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"INC LEFT" That is not a good way to call INCs


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the problem you seem to have is being a *******, if you have something to say then say it, i know youre probably some 15 year old that thinks more than 2 people in this world give a damn what you have to say but there isnt. so if you have something to say say it and save your guessing game for your recess.


So I take it that the problem didn't make itself evident to you? I'm not sure how it's a "guessing game" at all, unless you really do have a severe mental handicap with regards to processing simple concepts.

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the problem you seem to have is being a *******, if you have something to say then say it, i know youre probably some 15 year old that thinks more than 2 people in this world give a damn what you have to say but there isnt. so if you have something to say say it and save your guessing game for your recess.


He has said it.

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It's a half *** way. The only time "left" or "right" is viable is in alderaan or huttball.




I said this to someone on my server and they got defensive when I told them to say East or West, not left or right. It doesn't help the people who are still out there fighting, they are the only ones who can stop the bomb anyway, not people stuck in the spawn. If you meant "left" from the spawn it won't mean anything to the people who are alive and can actually help, most of the time.


His argument was "There's no north, south, east, or west in space, retard!"


While I agreed with him, the ****in' red words stapled across our screen says "WEST BOMB HAS BEEN PLANTED"

Edited by asilos
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So I take it that the problem didn't make itself evident to you? I'm not sure how it's a "guessing game" at all, unless you really do have a severe mental handicap with regards to processing simple concepts.


And i still see you didnt take my advice. Ill bet youre a blast to play voidstar with, do you yell location cords to people? or just yell east or west oh ill bet you just tell them if they were smart like you they would already know which door was being capped.

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Its a design and usability issue. BW designed these damned maps.


Anything that is open to interpretation can be interpreted wrong, hence the need to mitigate such factors especially in a team based game


Simple fix: Visually Number or named the points or areas (on the map).


e.g Just about any online MP team based game does this. Think of BF3 and its objective markers A.B,C...simple but everyone one knows where to go, when someone yells INC A


This would take out any guess work. Its Usability 101 (I know I did that course).



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His argument was "There's no north, south, east, or west in space, retard!"


You mix a troggy with the concept of three dimensional direction they will either change the subject or simply explode.


This is a great quote though.

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There is no standard at the moment. There is only an argument over what should be the standard and many people that are doing things differently. Dumbing down a basic principle such as map direction is not something people should have to resort to especially since it's as easy as knowing your left from right with perspective to a map.


It's no harder to memorize your east and west than it is what you're calling left and right. It's just more proper and meaningful in the long run to use true compass directions.


well no CW has clear left and right both visual and on the objective counter and these are accurate from spawn with no need of a map


East west have no meaning on the objective counter or from spawn unless you look at the map.


But like i said i will try to get people to use the map.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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And i still see you didnt take my advice. Ill bet youre a blast to play voidstar with, do you yell location cords to people? or just yell east or west oh ill bet you just tell them if they were smart like you they would already know which door was being capped.


Yeah, I say east and west. The people who are worth a damn react accordingly.


I'm sure you'd take the time to type something completely pointless about how if you flip the map 90 degrees, west becomes south or something. Or something equally useless.

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Man I can't believe this thread is still going on...



It's not subjective. Most of us who passed the 3rd grade geography learned proper orientation of a map.


You put "NORTH" at the top. You put "WEST" to your left. You put "EAST" to your right. And you put "SOUTH" at the bottom.


The only time you would do this differently is if you were actually out in the field and orientating it based on the direction you were traveling.


But this game ALWAYS has the map (and likewise, the minimap) oriented to the NORTH. Hence, WEST is always left.


Any more lessons on map orientation, I'll be here all week.



Apparently you missed mine and probably a few other peoples posts. Maps can and have been oriented with East at the top or really any direction the map maker chooses. The maps in game have no compass rose which defines the orientation of the map. Next we have to consider the fact that this is space world with multiple planets and no planets at all if you are on a ship. North and South are directions towards a magnetic pole. If the poles polarity is different from one world to the next North and South switch. On top of that there is no North or South in space or on a ship....


The only thing we know for certain is the orientation of a player when they respawn therefore any directions give to assist them in getting to our location must be based off the known information.


However in regards to voidstar I believe the entering video shows the stern of th ship meaning that the attacker is entering from the port side and heading starboard. So for the first to set of doors (Both on the starboard side) it would be best to distinguish the doors as Bow and Stern. The Stern door would be to the left of the defenders spawn. For the last 2 doors before the core you know have a starboard and stern door. There we go problem solved :)

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Yeah, I say east and west. The people who are worth a damn react accordingly.


I'm sure you'd take the time to type something completely pointless about how if you flip the map 90 degrees, west becomes south or something. Or something equally useless.


I know youre probbaly pretty flustered but now your just not making any sense, you should just go back to answering people with a question it seems like your bag.

