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Why even bother trying to do your best in WZ?


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So, I played two WZ's this evening and the results are quite frankly upsetting.


My char is Sengrella, (lvl 48 in the below screenshots), map is the one you blow up doors in both matches.


First game (Screenshot: http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/8618/screenshot2012020922204.jpg ), top of the list objective 2100, top medals 9, we won the game 6-0.


Result: 1398 Valor, 97 Commendations and 18866 Exp.


Second game, we won as well however not reaching the core, so score 4-2 (screenshot: http://img821.imageshack.us/img821/6899/screenshot2012020923012.jpg ).


I placed fairly ****** on objectives 900, and only 7 medals.


Result: 1450 Valor, 97 Commendations and 22240 Exp.


In short, in a game I played worse, I get rewarded more valor and more exp, same commendations.


Does this mean that I can get lets say 5 medals and then afk the rest of the round?


Why even bother trying to play good (both individually and for the team) when a ****** play pay same or more?


Or: Am I missing something that I should do to get better results?


Edit: And MVP votes doesn't mean jack, as they give 1 commendation....

Edited by Sengie
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Sorry you have no personal sense of competition or pride.




I do, I like winning, but winning and playing good should come with a reward instead of inviting to endless grind regardless of your contribution.


Edit: I love a close game where the team pulls together and grab the win, or when you end up 1on1 pulling every stunt in the book. But if someone standing in a corner getting the same point for upgrading gear (which in the end is the reason for the grind) as I am working my *** off for the team, then wow..something is wrong.

Edited by Sengie
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Play to have fun. The rest is secondary. If you aren't having fun then it's a chore/job. Do you really want to pay money to do something you don't enjoy? I'd pass.


And yes, the reward system BioWare came up with isn't the way it should be, don't let it stop you from competing and having a good time. Also, don't ruin other people's fun by AFK'ing. WZs are team games and if you screw up other people's fun that are part of your faction on your server, good luck finding help for completing things later on.

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Play to have fun. The rest is secondary. If you aren't having fun then it's a chore/job. Do you really want to pay money to do something you don't enjoy? I'd pass.


And yes, the reward system BioWare came up with isn't the way it should be, don't let it stop you from competing and having a good time. Also, don't ruin other people's fun by AFK'ing. WZs are team games and if you screw up other people's fun that are part of your faction on your server, good luck finding help for completing things later on.




No, I am having fun, I love the game as such. The story etc have been more than I would expect from a single player game let alone a multiplayer game.


BUT: A game with factions that have PVP servers (I will not go into the issue of no open world pvp pre50, that is a thread for it self as I have seen 2 or 3 jedis during questing ;) ) the lack of rewarding pvp players is significant.


I am a pvp player, I honestly couldn't care less about killing X mob in a dungeon after reading a guide how to do it. Therefor, I find it quite sickening in a way that people not contributing to the cause of exterminating them damn Jedi's getting the same rewards from our leaders as I, who am throwing my life and limb into the middle of the it.


I will of course not put into practice to AFK during a WZ, but I will try it once, just to see if a player not contributing more than 50% will get the same reward as a player doing his or her absolutely best for the team. I am a pvp player, I will not AFK doing the thing I love the most :)


But, something is flawed, and that needs fixing.

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Let's say the queue time is 5 minutes. If you win a game in 5 minutes, you only need to get half the reward to match a game that lasted the full 15 minutes, so you can play 2 of the same games in 20 minutes.


A long loss is often better reward than a quick win because you also spent a lot more time on that game.

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The objective system is messed up right, BW rewards you more kill-farming and damaging/healing yourself than actually trying to win.


However, once you hit 50 and start needing to win more than one warzone for your dailies, it becomes more important to do objectives----at least that's the theory.

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You get more valor/commendations if you spent time farming because that's more time you spent instead of just winning.


Especially with stuff like Ilum buffs that works on a per match basis, it's much faster to get multiple short games (even losing them) compared to one long game. I got 600 Valor in a game where it ended 5 seconds as a win after I joined my contribution is 0 in everything (probably had Ilum buff). There's no way a 15 minute game in any circumstance can possibly top that in terms of time spent per valor. Unless your server has extremely long queue times, winning or even losing quick is the way to go. And if your server has extremely long queue time, you'd probably be more concerned in making sure you win the game as opposed to drag it out on purpose since there's always a chance you might actually lose unless the game is completely out of reach.

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It's mainly time based. The longer any warzone the more of everything you get. A long slow loss is worth more than a quick win.


This is the actual answer/explanation. A 6-0 win is obviously quicker than a 4-2 win (which lasts the full 15 minutes of action time) and so the increased rewards for the longer game more than balances out the 2 extra medals (and 10 coms/100val from them.)

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This is the actual answer/explanation. A 6-0 win is obviously quicker than a 4-2 win (which lasts the full 15 minutes of action time) and so the increased rewards for the longer game more than balances out the 2 extra medals (and 10 coms/100val from them.)


If this isn't the case, you'd get into a situation where if you cannot win fast, then the goal is to lose as fast as possible that is quite common in MMORPGs where the length of the game does not impact the reward. Right now losing (or winning) quickly is still probably better considering Ilum buff, but without it, they're roughly equal relative to the effort spent.

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Why even bother trying to play good (both individually and for the team) when a ****** play pay same or more?


You should bother to "play good" because this isn't cross-server warzones. This means that you will have a reputation, and it's up to whether or not it is positive or negative. If your only goal is to get as much valor as possible and not to concentrate on the objectives or teamwork, then it is likely you will end up with a negative reputation.

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It's mainly time based. The longer any warzone the more of everything you get. A long slow loss is worth more than a quick win.




Quite often I'll get a 6-0 win in under 4 mins with 2 medals and come away with 360 valor, after a month of this our guild resorted to getting to 5-0 and then just farming medals and valor not getting the final goal until the last minute.


Its rubbish its frustrating for the ops driving newer players away from PVP but such is the mechanic that has been created that it is the best bang for your time investment when you also factor in queueing.


Average queue time by the time we reform group is 5 mins


9 mins = 365 valor


40 valor p/m


19 mins = 1300 valor


68 valor p/m

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