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Breaking Vette


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This. Why dont these kids whine their warriors need moar blood and skullz while they're at it...


If you dont want to treat her like a companion, then dont. But dont whine that you dont get the benefits for NOT doing it. IMO, any remotely serious Sith would recognize her strength, despite starting off as a slave. After all, thats how 1/2 the Sith force using classes start off. My DS Jugg freed her as well after she's proven her worth over and over.


You're half right, more on some of your comments then others. I object, again, not to not having a broken Vette story because I want to play it (even though I would), but that Bioware did not put a broken Vette story because it's a plausible outcome and it could end up as a very engaging and apropos storyline. As for your point about serious Sith, that's half-right. Vader, Tyrannus, Sidious, they might RECOGNIZE her strength, but we are talking about Sith Lords with extreme tempers. Let's face it: Vader in particular needs to sit down and drink a cup of tea every hour just to keep himself in a bad mood.


This is the guy who killed an admiral and a captain because they screwed up a little too much for his liking. Needa lost the Falcon in Episode V, with no prior mess-ups, and Vader killed him for that. Admiral Piette came out of lightspeed too close to Hoth in the same movie, which, all in all, really was a minor inconvenience to the Empire, and he killed him for that too. Palpatine was hardly better, except he enjoyed what he did in a sick, almost fetishistic way. Do you remember his face while fighting Windu? It's even worse in the novelization, where he's grinning while he kills Sasee Tinn and Kit Fisto.


Vette has her uses, but I suppose it comes down to whether those uses outweigh her personality. Again, let's face it: Vette is arrogant, mouthy, whiny, complains far too much, is overly sarcastic, and has a weak sense of humour. Most of those things probably wouldn't shine too well with guys who kill people because they frakked up once too many times. Plus if you've played through the Imperial Agent storyline (I've only really done the beginning), mouthing off to Darth Jadus gets you force choked more then once. I guess it really depends on your character's personality. My Sith Warrior would continuously choke her until she learned to smarten up, and, if he was allowed to, break her in half (mentally speaking).

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How on earth is her freedom not earned? She could easily betray you dozens of times, and sticks with you. Without blowing a heroic moment, I'm pretty sure you'd lose to her in a fight in the sub 50 game, particularly when you get her. She saves your butt from whats his face on Korriban when she could have turned against you. If you ever dropped before her, the mere fact that you woke up in a med center is due to her good graces. Most would just put a blaster bolt through your head and remove their own collar.


Also, not only can she not betray you because Bioware won't let her, I'm willing to bet that she won't betray you because she's been around sith lords before. These guys have really short tempers, as I already said, and if she did, she'd most likely be hunted down and hacked into pieces with a lightsaber. I'm willing to bet she's looking out for herself more then she's looking out for you (this is of course, before you start a relationship with her. Her opinions, I would think, would change then).

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This. Why dont these kids whine their warriors need moar blood and skullz while they're at it...


Because that's not what most of us want, either.


If you dont want to treat her like a companion, then dont. But dont whine that you dont get the benefits for NOT doing it. IMO, any remotely serious Sith would recognize her strength, despite starting off as a slave. After all, thats how 1/2 the Sith force using classes start off. My DS Jugg freed her as well after she's proven her worth over and over.


I'm terribly sorry, but you do realize that a) proving her worth is a matter of opinion, and b) it's just as ridiculous that a Sith is forced to treat her "right" to unlock the benefits as it would be for a Jedi to capitulate to a murderer's bloodthirst to do the same.


How on earth is her freedom not earned? She could easily betray you dozens of times, and sticks with you.


Largely because she has no choice in the matter, and her betrayals would leave her in worse spots.


Without blowing a heroic moment, I'm pretty sure you'd lose to her in a fight in the sub 50 game, particularly when you get her.


I'm pretty sure she wouldn't.


She saves your butt from whats his face on Korriban when she could have turned against you.


You do realize she'd then be trapped in a Sith temple, on the Sith homeworld, and with the less tolerant Sith rival present? Sticking with the Sith Warrior isn't her proving her loyalty, it's proving she's aware it's the best of several rotten options.


