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"INC LEFT" That is not a good way to call INCs


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I'll have a gps to use. Luckily you have this same basic "GPS" in form of an in-game map that happens to show where you and all of your teammates are. Now do you need me to move your mouse for you too?



Yeah i bring the big map up to get my bearings from time to time too.

Although i cant play the game and have the map up at the same time.

The map covers stuff up and if im not moving is opaque.


So you bring the map up and find your location to get your bearings and the direction you are facing and go the right way.


Or you could look for a visual queue on the screen and go the right way in a half second.


such as on CW. look at the drop ship.

in voidstar look at where spawn is.

in hutball look for the team color.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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Because left is a relative direction of travel based on where you are facing. If I look at the in-game map and say "left" then I am of course referring to west. The problem is that some people aren't using this same definition. This then leads to all of the confusion that we are now discussing.


Treat the in-game map as you would any real-life map where the four sides correspond to a compass and all questions of direction are taken care of.


People should be using the in-game map regularly anyway just to see where people are and to determine which areas may need more coverage.


Yes, but the issue then isn't even what is being discussed, its on the person calling out to know what the hell they are talking about. If you're at RED and call out GREEN, you're an idiot in my opinion.


Military, I'm setting up at Blocking position A. I don't say, I'm at west (unless the label is west). You say BP A. If you need to get there and cant figure out which way is which, that's your fault.

Edited by Shumney
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I would love to see this conversation in a real military situation.


I got in a fight w/ a Canadian military guy in my guild over this. How the eff you can be enlisted and not know basic nav is beyond me. Some people are just worthless.

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I got in a fight w/ a Canadian military guy in my guild over this. How the eff you can be enlisted and not know basic nav is beyond me. Some people are just worthless.


You'd be surprised as to how many people can't manage. That's why **** is stated for the lowest common denominator. Keep It Simple Stupid, best acronym to put to practical use.

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Guy 1 - "What do you do for a living?"


Guy 2 - "Oh I try and get complete strangers to organize and work together"


Guy 1 - "Why the **** would you waste your time doing that?!"


The best way to fix this is to que with friends. The best way to make friends is to not be socially handicapped. The best way to not be socially handicapped is to cancel your twitter account and stop texting as a primary form of communication. Throw some grammar in there and maybe, just maybe, you could be talking via spoken words with others in no time at all.

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You are right though the main map works and can be used consistently with training.


Although it will eventually break down to a visual queue rather looking at the map.


people will say west is the nose of the drop ship.


east is left of spawn.


So they dont have to look at the map to figure out where they are.

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Yes, but the issue then isn't even what is being discussed, its on the person calling out to know what the hell they are talking about. If you're at RED and call out GREEN, you're an idiot in my opinion.


Military, I'm setting up at Blocking position A, I don't say, I'm at west. You say BP A. If you need to get their and cant figure out which way is which, that's your fault.


Actually it is the issue being discussed. It's obvious that people have different ways of calling directions in WZs and it is causing issues as these people are interpreting these "directions" differently. The goal should be to use the most commonsense and universal terms that will correctly state a direction.


The debate is whether left/right, or east/west achieves this. I stand by the statement that N/S/E/W covers these concerns universally no matter what map you are on and without any question of where these directions are on a map. This of course requires a person to know how to tie their shoe.


It's apparent that we will never come to an agreement on this so the bickering and QQing will continue both here and in-game. Such is life in an MMO.

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Sorry, but certain terms come into existence when they get picked up by a large group of people. Why? Because they're the easiest way to indicate where to go from the spawn point, or they indicate each turret on the scoreboard of Alderaan.


New players might have some trouble with orientation for a short time, but people trying to put their own name on things just confuse everyone.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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Although i cant play the game and have the map up at the same time.


The ONLY reason to pull up the big map is to get extra resolution to see how many people are defending a node. Everything else can be done w/ the mini-map zoomed out.

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directions in relation to your alignment after you respawn isnt that confusing.. and its probably faster than have people look at the map and work out where east and west are.


