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Breaking Vette


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Vette's an expert infiltrator that excels at bypassing traps and security systems. When you meet her she's the only person on Korriban who has solved a centuries old puzzle.


Do you really think she can be broken by a mere shock collar?

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I dont understand why Vette was even on Korriban in the first place. I thought that her gang of treasure hunters were stealing Twi'lek artifacts.


So why was she on Korriban? Home of the Sith who usually hates aliens including Twi'leks?

Edited by Derako-Redempt
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She can be broken and she starts to develop a Stockholm Syndrome from it.


Really? I ended up taking her collar off just to save time, and my sith lord ends up respecting her, despite finding enjoyment in murder, chaos and destruction (There's a guy you wanna work for). I was just told that eventually she won't talk to you unless you take the collar off.

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Really? I ended up taking her collar off just to save time, and my sith lord ends up respecting her, despite finding enjoyment in murder, chaos and destruction (There's a guy you wanna work for). I was just told that eventually she won't talk to you unless you take the collar off.


That is true. The guy before is probably lying to try to be funny. At one point Vette will indeed stop taking to you unless you take the collar off. She's say something along the lines of "either you take the collar off, or I'm not talking to you." And then you have the option to take it off or keep it on. Keeping it on resets the conversation for next time, and taking it off eventually opens up new companion dialogue.

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Really? I ended up taking her collar off just to save time, and my sith lord ends up respecting her, despite finding enjoyment in murder, chaos and destruction (There's a guy you wanna work for). I was just told that eventually she won't talk to you unless you take the collar off.


While she doesn't like sensless murder, slavery or genocide, Vette is totally on board with extortion, murder for a reason, intimidation and domination of clearly idiotic Imperial sycophants.

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All options of the game were written by it's designers. Also judging people's personality by their (not quite their lol) actions in game is epitome of dumb. Go set yourself on fire good sir.




Stealing sith artifacts obviously. It was said


Someone or something has been setting me on fire nearly every pull after I posted this.


karma sucks.

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Not true. Maybe in Beta, but not in live.


In Live, Vette just locks into the same endless conversation loop of "take it off or else you get nothing". There's no change; its just exactly the same dialogue ad infinitum until you either a) Take off the collar or b) Give up talking to her.


In essence, as it stands now, the game forces you into the choice of do what the writers want or else be punished for making the wrong decision.

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Vette's an expert infiltrator that excels at bypassing traps and security systems. When you meet her she's the only person on Korriban who has solved a centuries old puzzle.


Do you really think she can be broken by a mere shock collar?


The character I'm dealing with shows no signs of such behavior, and the character I'm playing has other tools at her disposal.


Not foreshadowing her true nature before forcing the issue makes for bad storytelling.


Not allowing a Sith Lord an alternative to capitulation makes for worse storytelling.

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It really would be nice if there was a separate storyline for "slave Vette."

Not a different story arc necessarily but different dialogue, instead of a "free me now!" loop.


I really liked that Jaesa could be taken down 2 separate paths, and her dialogue and personality is a bit different for each.

I was really hoping for this with Vette.

Edited by Subparhero
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A separate storyline for Vette where you leave her collar on and keep her as a slave would indeed be good. And it would make sense based on the sith society and the kind of person you can play a warrior as.


Personally I'm light side and took her collar off the first chance I got anyway so it doesn't affect my play, but it is still aggravating that you have no option to keep it on if you want to advance in the story.

Actually, even killing her would be better than to be forced into one path when that path doesn't always make sense for the kind of character you play.

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Vette's "no option" is bad writing, pure and simple. It's not a choice in any way shape or form; you simply have to do what the writers want you to or be penalised for making the "wrong" decision.


Unfortunately, Vette smacks of the writers, in essence, forcing the players to act in a certain way. Comments from the writers make it clear that she's one of their favourites and that they earnestly think that players will love her, regardless of how said players actually feel. Does it make sense for your character to take the collar off? Writers don't care. Does the player want to take it off? Again, writers don't care. Will Vette gain a magical immunity to electricity and do nothing untill you make the choice they want you to make? Damn right.

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if it was in beta that means its not a writing issue. its a ESRB issue. and they dont want to get a spot on FoxNews again after the 4 second nude scene from Mass effect about mistreating sometone like a slave to the point of mental breakdown, that wont be good press for parents to get them to buy a game for them.


So its not a writing decision it would be a good besnuies decision. Because if what people where saying is true about what was in Beta then, the story had already been writen and in beta some people must have complained about it.

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The character I'm dealing with shows no signs of such behavior, and the character I'm playing has other tools at her disposal.


Not foreshadowing her true nature before forcing the issue makes for bad storytelling.


Not allowing a Sith Lord an alternative to capitulation makes for worse storytelling.


There's a difference between what the character knows and what the player knows. We, the players, know what Vette is capable of if we pay attention. The character only knows what Vette shows him or her, and why would Vette show what she's capable of to someone who treats her like a slave?


