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I dont know about you guys... BUT


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The pvp in this game is so uninteresting...


I know the game is new, but seriously three warzones over and over and over and over and over is getting old. I quit wow as a multi glad and one time rank 1 disc priest because doing arenas over and over got me so bored I wanted to puke just by looking at the wow loading screen. Im getting to the point where I cant even log into the game to do daily pvp quests without getting sick to my stomach.


I just think they could have done so much more with this game and be much more innovative. For example, imagine guild pvp where you have to fight through another guilds battle ship and can actually destroy it? thats an idea that I thought of on the spot its probabaly a horrible idea but the three warzones they have now a 10 year old could have created in about 5 minutes.


All I know is that the forums and in game are full of QQ because of the fact this game is literally in beta phase. All my friends have already quit and I know alot of you have probably canceled your membership already. I cant go back to WoW so please bioware get on the ball..


Anyways this is just me ranting and will probably get closed in 5 minutes, but I need to get it out.


Let the trolls begin!

Edited by Jamesdino
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