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"INC LEFT" That is not a good way to call INCs


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Its not subjective .... left or right based on the map. Hardly had problems getting reinforced fast even when I hold points / door alone.


That's assuming everyone is calling left/right based on the map, and not say spawn direction....

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It doesn't matter its not like your team is gonna show up anyway half the time no matter what you call.


I am one of those players that uses his map to see who is where and if there hp is moving to figure out where I need to go since so many don't call out anyway.

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We have people arguing for Left/Right being which way you run from spawn point and some people arguing "left" should mean "left side of map". It's the same argument I see in Alderaan and Voidstar when we are losing because someone said "left" and half or all the people ran the exact wrong way..


Please everyone, EAST or WEST. Only the Republic can say left/right in Alderaan.

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That's assuming everyone is calling left/right based on the map, and not say spawn direction....


Generally even before the game starts we will clarify like lets try for Left / Mid or Left / Right in Alderaan. I can't recall the last time someone said west / east at beginning of match. After that it is pretty much understood ... ie map.


I pug alot, maybe its the familiarity with the guys on my server.


Edited by Stovokor
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isnt it obvious they are referring to left side of the map? I mean it's pretty much the same in most mmos. Its simple, and it seems you are the one getting confused over nothing

Why would you say left ofwhere you are? or left if one is facing south meaning east??

The map is the same no matter which way you face, so say left right east west referring to the map and you'll understand just like everyone else

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Generally even before the game starts we will clarify like lets try for Left / Mid or Left / Right in Alderaan. I can't recall the last time someone said west / east at beginning of match. After that it is pretty much understood.


I pug alot, maybe its the familiarity with the guys on my server.



If you're republic, Alderaan's East/West is the same as Right/Left respectively. Generally the only problems I have are in Voidstar, most people use left/right to specify spawn direction,a nd then a number will use it based on the map.. gets confusing.. As such I just started using East/West when i call out, only way to confuse that is if you don't know how to look at a map.

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Do they not teach people left and right in America? its not hard to understand and I dont think i've ever ever seen a problem of people not knowing what objective people mean when someone calls out left or right. Such a non-issue.


Do they not teach perspective from wherever the hell you're from. Even if it's a non-issue 99% of the time, it still has the potential to be an issue, why give it the chance?

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most of the time 2 of the turrets are controled by reps or imps not all 3

and most of the time its the mid one and one of the sides so left/right doesnt matter ull know its the side one


even if the 2 side turrets are controled if u say left take left speeder if ur on the other turret and u think that left is there ull see that theres no inc so ull know its the other left

if ur mid theres shortcut to both side turrets so u can easy check where the inc is


players who are experienced enough dont even need directions just call for help and they know where to go


its easier for reps coz their left/west and right/east but not for imps its the only thing that confuses players

Edited by Batslav
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I love that there's people claiming "everybody knows left = west". As well as people claiming "everyone knows left means left speeder". This comes up all the time if you play Empire and it's a bummer that it still is a problem.


If you are Empire, use East / West.

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In a typical pug warzone, I see confusion happen quite often when people say "left" or "right" - particularly in void star.


Let me give an example. In voidstar when we are on defense, someone will say "help left" when they want help to come to the east side of the map (going left once you exit the respawn area). However, many of the teammates will erroneously look at the map itself and go to the left door, which is actually to the west, or to the "right" when you exit the spawnpoint. Neither person is right or wrong but in this scenario they each had a different understand of what "left" referred to (left on the map or left coming out of the spawn).


Because of situations like this, I just say east/west. I know I can't make everyone else agree, but I just can't bring myself to say left/right when I've seen nodes and doors lost due to people being confused by the left/right thing.


To some people, left/right means where you spawn, and to others it refers to direction on the map.


It is my *humble* opinion that saying east/west solves this more than the other options. It's just a personal opinion, and I understand we all have our own preferences... so to each his own.

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How about we grow up and use cardinal directions like intelligent adults. Use "INC WEST" so we don't have to decipher your subjective meaning


I didn't notice the compass in my minimap yet.


You yanks say "west" and mean "left". The rest of the world says "left" and means "left". Left from spawn point should be obvious.

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isnt it obvious they are referring to left side of the map? I mean it's pretty much the same in most mmos. Its simple, and it seems you are the one getting confused over nothing

Why would you say left ofwhere you are? or left if one is facing south meaning east??

The map is the same no matter which way you face, so say left right east west referring to the map and you'll understand just like everyone else


To you it is obvious but there are countless people who say left meaning in relation to where you spawn, not location on the map.


This can be very problematic in void star for those who are not on the same page, unfortunately. Saying "left" often means something to different people - that is quite apparent by seeing all the different opinions and perspectives posted in this thread.


There seem to be 3 main camps:


1.) Saying "left/right" refers to directions on the map

2.) Saying "left/right" refers to locations relative to your perspetive at respawn (mainly problemtic for voidstar)

3.) Saying east/west


Of the three options, if we could only pick one uniform option, saying "east/west" would solve the most issues. Saying left/right wouldn't be as problematic in all warzones necessarily, but to create a uniform method with the fewest confusions possible, I think east/west would accomplish that.

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