If you ever dropped before her, the mere fact that you woke up in a med center is due to her good graces.


No more than it's true if you die before she joins you, and you wake up in a med center. The mechanic's clearly independent of the attitudes of your companions.


Most would just put a blaster bolt through your head and remove their own collar.


Assuming no failsafes exist, which is unlikely or the collar'd be of even less use in the storyline.


If Vette wants her freedom, she needs to be in a position where helping the SW isn't under duress, and/or makes actual efforts to earn it other than whining to the SW to let her go. She's done neither.


Well, given that Vader's kind of a moron, it fits.


Vette's the one talking back to the Vader knock-offs constantly. By your own logic, she's even more of a moron.

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You're half right, more on some of your comments then others. I object, again, not to not having a broken Vette story because I want to play it (even though I would), but that Bioware did not put a broken Vette story because it's a plausible outcome and it could end up as a very engaging and apropos storyline. As for your point about serious Sith, that's half-right. Vader, Tyrannus, Sidious, they might RECOGNIZE her strength, but we are talking about Sith Lords with extreme tempers. Let's face it: Vader in particular needs to sit down and drink a cup of tea every hour just to keep himself in a bad mood.


This is the guy who killed an admiral and a captain because they screwed up a little too much for his liking. Needa lost the Falcon in Episode V, with no prior mess-ups, and Vader killed him for that. Admiral Piette came out of lightspeed too close to Hoth in the same movie, which, all in all, really was a minor inconvenience to the Empire, and he killed him for that too. Palpatine was hardly better, except he enjoyed what he did in a sick, almost fetishistic way. Do you remember his face while fighting Windu? It's even worse in the novelization, where he's grinning while he kills Sasee Tinn and Kit Fisto.


Vette has her uses, but I suppose it comes down to whether those uses outweigh her personality. Again, let's face it: Vette is arrogant, mouthy, whiny, complains far too much, is overly sarcastic, and has a weak sense of humour. Most of those things probably wouldn't shine too well with guys who kill people because they frakked up once too many times. Plus if you've played through the Imperial Agent storyline (I've only really done the beginning), mouthing off to Darth Jadus gets you force choked more then once. I guess it really depends on your character's personality. My Sith Warrior would continuously choke her until she learned to smarten up, and, if he was allowed to, break her in half (mentally speaking).


The problem with this entire line of logic is that the people who think like this often talk as if it's a requirement for a Sith to be as blood-thirsty as Palpatine and as no-nonsense as Vader. Which isn't the case with player characters as they can go full lightside which portrays them as being more level-headed and rational. Which is the opposite of the popular stereotype of Sith who fly off the handle and force choke those who show the slightest opposition. Which is why those Sith who follow the latter path lose relationship points with her, unlike the Sith who take the opposite route. A lot of Vette's unpunished snarkyness comes down to luck as well. If she were to mouth off to Jadus or any other Sith, there's no saying that she wouldn't be choked or punished just because some other NPC she mouthed off decided not to pistol whip her.


As for Vette's personality, I actually like it a lot. It's a nice counterbalance to the brutal atmosphere of the Sith. Most of your complaints were just your interpretation of her character, and are a demonstration of your own level of tolerance for the things that push your buttons. She's not really arrogant, because you gain negative relationship points with her when you act in such a manner. She's only mouthy when she knows that can get away with it. For example, I don't remember her ever getting mouthy with Baras. Not even to him on your ship's Holo or even...



if she's there for the final cutscene, where his end was canon

does she say anything. The latter half even when the dust had settled and the player character was there to protect her.


If you don't like upbeat smart-alecs (which it seems), then say just that. Trying to make her character out as being faulty when it comes down to personal play-style and choice is a little bit dishonest.

Edited by Dharnell
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Again, Vette is an expert slicer and infiltrator. At one point, Quinn makes a remark that Vette disabled a series of security measures as if they were toys. Do you really think Vette gains "a magical immunity to electricity" or, given time and unsupervised access to the ship's workbench and tools, she simply disabled the shock mechanism?


