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Sorcs make me want to quit


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That's literally 30+ seconds out of a minute where a melee is NOT on the Sorcerer. Not including whatever range you gain from Force Run, and the constant snaring a Sorcerer can do.


That's utter BS. Melees have slows too and without any cd (and one slow with dots if specced right), at least 2 gap closers on a 15 secs cd. Force run is on 30 secs cd, I dont see any fight lasting that long, if you're still alive after 30 secs than it really means Sorcs dps sucks. "Constant snaring" lmfao, dont be silly their snare has a cd, yours has no cd whatsoever.


Stop spreading BS and learn to play your class.

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Oh hey I press my cc-breaker and the other sorc now spams heals on his friend and once I'm reaching the 1st sorc the 2nd one pulls the 1st sorc.


then my maurder friend leaps on sorcs who have blown all coodowns kiting you and now proceeds to MAUL there face in!


news flash 2 vs 1 your not suppose to win those...


1vs1 any melee has a brain can kill my sorc unless i plain out gear them, and maurders with a brain are deadly as can be.




shield absorbs 3 k damage at best, a maurder can drop that in 1 hit as can most dps.


Shield can only be reapplied every 20 seconds


just because we can kite melee doesnt make is broken or OP its working as intended. Go watch some WoW videos of a frost mage and tell me how they are balanced!


We deal lowest burst damage of any class, and our over all damage is quite a bit lower then other dps classes so it isn't our damage.


Whole whine is over the fact we have tools to keep enemy off of us while we kill them IE we have enough tools to not make us easy prey to melee. Melee do not like idea that a ranged class can kill them because they are to use to WoW where can charge maul ranged inside of 2-3 seconds...


News flash... a properly balanced ranged class SHOULD be able to kite you till sun comes down! what teams are for, alot of sorcs utility falls apart in team play because have to blow everything to avoid being focus fired. Issue becomes multible sorcs are a nightmare to deal with... but then is no way to fix that and probably working as intended.


quite sick of terrible players whining about sorcs i eat sorcs for dinner on my jugg with very little issues as long as i have some support! 1 vs 1 melee i dont believe are ment to kill sorcs...that said a single merc will kill a sorc long before the sorc can kill them.

Edited by Lokai
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you do realize the root breaks on damage after 2 seconds? and again what is the average melee doing to respond to these things? NOTHING? just twiddle your thumbs? it's nice that you can specify what the abilities sorcerers do and yet say nothing about the melee.


please be clear, these threads would be much more constructive if people would just come in and say "hey i'm this class, i'm having trouble with sorcerers, what can i do to overcome these obstacles" instead of just non-sense.


LOL, so your only rooted for 2sec (while still being attacked). As the OP stated, your also knocked back and have to take lightning to the face til you make it to the nearest sorc to fight back. Ya, I bet you would hardly take a scratch under those conditions.

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you must be new to logic, welcome. my post is a direct response to yours saying how the volume of a class relates to the relative "power" they have.


because if your argument was valid, that would also indicate that why there is a faction imbalance, ie there are more imperials than republics because imperials have some advantage (OP) over republics. get it?!


No. You are trying to apply that the logic driving the population/faction imbalance is the the same thing driving the class choice being played. That simply isn't the case...anyone that has played MMOs for any appreciable length of time knows that.

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LOL, so your only rooted for 2sec (while still being attacked). As the OP stated, your also knocked back and have to take lightning to the face til you make it to the nearest sorc to fight back. Ya, I bet you would hardly take a scratch under those conditions.


Yeah, thats a good time to use your 15s cd Force Leap and apply your no-resource no-cd slow on the Sorc.

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No. You are trying to apply that the logic driving the population/faction imbalance is the the same thing driving the class choice being played. That simply isn't the case...anyone that has played MMOs for any appreciable length of time knows that.



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I promise you Sorcs are not overpowered. There's just a lot of them. Every imp wants to be one, lol. They are actually the easiest class to take out. Wanna get revenge? Just head over to Ilum where you usually see one wondering around Northern and Imp base, and you can take them out in less than a minute.


Their skills forces them to stick together, which is what they do. Alone, they are easy pickings. If there were a group of another class all huddled together like they do, it would be the same scenario, but even worse because they would be stronger. ;)

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just wanna say it again... sorc is frostmage of TOR we are DESIGNED to kite melee classes with ease and destroy them. Ask any WoW player chances of a melee class killing a frost mage and will laugh at idea of winning.
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I promise you Sorcs are not overpowered. There's just a lot of them. Every imp wants to be one, lol. They are actually the easiest class to take out. Wanna get revenge? Just head over to Ilum where you usually see one wondering around Northern and Imp base, and you can take them out in less than a minute.