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west is left on the map

east is right on the map


now for the guys with high IQ only:


when i say west, what could it ONLY be?


only for the rebublic if ur empire they are the other way


ill say it again when u land theres one turret that u need to go left to take its the one thats closer to the land zone the other way leads middle and to the right turret


so left is left and right is right when u get left speeder it goes to the turret thats in left

if u take the right speeder it goes to the right one


yes they are not shown the same way on the map so if u look on the map use east/west

if not left / right which is easier to understand for most ppl


if thats not simple enough to understand then im sry for u

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I know youre probbaly pretty flustered but now your just not making any sense, you should just go back to answering people with a question it seems like your bag.


I'm sorry that basic english makes no sense to you. Is there another language you're more versed in?

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i dont know when i hear "left" on alderaan I just assume they mean the left side of the map, or left of the starting area when you are facing the battle field... I understand that "west" is a better term, but not everyone knows their directions on a map, most people can tell right from left.
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hey where do you keep the spoons?


in the left cabinet


what? that makes no sense! please use cardinal directions, as that is the only way to determine an object's location. please go back the third grade, clearly you don't understand.


... get out of my house

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hey where do you keep the spoons?


in the left cabinet


what? that makes no sense! please use cardinal directions, as that is the only way to determine an object's location. please go back the third grade, clearly you don't understand.


... get out of my house


heh, i lol'd

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It's a great way to define incoming enemies. What doesn't work is every other person trying to redefine them because they don't understand the concept of relative direction. I've have more failures because people call; "INC SNOW GRASS WEST EAST" blah blah blah.


Assuming your team hasn't been lobotomized into believing that the working strategy is attempting to capture both left and right, which almost never works. And you control middle/left, you can stand at middle and direct people all day. Anyone who went right, is going under to left, anyone who drops down and goes left, is going left. Everyone else is going middle.


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lol at 37 pages :)




Left = Help defend the EDGE base if you currently defend center and it also mean use the LEFT speeder when you spawn.


Right = Help defend the EDGE base if you currently defend center and it also mean use the RIGHT speeder when you spawn.


How can this be a hard concept to gasp?




If someone use West he obviously mean the west side of the map.

If someone use Right he obviously mean use the right speeder when you spawn.





recap time.



There is no "left" or "right" when you use a map to navigate. When refering to a map you use west, north, south, east etc. It is perfectly viable to navigate using a map by turning it "up-side-down" so if you are facing south while reading the map.



If you face north you will have west on your left hand side and east on your right hand side.

If you face east you will have north to your left hand side and south on your right hand side.

If you face south you will have east on your left hand side and west on your right hand side.



If your team control the center node and one edge node and you are currently on the center node when someone say "inc 4 left, need help" - you don't even need to know if it is the east or the west base. It is the OTHER base you are not guarding. If you are alive and guarding a point all you need to read is that the other base is in trouble for you to break combat and go there to help. You don't even need directions.



If you just spawned you need to know if you should take the RIGHT speeder, the CENTER speeder or the LEFT speeder.



When you spawn ande someone say "go east base" you will first have to check the map to figure out if the left speeder or the right speeder will take you to the east base. Most people will just be confused and take the center speeder. Others will take the Right speeder when someone say East base.... EVEN if your ship is located north on the map (and thus you should take the left speeder to reach the east base).





Left = Help defend the EDGE base if you currently defend center and it also mean use the LEFT speeder when you spawn.


Right = Help defend the EDGE base if you currently defend center and it also mean use the RIGHT speeder when you spawn.

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C'mon people. Left and right are subjective. Sometimes people mean left out of the rez point and sometimes they mean left on the map.



How about we grow up and use cardinal directions like intelligent adults. Use "INC WEST" so we don't have to decipher your subjective meaning


Don't worry, they capped 2 seconds before he said that anyways.

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It's a great way to define incoming enemies. What doesn't work is every other person trying to redefine them because they don't understand the concept of relative direction. I've have more failures because people call; "INC SNOW GRASS WEST EAST" blah blah blah.


Assuming your team hasn't been lobotomized into believing that the working strategy is attempting to capture both left and right, which almost never works. And you control middle/left, you can stand at middle and direct people all day. Anyone who went right, is going under to left, anyone who drops down and goes left, is going left. Everyone else is going middle.



there was even a big thread here about CW tactics and i dont remember anyone using "east" "west" to talk about directions.


I am going to try the map at some point and see if people can get it.


I know i get lost in CW often enough so that i have to get my bearings. the fastest way so far to get my bearings is to look at the drop ships.

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All inc calls are based on the mini map and how it is oriented. So the location on the left side of the minimap wouild be inc left or west...


If you hold up your hands the index finger and thumb that make an L is your left hand.

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On my server, Dreshdae Cantina, it is based on the spawn point for the Republic.


If you call LEFT it better be LEFT of spawn or you're going to get yelled at and hated on.


Of course, the only time this problem arises is on Void Star for Republic, which is why I believe many players get confused.


Heres another way of looking at it:


For Republic, you always spawn to the south on Alderaan(republic side) and Huttball(frogdog side). Thus Left/Rightof spawn always correspond to east/west. The only time this changes is on Void Star(defender) and Huttball(Rotworm). Thus, for consistency, left right of spawn is used even when they do not correspond to East/West, which is by far the minority of times anyways.


I can see Empire having a different interpretation of Left/Right because of the way they are usually oriented on the map.

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