It astounds me that people who want to keep the shock collar on her and torture her endlessly complain about "bad storytelling" because her story, which is a romance option, won't progress until after the collar is off. You take the collar off and she will open up. If you don't take the collar off, she sulks.


While i tend to agree with this it is still a bit lazy to simply make her shut down if you choose to abuse her. Other posters are right, if you want to progress her storyline, you are forced to take off the collar. Vette is the main companion for the warrior class, the lack of an option is a bit crap.

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The problem with this entire line of logic is that the people who think like this often talk as if it's a requirement for a Sith to be as blood-thirsty as Palpatine and as no-nonsense as Vader. Which isn't the case with player characters as they can go full lightside which portrays them as being more level-headed and rational. Which is the opposite of the popular stereotype of Sith who fly off the handle and force choke those who show the slightest opposition. Which is why those Sith who follow the latter path lose relationship points with her, unlike the Sith who take the opposite route. A lot of Vette's unpunished snarkyness comes down to luck as well. If she were to mouth off to Jadus or any other Sith, there's no saying that she wouldn't be choked or punished just because some other NPC she mouthed off decided not to pistol whip her.


As for Vette's personality, I actually like it a lot. It's a nice counterbalance to the brutal atmosphere of the Sith. Most of your complaints were just your interpretation of her character, and are a demonstration of your own level of tolerance for the things that push your buttons. She's not really arrogant, because you gain negative relationship points with her when you act in such a manner. She's only mouthy when she knows that can get away with it. For example, I don't remember her ever getting mouthy with Baras. Not even to him on your ship's Holo or even...



if she's there for the final cutscene, where his end was canon

does she say anything. The latter half even when the dust had settled and the player character was there to protect her.


If you don't like upbeat smart-alecs (which it seems), then say just that. Trying to make her character out as being faulty when it comes down to personal play-style and choice is a little bit dishonest.


I think you misunderstood what I was saying. I'm not saying that since Vader and Palpatine were stir-crazy, cold-blooded and murderous that ALL Sith lords have to be like that, otherwise it's not canon. What I'm saying is that since the Order of the Sith Lords has primarily produced people who are power-hungry and slightly south of insanity, it's not unreasonable to say that most Sith are similar to the Sith lords we've seen in the movies. I'm not saying that you MUST kill as liberally as Vader, or laugh evilly as much as Palpatine, you can play any way you want. What I'm saying is that it's essentially par for the course to have a mad Sith, rather then a cool, calm and collected Sith. It's not a requirement, it's an expectation. So, since you're dealing with an order of primarily power-hungry force-users, I'm confused as to why you wouldn't be able to break a slave into an obedient servant.


And as for your point about me not liking Vette, I don't dislike Vette at all. I think Vette is quite funny, and adds a little spice to an otherwise dull and grey existence as a Sith lord. However, I'm pointing out what my character doesn't like about her, and what (I would imagine) most other Sith lords don't like about her.


And again: I'm not upset because there isn't a broken Vette story I would like to play (even though I would play it). I'm confused and slightly upset that Bioware had a good opportunity to create a cool, appropriate and interesting story, but they let it slip by, which is something no good author should do.

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b) it's just as ridiculous that a Sith is forced to treat her "right" to unlock the benefits as it would be for a Jedi to capitulate to a murderer's bloodthirst to do the same.


So you're complaining that you have to be nice to someone in order to get the benefits that go along with being nice? And that you should be able to treat them like crap and still get those same benefits?

That is rather flawed.



I do agree a separate storyline with the collar on would be nice. Not even necessarily a broken one, since given Vette's character she seems very very very very unlikely to ever break.


Some people simply won't break.


Remember when you first see her she is nagging the Guard with annoying sounds and continues to do so even after he shocks her. Most people would probably of shut up at that point.




Entire topic is amusing in that people are complaining for having a choice, you may not like the choice but you have it.

A) Keep collar on keep shocking her, and ending the progression of her storyline and the benefits of it.


