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Can someone explain why there is so much running in this game?


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This is not a whine thread, im just trying to figure out why we run so much in this game. The Ship > airlocks bla bla has been discussed quite a few times. But im thinking about when it comes to questing. Atm im on Hoth.


Last night i spent 20 min in total just doing 1 quest. Mount up and drive X minutes, blast my way through a ton of mobs that i didnt need. Go into a new cave, kill even more mobs, then click on the quest item.



Then reverese the whole thing since my quick travel was on cooldown. Why do we at times spend most of the time getting to the quest, sometimes halfway across the map, far far into a cave to get an item?


Is the game designed this way with RP in mind? Like you go out on a grand adventure, into the wilds.



B) Or a massive massive timkesink? Im all for timesinks, ive played mmos for 10 years now, but this to me seems a bit too much.

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Umm because its an MMO? If you could warp everywhere what would the point of having many planets and zones be?


Modern Warfare 3 is that way------------->


Jokes aside, if it was too small, you wouldnt have enough to do and would be bored in about a week so take what they give you I suppose.

Edited by RefugeASSASSIN
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honestly the travel times are rather short. In fact they pretty much designed the game so that you can pick up all quests at a hub, then follow the red line finishing them all and then port back using your quick travel.


Sure they put in some unnecessary loading like orbital stations, but traveling around is rather quick.

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Sprint at 15. Mount at 25.


I actually enjoy the travel time compared to other games I've played. You want a time sync, take a time machine back to World of Warcraft when it first launched. You'd get ONE quest that sent you to a location on the other side of the map, complete it, and get a follow up quest that sent you right back to that cave.


Nine times out of ten in SWTOR if you get an out of the way quest you have at least one other to do in that area. Couple that with bonus quest and you should be able to keep yourself busy long enough for your quick travel to cooldown.


It is all about strategy. I don't suffer very much at all from travel time.


This is a very funny phenomena. Less travel time and a more convenient travel system, and people will still complain about it. Once again, comparing this game to WoW, the quick travel system (Travel to any node you've activated) is so much more convenient than the original one hour hearth stone, and still far more convenient than the 30 minute hearth stone since you can actually pick where you want to go on a planet.

Edited by Yuuj
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It's a timesink. They're all over the place in theme-park MMO's.


It's why crafting takes progressively longer as you skill up, and why you can only use Fleet Pass once every 18 hours.


It's why they force you to run from the Taxi point at the entrance of Dromund Kaas to the Taxi Point within Dromund Kaas, even after you you've discovered all the taxi points.


It's why they don't do the logical thing and put GTN, mailboxes, and crafting vendors right next to each other. Everything's always spread out. It's why there's no mailbox on your ship.


It's why you continue to run into more and more "strong" mobs as you progress that are in no way challenging, but just simply take longer to kill to force you to rest more frequently. It's why resting to full health eventually starts to take a full 15-second rest bar.


It's why the balloon ride in Tatooine takes 35 minutes and certain Datacrons require a group to attain.


It's why higher level planets all have orbital stations instead of shuttles that take you directly to the planet.


It's why planets get progressively larger and quest-objectives get increasingly lenghty even while having no more content than earlier level planets.


It's why crafters can't make the best items and those items can only be attained by either grinding raids or valor/commendations.


It's why end-of-act quest-chains take you back to beginner worlds, requiring lengthy travel so you can literally listen to one cut-scene, then be sent on the next 15 minute journey to a planet where you kill one boss, then get sent to the next planet, and so on...


Look up "skinner box" on Google and you'll learn how MMO's like WoW and TOR keep you subscribing for months or years. Then either decide that you're okay with it, or unsub.

Edited by Mannic
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This game has the least amount of running out of any MMO I've played, save for a handful of exceptions like Vindictus. Heck, even in that other game, you used to have to wait for boats to arrive in order to travel between continents, and their continents were huge and non-instanced.


In fact, I lament the lack of openness to the world. Everything is so linear that you rarely have to go out of your way to reach an objective, and most of them have safe roads that connect them to quest hubs.

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Bioware are basically screwed. If the game takes too long to reach the max level, it is considered a grind. If the game is too quick to reach the max level, there isn't enough content. If they allowed you to get everywhere quick, then you would get through all the content too quickly and would instead be complaining that there is no content. Poor bioware.
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Theme-park MMO's have to artificially extend the time it takes you to feel "accomplished" in the game. That process must take weeks at the very least, and preferrably months. It might not take 3 or 4 days to grind out a level like it did in older MMO's, but they find other ways to extend the time it takes you to do things.


The problem TOR has is that MMO players have been around long enough that they're starting to see the man behind the curtain, and many of us are tired of it.

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That time spent going from one place to another does a few things:


-Makes the zone feel larger.

-Lets you scavange/collect along the way.

-Lets you send companions on crew missions, or sell your junk.

-Forces you to discover quest hubs along the way.




Although I would love to just instantly teleport everywhere, I can fully understand why they do implement the time sink between points.


And as others have mentioned, the distance/time between points in this game is relatively cake compared to other MMO's.

Edited by MattieP
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That time spent going from one place to another does a few things:


-Makes the zone feel larger.

-Lets you scavange/collect along the way.

-Lets you send companions on crew missions, or sell your junk.

-Forces you to discover quest hubs along the way.




Although I would love to just instantly teleport everywhere, I can fully understand why they do implement the time sink between points.


And as others have mentioned, the distance/time between points in this game is relatively cake compared to other MMO's.


You forget to mention makes the player bored.

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This is not a whine thread, im just trying to figure out why we run so much in this game. The Ship > airlocks bla bla has been discussed quite a few times. But im thinking about when it comes to questing. Atm im on Hoth.


Last night i spent 20 min in total just doing 1 quest. Mount up and drive X minutes, blast my way through a ton of mobs that i didnt need. Go into a new cave, kill even more mobs, then click on the quest item.



Then reverese the whole thing since my quick travel was on cooldown. Why do we at times spend most of the time getting to the quest, sometimes halfway across the map, far far into a cave to get an item?


Is the game designed this way with RP in mind? Like you go out on a grand adventure, into the wilds.



B) Or a massive massive timkesink? Im all for timesinks, ive played mmos for 10 years now, but this to me seems a bit too much.



if it really took you 20 minutes plus mob killing how was your quick travel still on cooldown?


also are you sure you didnt miss any fast travelpoints?

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This is not a whine thread, im just trying to figure out why we run so much in this game. The Ship > airlocks bla bla has been discussed quite a few times. But im thinking about when it comes to questing. Atm im on Hoth.


Last night i spent 20 min in total just doing 1 quest. Mount up and drive X minutes, blast my way through a ton of mobs that i didnt need. Go into a new cave, kill even more mobs, then click on the quest item.



Then reverese the whole thing since my quick travel was on cooldown. Why do we at times spend most of the time getting to the quest, sometimes halfway across the map, far far into a cave to get an item?


Is the game designed this way with RP in mind? Like you go out on a grand adventure, into the wilds.



B) Or a massive massive timkesink? Im all for timesinks, ive played mmos for 10 years now, but this to me seems a bit too much.


Would you prefer they just put the quest item on the fleet so you can simply click on it there without traveling a single foot?


It's supposed to simulate an epic adventure on a remote alien world... travel time and combat would be a part of that.


You're missing the point.

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