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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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And even if they'll make any improvement - it won't go beyond allowing game to use same quality of textures as it uses in cutscenes.

Which still isn't nowhere near "good enough".


I disagree.


If they manage to implement textures comparable to those shown in cutscenes, I'm a happy bunny.


This is an MMO after all; which is not to say that I'm happy with it as it is right now.

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I disagree.


If they manage to implement textures comparable to those shown in cutscenes, I'm a happy bunny.


This is an MMO after all; which is not to say that I'm happy with it as it is right now.


Seriously? The textures in cutscenes are terrible. The line of the visor on my helmet looks like it was drawn by Super Mario (when he'd had a little too much vino). All the robes and leggings look pathetic. Even skin is mottled and ugly, especially when you start to apply DS effects...


I don't really care much about them improving environmental textures above where they are, because they really don't matter so much to me. But I invested $500 into a graphics card with 3GB of texture memory thinking that would do me some good for this game. I bet I use less than 512MB of that memory at any given time running this game. Could've saved myself a pretty penny...



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Considering how the game does not currently utilize video card gpus well at all, I would wager this will get fixed when that does. If we see a massive performance increase on Illum and the fleet thats probably going to mark when they're really getting close to having high res textures. There is a post in the customer service forums detailing the problems with gpus and rendering stopping whenever the game needs more data. This issue probably has to be fixed first for high res to be able to function.
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Seriously? The textures in cutscenes are terrible. The line of the visor on my helmet looks like it was drawn by Super Mario (when he'd had a little too much vino). All the robes and leggings look pathetic. Even skin is mottled and ugly, especially when you start to apply DS effects...


I don't really care much about them improving environmental textures above where they are, because they really don't matter so much to me. But I invested $500 into a graphics card with 3GB of texture memory thinking that would do me some good for this game. I bet I use less than 512MB of that memory at any given time running this game. Could've saved myself a pretty penny...




'Terrible' isn't really a base for dicussion, is it? I'm mot talking about the actual styling of textures because no way in hell are they going to re-do that anytime soon; my gripe is with the actual resolution of the textures as offered in-game.


What kind of GPU do you run? If it's Nvidia, just set up downsampling (http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=346325) and see both your GPU mem usage rise and graphical fidelity improve. It's what I did, and I rarely see GPU mem drop below 1GB of usage.

Edited by twackeroo
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quite honestly ive given up expecting this to ever be resolved, the overall quality of graphics is just too bad for any modern game, this is Star Wars not fecking minecraft!


cut scene textures are NOT hi res, they are, at best, a mediumish level, but the actual resolution is only one part of the problem, the art of many many items is a) bad design and b) badly drawn. Having hi res versions of some of this rubbish is going to make it worse


end game - random number generator content for PvE and PvP, poor overall graphics quality, faction imbalance and no sign of anything to redress it.


Game is fun, but there are only so many times you can open a bag to find nothing, look at your toon and wonder why every other game looks better and get rolled by being outnumbered before you think life will be better in GW2, Secret World, any other game you used to play.

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quite honestly ive given up expecting this to ever be resolved, the overall quality of graphics is just too bad for any modern game, this is Star Wars not fecking minecraft!


cut scene textures are NOT hi res, they are, at best, a mediumish level, but the actual resolution is only one part of the problem, the art of many many items is a) bad design and b) badly drawn. Having hi res versions of some of this rubbish is going to make it worse


end game - random number generator content for PvE and PvP, poor overall graphics quality, faction imbalance and no sign of anything to redress it.


Game is fun, but there are only so many times you can open a bag to find nothing, look at your toon and wonder why every other game looks better and get rolled by being outnumbered before you think life will be better in GW2, Secret World, any other game you used to play.


Many people forget how this game will have to stack up to the coming competition and how it will lose graphics out the gate.

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Seriously? The textures in cutscenes are terrible. The line of the visor on my helmet looks like it was drawn by Super Mario (when he'd had a little too much vino). All the robes and leggings look pathetic. Even skin is mottled and ugly, especially when you start to apply DS effects...


I don't really care much about them improving environmental textures above where they are, because they really don't matter so much to me. But I invested $500 into a graphics card with 3GB of texture memory thinking that would do me some good for this game. I bet I use less than 512MB of that memory at any given time running this game. Could've saved myself a pretty penny...