B) Take the collar off and continue progressing her story line, gaining the benefits of it.



You may think it's no choice because 'obviously' you must have the benefits. But if you gain the same benefits with either choice then....what is the point of choosing to begin with? Might as well toss a coin because at that point the only choice is flavor and nothing else at all.

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You're half right, more on some of your comments then others. I object, again, not to not having a broken Vette story because I want to play it (even though I would), but that Bioware did not put a broken Vette story because it's a plausible outcome and it could end up as a very engaging and apropos storyline. As for your point about serious Sith, that's half-right. Vader, Tyrannus, Sidious, they might RECOGNIZE her strength, but we are talking about Sith Lords with extreme tempers. Let's face it: Vader in particular needs to sit down and drink a cup of tea every hour just to keep himself in a bad mood.


Again, Vader's a *******, so if you want to play like a *******, then I'd imagine you'd have no companions in short order. On the other hand, if you play your character as something other than a cartoon villain, you'll have to abide some people who push your buttons.



Vette has her uses, but I suppose it comes down to whether those uses outweigh her personality. Again, let's face it: Vette is arrogant, mouthy, whiny, complains far too much, is overly sarcastic, and has a weak sense of humour.


I haven't seen her whiny at all. She stands up under pressure, and is full of fire. Her personality is a close mirror of Pierce, and we dont see people whining about him. Frankly, if she was a dude, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

Edited by Zoggel
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Because that's not what most of us want, either.




I'm terribly sorry, but you do realize that a) proving her worth is a matter of opinion, and b) it's just as ridiculous that a Sith is forced to treat her "right" to unlock the benefits as it would be for a Jedi to capitulate to a murderer's bloodthirst to do the same.


She proves her worth as much/if not more so than any of the other companions. She's hands down the best DPS, and again, is tougher than you when you get her.



Largely because she has no choice in the matter, and her betrayals would leave her in worse spots.


She has every choice. Do you send her on missions? Tons of time to escape. She could rather easily kill you in your sleep... she was an assassin after all. Sorry, but she's not programmed to gun you down, just like you aren't programmed to be allowed to kill every single NPC quest giver. Her choices, like yours, are based on the game parameters, and a storyline. You may as well be whining you cant stab Darth Baras the first time you meet him, or kill everyone after you hand in your quest for extra rewards. Its like asking why cant my agent betray the empire and work for the hutts? The game isnt set up like this, and requires some suspension of disbelief. The game presents a companion, which you could plausibly free, or at least see as a worthy addition, easily moreso than most of the others, Jaesa being the possible exception. You choose not to, which is fine, but you're going against the grain. The penalty for that is you dont get as much story, just like if you decline quests.

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So you're complaining that you have to be nice to someone in order to get the benefits that go along with being nice? And that you should be able to treat them like crap and still get those same benefits?

That is rather flawed.


No. I'm complaining that Darth Vader's class has to be nice to someone who actively undermines their master's authority, insults him, and refuses to take any initiative to better her lot, to get the benefits for playing through storylines that other classes do not have such a handicap.


I do agree a separate storyline with the collar on would be nice. Not even necessarily a broken one, since given Vette's character she seems very very very very unlikely to ever break.


I disagree, but that's largely because I don't buy Vette's characterization for a moment. I'm certain she's well-written if she's freed, but from what I've seen of her, she'd have been put down within days on Korriban.


Some people simply won't break.


More's the pity, then, that we're expressly told to bend her to our will, and forced instead to break for her.


Remember when you first see her she is nagging the Guard with annoying sounds and continues to do so even after he shocks her. Most people would probably of shut up at that point.


To be quite honest, that defining moment was also the moment I knew I'd despise her -- she should've been put to death by this point. I admit it'd probably have helped if she showed direct resistance rather than responding like a child.


Entire topic is amusing in that people are complaining for having a choice, you may not like the choice but you have it.

A) Keep collar on keep shocking her, and ending the progression of her storyline and the benefits of it.