I agree. Go left from the rez point is much easier that go east (Which is to the left, not right as is typical on maps with north facing to the top of the screen).

I'd rather someone say "go left" than "go east"

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I agree. Go left from the rez point is much easier that go east (Which is to the left, not right as is typical on maps with north facing to the top of the screen).

I'd rather someone say "go left" than "go east"


yeah because i dont need a map to know what that means.


and if im using labels for the guns i know which gun is left and right immediately by looking at the drop ship or being in the drop ship.


This is something i can do in the middle of combat.

Edited by CrunchyGremlin
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C'mon people. Left and right are subjective. Sometimes people mean left out of the rez point and sometimes they mean left on the map.



How about we grow up and use cardinal directions like intelligent adults. Use "INC WEST" so we don't have to decipher your subjective meaning

It's not subjective. Most of us who passed the 3rd grade geography learned proper orientation of a map.


You put "NORTH" at the top. You put "WEST" to your left. You put "EAST" to your right. And you put "SOUTH" at the bottom.


The only time you would do this differently is if you were actually out in the field and orientating it based on the direction you were traveling.


But this game ALWAYS has the map (and likewise, the minimap) oriented to the NORTH. Hence, WEST is always left.


Any more lessons on map orientation, I'll be here all week.

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It's not subjective. Most of us who passed the 3rd grade geography learned proper orientation of a map.


You put "NORTH" at the top. You put "WEST" to your left. You put "EAST" to your right. And you put "SOUTH" at the bottom.


The only time you would do this differently is if you were actually out in the field and orientating it based on the direction you were traveling.


But this game ALWAYS has the map (and likewise, the minimap) oriented to the NORTH. Hence, WEST is always left.


Any more lessons on map orientation, I'll be here all week.


And another person with no grasp of the issue. Take note of all the other posts with the bad attitudes that say that left/right is based on the spawn point, and anyone who doesn't think so is dumb.


Read their post. Then re-read yours. Think REALLY hard for a few minutes. Then come back and let us know if the problem occurs to you.

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It's not subjective. Most of us who passed the 3rd grade geography learned proper orientation of a map.


You put "NORTH" at the top. You put "WEST" to your left. You put "EAST" to your right. And you put "SOUTH" at the bottom.


The only time you would do this differently is if you were actually out in the field and orientating it based on the direction you were traveling.


But this game ALWAYS has the map (and likewise, the minimap) oriented to the NORTH. Hence, WEST is always left.


Any more lessons on map orientation, I'll be here all week.



Except that left and right aren't always used in that manner. Hence the thread. Any more lessons on reading comprehension. I'll be here...for a little while.

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Its not our Fault


BW designed these damned maps.


The could have at least numbered or named the points or areas.


Then we could say INC 1 or INC PandaCuddles


This would take out any guess work. Its Usability 101 (I know I did that course).


Anything that is open to interpretation can be interpreted wrong, hence the need to mitigate such factors especially in a team based game



Edited by Ajudicated
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C'mon people. Left and right are subjective. Sometimes people mean left out of the rez point and sometimes they mean left on the map.



How about we grow up and use cardinal directions like intelligent adults. Use "INC WEST" so we don't have to decipher your subjective meaning


REALLY 11 PAGES of people debating over this nonsense? Lol im going to make an morpg and charge 15 bucks a month and then make a forum said mmorpg for 15 dollars a month and everyone who quits the game will still be paying 15 bucks to complain about it on my forums. Its genius!

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And another person with no grasp of the issue. Take note of all the other posts with the bad attitudes that say that left/right is based on the spawn point, and anyone who doesn't think so is dumb.


Read their post. Then re-read yours. Think REALLY hard for a few minutes. Then come back and let us know if the problem occurs to you.


the problem you seem to have is being a *******, if you have something to say then say it, i know youre probably some 15 year old that thinks more than 2 people in this world give a damn what you have to say but there isnt. so if you have something to say say it and save your guessing game for your recess.

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