class in PVP???? In my exp the most amazing classes in pvp were never the least played ones.


Because IA/Smuggler just isn't interesting to most people.


Scoundrel/Op was the most powerful damage in pvp and was nerfed even though maybe 5 people played them.

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You currently DO have the best damage, it's already proven in PVE environment where you're the most sought after DD.


Do you really want to be on equal grounds in terms of survivability, and then top everyone on damage?


You do realize this is a pvp forum and dps in pvp is a totally different beast then pve, if you don't understand that I cant really help you


P.S. there is no greater deterent to dps in pvp then waiting to respawn if you check the charts its often the guy with the least deaths that also has the highest dps unless there banking dps off aoe dmg

Edited by Syft
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Gosh I love Gunslinger, it is my favorite class by far in the game. Slows and roots off the Resolve bar makes the class amazing imo. We have some nice burst too. I'm really enjoying it, but I wouldn't be mad about a buff. =P


I love the class myself I don;t think they need a dmg buff although a way to armor pen without relying on dots would be nice.


But they do need some form of escape, a short duration run speed or leap backwards ability something to get them out of danger.


Op has heals and vanish


BH has heals and a ton of defensive abilities


Sorc got stun and heals and run speed


lol this class got zip and so I've run BG's on my server to valor rank 60 on two toons and I honestly see 1 or 2 slinger/snipers per 10 Bg's and the number of sorc/BH's grows everyday.


We can all pretend the other classes are fine like the wow kids did and watch as 2-3 classes have 75% arena team win ratio's or tell the truth

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Then why are they the least represented class in PVP???? In my exp the most amazing classes in pvp were never the least played ones.


a) Because few people decided to play them after release. No wonder there are fewer of them inpvp if there are fewer of them in general.


b) Because they are rather boring to play at lower levels.


c) Because they are weaker than other classes at lower levels. They may be equal in damage potential but they are not as mobile than most other classes at that point and lack some of their supporting skills (especially cc).


d) Because there was no outcry from the "zero skill, zero competence" - faction of the player base that served as advertising.


(Unlike e.g. tracer missile spam by mercs, which is a rather mediocre talent with mediocre damage output if you don´t insist on playing pvp at level 10-30 and expect it to be the ultimate gaming experience ever but look at the forums and voilá.."overpowered").

Edited by XElementalX
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The only problem right now with gunslinger and snipers is how their burst tree is so dependant on ranged damage (white damage), making it avoidable (and there are ****loads of avoidance selfbuffs and debuffs), which can make your damage quite low at some points. Also, the damage on that tree is totally mitigated by armor, something which most classes don't have problems.


Yeh, i know, dirty fighting is quite awesome, but then you see some good players who dispell themselves and their mothers and you start to think how usefull it really is when you are with no energy in no time and you aren't really keeping pressure on the opponents healers (as a DoT spec should).


I love the class, and i think it's quite good, but the other rangeds not only not require cover for the bread and butter, they also use tech/force attacks (ignoring avoidance entirely) and half them ignore a quite amount of armor, and that means we lose way more damage than them. A good example is how our cover, is totally useless against other rangeds than snipers.


We aren't really that inmobile (even with sharp/marks), learn to use your instants and only stop to cast when it's really needed or you got a good position, or getting some good aimeds. Yes we excel when inmobile, but sometimes you just gotta adapt to the situation guys instead of try-harding.

Edited by Keldaur
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