Correction: keep the collar on, get nothing, and permanently handicap your character because BioWare didn't acknowledge that a character class designed after one of the most famed villains in fiction, may just end up villainous themselves.


B) Take the collar off and continue progressing her story line, gaining the benefits of it.


Correction: break character for purely metagaming reasons if you're playing a Sith unimpressed with Vette's antics.


These are both bad choices. BioWare's guidelines for writers stresses putting the player in control, and Vette's storyline flagrantly violates that rule.


You may think it's no choice because 'obviously' you must have the benefits. But if you gain the same benefits with either choice then....what is the point of choosing to begin with? Might as well toss a coin because at that point the only choice is flavor and nothing else at all.


Because the "choice" is between violating my characterization -- a characterization that BioWare not only should have seen coming, but should have planned directly to accommodate given the class being based on Vader -- or handicapping my game mechanics. This "choice" is one that should not be a requirement in the first place. Do other classes have this "choice"?

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Again, Vader's a *******, so if you want to play like a *******, then I'd imagine you'd have no companions in short order. On the other hand, if you play your character as something other than a cartoon villain, you'll have to abide some people who push your buttons.


Fortunately, most of us aren't playing cartoon villains, just villains who follow the Sith Code. Unfortunately, Vette stands in direct opposition to this, flaunting authority and begging for freedom rather than lifting a finger to free herself, so unfortunately, we're back at Vette penalizing us.


I haven't seen her whiny at all.


Leave the collar on. She'll get there quickly.


She stands up under pressure, and is full of fire. Her personality is a close mirror of Pierce, and we dont see people whining about him.


Yes, actually, we do. About as many threads, in fact, and with at least as many people calling for his outright death.


Frankly, if she was a dude, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.


If she were male and her behavior identical, my reaction would be identical: get this person to grow up, change, or get them off my ship.

Edited by Zoggel
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She proves her worth as much/if not more so than any of the other companions. She's hands down the best DPS, and again, is tougher than you when you get her.


She proves her worth less, as nobody else has to be forced to join you.


She has every choice. Do you send her on missions? Tons of time to escape.


Assuming she can free herself from the collar, and no other method of keeping her in line is present. Neither is a given.


She could rather easily kill you in your sleep... she was an assassin after all.


I wouldn't know, since Bioware never bothered to let me see, and again, if it were that easy, the collar'd be useless.


Sorry, but she's not programmed to gun you down, just like you aren't programmed to be allowed to kill every single NPC quest giver. Her choices, like yours, are based on the game parameters, and a storyline.


A storyline that penalizes a player who wants to play like a Sith.


You may as well be whining you cant stab Darth Baras the first time you meet him, or kill everyone after you hand in your quest for extra rewards. Its like asking why cant my agent betray the empire and work for the hutts?


...no. It's nothing like that. I'm playing the class patterned after Vader, and the only options for dealing with Vette do not take into account Vader's personality in the slightest. That's the issue. I'm not demanding absolute freedom in the game, I'm saying that when designing a storyline for a class based on an archetypal character, BioWare shouldn't penalize players (in terms of mechanic or flavor) for cleaving closely to that archetype.


The game isnt set up like this, and requires some suspension of disbelief.


Unfortunately, Vette's characterization, coupled with this "choice" makes that non-existent. When asking What Would Vader Do in regards to Vette, BioWare did not acknowledge any option other than helplessness in the face of her inexplicable immunity to electricity.


The game presents a companion, which you could plausibly free, or at least see as a worthy addition, easily moreso than most of the others, Jaesa being the possible exception. You choose not to, which is fine, but you're going against the grain. The penalty for that is you dont get as much story, just like if you decline quests.


The problem is, she's not a worthy addition in my eyes. She's clearly opposed to my character's goals, and states so at every opportunity, proving her untrustworthy. She doesn't make an effort to free herself, relying instead upon my character to do it for her. Quite frankly, given that Vader'd kill her for her behavior, it's freeing her in the first place being what's going against the grain.