And what other tool do you have at your disposal? Force choke? Impaling her with your lightsaber? Throwing her out the airlock? While choking her might be a viable alternative, if the storytelling allowed you to kill her then your character would be permanently at a disadvantage because you were down one crew member.

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Will Vette gain a magical immunity to electricity and do nothing untill you make the choice they want you to make? Damn right.


Again, Vette is an expert slicer and infiltrator. At one point, Quinn makes a remark that Vette disabled a series of security measures as if they were toys. Do you really think Vette gains "a magical immunity to electricity" or, given time and unsupervised access to the ship's workbench and tools, she simply disabled the shock mechanism?


It astounds me that people who want to keep the shock collar on her and torture her endlessly complain about "bad storytelling" because her story, which is a romance option, won't progress until after the collar is off. You take the collar off and she will open up. If you don't take the collar off, she sulks.

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I dont understand why Vette was even on Korriban in the first place. I thought that her gang of treasure hunters were stealing Twi'lek artifacts.


So why was she on Korriban? Home of the Sith who usually hates aliens including Twi'leks?


Progress further into her character dialogue and she will explain exactly why she was on Korriban in the first place.

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Again, Vette is an expert slicer and infiltrator. At one point, Quinn makes a remark that Vette disabled a series of security measures as if they were toys. Do you really think Vette gains "a magical immunity to electricity" or, given time and unsupervised access to the ship's workbench and tools, she simply disabled the shock mechanism?


It astounds me that people who want to keep the shock collar on her and torture her endlessly complain about "bad storytelling" because her story, which is a romance option, won't progress until after the collar is off. You take the collar off and she will open up. If you don't take the collar off, she sulks.


She hasn't disabled the collar; after all, it still crackles with electricity and it's clear she's still wincing. There are conversation options after she gets stuck into the infinite loop - the first cutscene with "dark" Jaesa, for example, where it's clear that the collar is still hurting her and that she's in a lot of pain when you use it. Its just that, for no real reason, she starts being able to sit there and not be affected any more for her one conversation.


And yes, it is still bad storytelling if you don't take the collar off. Why? Because it's not a choice if nothing happens as a result save for looping you back to the same choice and, in essence, forcing the player to make the decisions the writers want. They may as well have the same storyline play out regardless of if the collar comes off or not for all the difference it makes.


There are plenty of reasons why a player might not want to take the collar off besides enjoying shocking the crap out of her. They might not feel that an act would suit their character. They might not feel that Vette has earned her freedom. They might feel that she needs more justification besides just begging to you for it. They might not feel like perusing the romantic storyline. They might be playing a female character. They might not like Twi'leks. They might not like Vette.


These are all perfectly valid reasons, and just the ones that I can think of off the top of my head. And no, I don't see how her story being a romance makes any difference to the matter. The simple fact is that the writers force you into taking one option and penalise you if you don't.


Now if there was an option that followed through from if you kept the collar on, then that would be "good" storytelling; have concequences of actions. Have her sotryline progress in different ways to the same ends; maybe she tries to do things to win your favour or the like rather then simply begging and pleading. There are plenty of things that the writers could have done rather then the in-your-face "God damn it, just do it" approach.

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Vette's an expert infiltrator that excels at bypassing traps and security systems. When you meet her she's the only person on Korriban who has solved a centuries old puzzle.


Do you really think she can be broken by a mere shock collar?


Expert at infiltrating dusty old tombs - but not at handling people with any finesse, sadly. It's why she ended up with a shock collar on. She should have taken a page from the books of countless imperials, sith, or just Malavai Quinn, to get what she wanted. Unfortunately, she learns nothing from the experience and instead plays into the sith warriors hands in a predictable manner.

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Actually, while the railroading is frustrating from a roleplay point of view, I think it's much more a rating issue than the writers ramming a character down your throat a certain way.


Considering what was present in the beta they did have a path of sorts for a warrior that keeps the collar on Vette.

However, playing a slave owner is very much a non-PC thing for many people. And many of those people are highly placed and has a lot of money and influences.


If the game gets an article written about it with the tact and careful research that media usually show towards computer games and gamers, a headline like "Swtor promotes slavery in their game!" might very well lead to the game being re-rated and/or pulled entirely from one or several retailers.


For example, I think it's Walmart that won't carry any M rated games, period (or was it Adult rated? I forget which). They and others have pulled games from their stores before based on bad press.

Such an event would mean a very substantial loss of money for the owners/developers of swtor, potentially large enough to impact the game's future in a negative way.


So yes, I can see how Vette is one of the developers favourite companions that they have made. I would not be so quick to blame them for the railroading though.

It is much more likely that it is ESRB/rating systems, "concerned" parents/groups or similar that is the real reason the slave Vette path was axed from the game.

Edited by Jumpingspider
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I'm never removing the collar. that thing is my property and I have no need to give into its demands.....though i did give her a nice pat on the head the other day (as aposed to shocking her) fo calling a guy a just killed "the most useless person we've come across" for begging for his life.
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