Seriously? The textures in the cutscenes are at least better then what we have normally in game when moving around. Oh I know what you're trying to say. The textures could still be somewhat better ofcourse. But we will not get anything like that in a MMO. I even doubt they HAVE the quality of textures that you want. We all wish that were true, but its not gonna happen :(


But no, the game doesn't use only 512MB at any given time. Even with Aero off and using only 5-10MB for drawing the Windows framebuffer at 1920x1080x32 the game still uses 750+MB up to 1GB depending on your Anti aliasing method and quality. Ever tried playing the game at 4x/8x Supersampling with your so called supercard?

Edited by Marctraider
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Relatively new to the game, been playing for just over a week now. While I do love the game, sadly I am turned off by the muddied textures I have to look at while viewing my toon. In a game like this you should get excited to see what your new gear is going to look like, but each time I am disappointed due to the low textures. My free sub time ends in March and I can't see myself resubbing unless this issue is resolved. I keep hearing people tell me playablity over graphics......is it too much to ask for both?


Sounds stupid but I feel the same way as you do. I'm seriously thinking about desubscribing for this. HEAR THAT BIOWARE? <---- Your losing people for these muddy 1999 Textures.

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People still whining about this? The devs already commented on this, told us why they made their original choices and that changes are in the works because players demanded it. Sit back, relax and stop holding your breath and beating up your teddy bears because it takes a little time for them to implement changes.

Edited by Tamanous
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People still whining about this? The devs already commented on this, told us why they made their original choices and that changes are in the works because players demanded it. Sit back, relax and stop holding your breath and beating up your teddy bears because it takes a little time for them to implement changes.




People still insulting others with different opinions?


I don't really care how long it takes for Bioware to fix this, I just want them to come clean on the manipulative lies they've been feeding us. For me it's a matter of broken trust in EA/Bioware.

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People still whining about this? The devs already commented on this, told us why they made their original choices and that changes are in the works because players demanded it. Sit back, relax and stop holding your breath and beating up your teddy bears because it takes a little time for them to implement changes.



They're not fixing it in my eyes until they change the state of the textures to how they were in advertisements.

I paid for *those* graphics, not these.

If they had used these in ads, fine, but I will not be promised gold, and given silver; not as long as I'm paying.


They can come up with all the half-way ''fixes'' they want, I'm going to keep posting here until I receive what I have paid for and was promised when they posted the ads with high-res textures; the ability to play this game with high-resolution textures enabled.


No disrespect meant to anyone who disagrees.

However, I too have an opinion, and I will not keep quiet simply because you feel I'm in the wrong. Feel free to feel that way, feel free to even tell me to stop posting and ''whining'', but do not expect me to actually obey, if you do :)


Peace ;)

Edited by Schizman
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They're not fixing it in my eyes until they change the state of the textures to how they were in advertisements.

I paid for *those* graphics, not these.

If they had used these in ads, fine, but I will not be promised gold, and given silver; not as long as I'm paying.


They can come up with all the half-way ''fixes'' they want, I'm going to keep posting here until I receive what I have paid for and was promised when they posted the ads with high-res textures; the ability to play this game with high-resolution textures enabled.


No disrespect meant to anyone who disagrees.

However, I too have an opinion, and I will not keep quiet simply because you feel I'm in the wrong. Feel free to feel that way, feel free to even tell me to stop posting and ''whining'', but do not expect me to actually obey, if you do :)


Peace ;)


Well said pardner.


Keep whining people or we will never get the graphics we deserve.

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Well said pardner.


Keep whining people or we will never get the graphics we deserve.


I really wanted to do a batman reference, but it wouldn't work. These are the graphics we need AND deserve.

Edited by Fomby
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I could live with it if they would simply allow us to have Hi-Rez textures in our armor preview. The user's system would only have to render ONE character in hi-rez, not hundreds. Furthermore I'd personally be willing to sacrifice world detail for greater character detail.


I'm really frustrated and disappointed in Bioware over this issue especially since competing MMOs seem to offer much better resolution on their player and character textures. But I understand this probably would not have happened if Bioware had not been rushed on their release date. Thus I will be patient for them to come up with a solution, but I do hope they make it a priority.

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still no news of this in the 1.5 patch, just when are we actually going to have a proper High resolution texture option when we know they are all there already?


Nah, that was apparently a bug. ......................


Le sigh


But seriously, i'm sad that my sub runs out on Monday, but I refuse to play a game where the company continues to lie/spin the truth.

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Nah, that was apparently a bug. ......................


Le sigh


But seriously, i'm sad that my sub runs out on Monday, but I refuse to play a game where the company continues to lie/spin the truth.


The thing that will continue to irk me beyond all reason is them continuing to use hi-res textures in promotional materials, that's just a straight up lie.

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