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No. I'm complaining that Darth Vader's class has to be nice to someone who actively undermines their master's authority, insults him, and refuses to take any initiative to better her lot, to get the benefits for playing through storylines that other classes do not have such a handicap.


On the other hand, if you free her and keep her in line with your own presence like a real man, rather than hiding behind a shock collar, you'll find she's pretty pro-you. Vette loves it when you talk smack, get rich, and put the boot to cronies. I have no idea where people are getting that she's opposed to your agenda. Maybe if you keep the collar on, in which case, no duh.



I disagree, but that's largely because I don't buy Vette's characterization for a moment. I'm certain she's well-written if she's freed, but from what I've seen of her, she'd have been put down within days on Korriban.


She would have been, true. Some people would rather die on their feet, than live on their knees. Just because she's not as craven as you want her to be doesnt make her a bad character. So pretend you killed her, and ignore her. Dont send her out on missions or use her in combat, because we all know you dont value her. Unfortunately, you arent allowed to actually kill her off, because the dumb kids in beta playing "teh evuls!" killed all their companions, then whined they were penalized for "rp-ing" their chaotic stupid character. Of course, we're largely in the same boat with this thread, so I guess Bioware is lose/lose.

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Fortunately, most of us aren't playing cartoon villains, just villains who follow the Sith Code. Unfortunately, Vette stands in direct opposition to this, flaunting authority and begging for freedom rather than lifting a finger to free herself, so unfortunately, we're back at Vette penalizing us.


Well, given that if she lifted a finger to free herself, you'd be out one companion, I dont think you'd like that alternative either.


Leave the collar on. She'll get there quickly.


Oh, so again, you're picking the wrong choice thats not logically backed up with the game, and whining about it... big surprise. She stands by you in battle, defends you, performs missions dutifully. If that's not worthy of releasing her from her prison sentence, I'm not sure what is...



Yes, actually, we do. About as many threads, in fact, and with at least as many people calling for his outright death.


I've seen a lot of people wanting to kill QUINN. Not Pierce.



If she were male and her behavior identical, my reaction would be identical: get this person to grow up, change, or get them off my ship.


You can say it all you want, but you'll never convince me.... Just a bunch of kids wanting a torture sim with a sex slave. Evil classes always attract the worst players in general, but this is just pathetic.

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...no. It's nothing like that. I'm playing the class patterned after Vader, and the only options for dealing with Vette do not take into account Vader's personality in the slightest. That's the issue. I'm not demanding absolute freedom in the game, I'm saying that when designing a storyline for a class based on an archetypal character, BioWare shouldn't penalize players (in terms of mechanic or flavor) for cleaving closely to that archetype.


Vader at no point used a shock collar to keep his underlings in line. So stating you want to use such to be 'more like Vader' makes no sense whatsoever. Its not cleaving to that archtype at all.


And Vader was surprisingly tolerant of a similarly mouthy sidekick he had in younger days. Personally I think as long as his underling was doing what he wanted, he'd be tolerant.


Now for fun, look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself how many times you said something mouthy to Baras during your class quests. Baras showed surprising restraint on my playthroughs because I was accomplishing his goals. And I insulted him nearly every chance I got. How about you?


But honestly if you're really just seeking to continually treat her badly you really miss out on some 'gems' by taking off the collar and seeing some of the options on her quests.

Edited by CutlassJack
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Vader at no point used a shock collar to keep his underlings in line. So stating you want to use such to be 'more like Vader' makes no sense whatsoever. Its not cleaving to that archtype at all.


Perhaps not, but Vader kept his crew in line with fear of his power and being killed for screwing up. What Tenebraum is saying is that we want to keep Vette in line more sternly then we are being allowed by the perimeters of the game.


And Vader was surprisingly tolerant of a similarly mouthy sidekick he had in younger days. Personally I think as long as his underling was doing what he wanted, he'd be tolerant.


No. If you're talking about Ahsoka Tano, that was far before Anakin became Vader. If you've read the novelization of Revenge of the Sith, Anakin becomes Vader after Sidious knight him and makes him his apprentice, and thus he destroys Anakin Skywalker and his former personality. If you're talking about Galen Marek/Starkiller, he wasn't mouthy at all. Starkiller was utterly obediant and subserviant right up to his betrayal.