Their skills forces them to stick together, which is what they do. Alone, they are easy pickings. If there were a group of another class all huddled together like they do, it would be the same scenario, but even worse because they would be stronger. ;)


ok so sorcs are overpowered and one of the justifications of this is because there are so many of them, because large volume indicates overpoweredness. i get that


but imperials are not overpowered because the large volume of imperials vs republics is just random?



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just wanna say it again... sorc is frostmage of TOR we are DESIGNED to kite melee classes with ease and destroy them. Ask any WoW player chances of a melee class killing a frost mage and will laugh at idea of winning.



A mage in WoW has about the same control but has a bit better mobility and can do insane burst at the same time, a Sorc really can't do that.

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The only issue I have with them is that they seem to be in that bubble constantly. What is the cool down for that thing anyway. I swear it seems like I never see one without it up.


4.5 seconds, but it locks you out for 20 seconds. It can't be cast on the same person while you're Deionized.


You can shorten it to 1.5 seconds with points in the Corruption tree, and the lockout of Deionized to 17 seconds with the 2-set from the PVP gear. But essentially, due to Dionized, the reuse is 17-20 seconds.

Edited by MisaRavensoul
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ok so sorcs are overpowered and one of the justifications of this is because there are so many of them, because large volume indicates overpoweredness. i get that


but imperials are not overpowered because the large volume of imperials vs republics is just random?




Oh yeah, the Imps definitely dominate the game since the very beginning. That much is clear. I'm just saying that the sorc class is not overpowered, and I don't see any reason why the "class" should be nerfed. Individually they're already not a challenge. If they nerfed them, I wouldn't even bother looking at them cuz I would probably feel lame for taking out someone too incredibly easy to defeat, LOL. Right now they're just fun to kill. Any easier and I would just have to let them be for mercy's sake.

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Get your operatives/assassins to mess them up. I (an OP) spend my games making sure that merc/commandos, snipers/gunslingers, and sorcs/sages cant sit up on a catwalk and freecast. If I don't kill them, they at least have to stop wrecking the rest of my team and try to kite me.


The knockback/root is incredibly annoying, though. Especially when there are several sorcs/snipers/mercs around.

Edited by Lankyspanky
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Oh yeah, the Imps definitely dominate the game since the very beginning. That much is clear. I'm just saying that the sorc class is not overpowered, and I don't see any reason why the "class" should be nerfed. Individually they're already not a challenge. If they nerfed them, I wouldn't even bother looking at them cuz I would probably feel lame for taking out someone too incredibly easy to defeat, LOL. Right now they're just fun to kill. Any easier and I would just have to let them be for mercy's sake.


looks like you got logic'd and have no response.

Edited by shaidarlol
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Yeah, thats a good time to use your 15s cd Force Leap and apply your no-resource no-cd slow on the Sorc.


Ya, maybe after I respawn, because I'm already dead. OP mentioned he already leaped, so that is still on cd, even though its 15s.

Edited by aboynamedsue
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Well I for one am fed up with the talentless spam classes.


Every single Warzone is like being in a room full of drunk Thors.


Constant lightning everywhere, Sorcs sitting there like Gun Turret because they are about as Glass as Tungsten.


And if its not some douchebag spamming Lightning its some douche spamming Tracer Missile.


Sorcerers are broken as hell, no class should have it all and they do.


Easy fix, just turn off all healing in Warzones. See how many people want to play them when they are actually Glass Cannons.


Instead of Plasisteel Cannons


As for Faction Imbalance, its called a Faction Lock, lock a side from joining a server if its more than 60% one sided.


Stupid game should have had 3 Factions from the start.


Its not like a 3rd Faction would require much brainwork.


Neo-Mandolorians, oh look a 3rd Faction.


A New Mandolorian crusade started against both Republic and Empire.


This game is just Bioware repeating every single damm mistake ever made in the MMORPG.


Hell they have repeated every mistake Rift made and Rift is barely older than SwToR.


2 Factions = No Balance, Ranged Classes over Melee Classes, Out of Control "Glass" Cannon classes, lack of a LFG worth a damm at Launch.


Its like Bioware made this game in 2005 and just kept in a closest for 6/7 years.

Edited by Xanrn
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Oh yeah, the Imps definitely dominate the game since the very beginning. That much is clear. I'm just saying that the sorc class is not overpowered, and I don't see any reason why the "class" should be nerfed. Individually they're already not a challenge. If they nerfed them, I wouldn't even bother looking at them cuz I would probably feel lame for taking out someone too incredibly easy to defeat, LOL. Right now they're just fun to kill. Any easier and I would just have to let them be for mercy's sake.






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