Baras showed surprising restraint on my playthroughs because I was accomplishing his goals. And I insulted him nearly every chance I got. How about you?


The difference is that you don't have to play like Baras. You can play any way you want. I insulted Baras quite a lot as well, and yes, he did keep me alive. But my Warrior has a very short temper, killing people just as liberally as Vader does because he finds it amusing. Vette irritates him, and since I can't break or kill her, I've given him the personality of finding her annoying, but her usefulness and company outweighs her personality.


But honestly if you're really just seeking to continually treat her badly you really miss out on some 'gems' by taking off the collar and seeing some of the options on her quests.


And that kinda sucks. As I've said, the writers could have made a cool and appropriate story, but they passed up the opportunity. As a writer myself, that makes me mad.

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Perhaps not, but Vader kept his crew in line with fear of his power and being killed for screwing up. What Tenebraum is saying is that we want to keep Vette in line more sternly then we are being allowed by the perimeters of the game.


Except she totally stays in line if you take the collar off... She's far more trustworthy than Quinn, has about the same personality that grates against authority as Pierce (and my marauder), and high fives you when you haul ***, get paid, and blow up some scum. She routinely gives affection points for dark side choices, when they involve some kind of personal gain. However, she's not Chaotic Stupid like a bunch of the kids here want to play, but then again, you dont make it too far in the real world acting like that. However, unfortunately, the game doesnt really penalize you for going around talking smack to Baras, Dark Lords, Dread Masters and Imperial Moffs, particularly since you're pretty much just a grunt sith... sure, you're better than non force users, but for the most of it, you're Bara's errand boy. If the game had real consequences, you'd be perma dead pretty fast. Which is why Vette doesnt shoot you in the head when you drop to 0HP, screw you out of a companion by running off the first time you send her on a companion mission, etc. You can either rationalize that because that hasnt happened, she's earned an early parole (remember, she was in jail for stealing artifacts, she'd already escaped slavery years ago), and just play along with the game, or not, and suck it up. But treating her like crap, pumping her full of gifts, then whining because you dont get more story is just stupid.

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Vette's an expert infiltrator that excels at bypassing traps and security systems. When you meet her she's the only person on Korriban who has solved a centuries old puzzle.


Do you really think she can be broken by a mere shock collar?


by the end of the story im the right hand of the empire the second most feared living creature in the entire universe your damn right i should be able to break just about anybody.

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by the end of the story im the right hand of the empire the second most feared living creature in the entire universe your damn right i should be able to break just about anybody.


Then its kind of embarassing you need a shock collar to do it then, isn't it? I mean if you were really all that.;)

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Then its kind of embarassing you need a shock collar to do it then, isn't it? I mean if you were really all that.;)


I wasn't going to enter into this pathetic thread, but this made me laugh.


You've pointed out Vader's secret plan...he wasn't feared for his force choke, nor for his ability to sense your presence across a star system and hunt you down...nope...he was feared because of his plan to put shock collars on everyone in teh galaxy. Without them, he would be too impotent.

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if it was in beta that means its not a writing issue. its a ESRB issue. and they dont want to get a spot on FoxNews again after the 4 second nude scene from Mass effect about mistreating sometone like a slave to the point of mental breakdown, that wont be good press for parents to get them to buy a game for them.


So its not a writing decision it would be a good besnuies decision. Because if what people where saying is true about what was in Beta then, the story had already been writen and in beta some people must have complained about it.


Surprised they already haven't gotten attention for some of the in game story. It's all story and fiction, no matter how dark or demented, it is all a form of art, but unfortunately i guess they figure it will influence children too much. Though electrocuting everyone to death you talk to, killing a sith lord so you can nail his wife, etc, isn't much better lol.


Too bad they limit the intimacy scenes though it would hurt this games player base bad to have an M rating. not that it is anything kids these days haven't seen or done already.

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