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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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I made a thread and was directed here.


I'd just like to add my voice to those dissatisfied with both the current graphical fidelity and the poor explanation given as to why we can't have better graphics.


I hope this is bought up during the Guild Summit streaming sessions.



Lol I wanted to agree with you on that thread but they closed it before I could. Soooo... agreed!

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The best answer BW has given is that it was a bug or their game can't handle the high res textures. Both have been stated by them somewhere. Sorry but when a game is this bad it tends to effect everything. Get used to it or quit, I chose to quit and find a better game.
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they did the ol bait and switch that is all.


Bioware devs cant figure out how to fix hero engine so the only option apparently is make its graphics look like something from 10 years ago... woot!


And it's still a DX-9 game with no 64-bit support.

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I just wish BW would come out and say "We screwed up, here is how we are going to fix it...", not "We did this on purpose, so deal with it!".


That is exactly how I feel :)


I wouldn't blame them, people make mistakes -on the job, too- and they're just people.


I just don't like that gut feeling I'm being lied to.


Man up BW.

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So out of nowhere I get this shiny looking armor. It's pretty nice, but my shadow's quality is still highly lacking, I really don't get the graphical effects in this game sometimes.


Dude, that isn't a hard surface your shadow is reflecting on. That is a small puddle of water that has lots of ripples from the wind....GAH! Freaking NOOB!


I mean, this is a $200,000,000 game, if that was a hard surface your shadow would look crisp and clear.......


EDIT: Oh, for the record I wouldn't complain about the visuals in this game if they ran properly. But to have these visuals and all the low frame rates and hitches is just sad.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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I might have to adorn my flame suite for this.. but...


TERA is bumping up their textures for the next beta, as opposed to TOR who cut their back at the end of beta for release...


Food for thought.


And I'm not even looking forward to TERA.

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Isn't Tera using the UT III engine? If you tweak out the ini file in SWTOR does that help?


Tweaking the INI file you can force a little AF . which will make floors shiny. Any other settings do absloutely nothing. The graphic capabilites of this game are an absloute mess, i am not sure BW can even fix it with out a coding overhaul . we are talking anouther 7 or 8 gigs addition to get high res textures. thats about what we lost from beta client that had them to release client that does not.

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Hello folks, I just thought I'd share this video from YouTube which I found a while ago.

Its an explanation about how we can use Radeon Pro (for ATI users) to increase the quality of grass and tree textures, making them look crisper :)


Here it is



The uploader of the video did say he thought it was likely there was a similar application for Nvidia cards.



Edited by Schizman
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Why does the global cool down issue get a sticky thread but this issue does not? This so much bigger. I never even had a problem with the global cool down. Stop wasting time on the non issues and fix how your fricken game looks. I'm so sick of mmo companies wasting so many resources on beating the dead horse that is class balance and will never work on how their games looks until its to late and FTP.


Enable the textures already. I want to Play the game I saw advertised and showed off to all my friends. I convinced 6 more people to play this game and the only reason I'm sticking around is because I would be an *** if left after convincing them all to play.

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Why does the global cool down issue get a sticky thread but this issue does not? This so much bigger. I never even had a problem with the global cool down. Stop wasting time on the non issues and fix how your fricken game looks. I'm so sick of mmo companies wasting so many resources on beating the dead horse that is class balance and will never work on how their games looks until its to late and FTP.


Enable the textures already. I want to Play the game I saw advertised and showed off to all my friends. I convinced 6 more people to play this game and the only reason I'm sticking around is because I would be an *** if left after convincing them all to play.


I convinced friends to play as well, all have left but 1 because of all the issues.

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Why does the global cool down issue get a sticky thread but this issue does not? This so much bigger. I never even had a problem with the global cool down. Stop wasting time on the non issues and fix how your fricken game looks. I'm so sick of mmo companies wasting so many resources on beating the dead horse that is class balance and will never work on how their games looks until its to late and FTP.


Enable the textures already. I want to Play the game I saw advertised and showed off to all my friends. I convinced 6 more people to play this game and the only reason I'm sticking around is because I would be an *** if left after convincing them all to play.


Your signature made me chuckle.


Also, the reason this isn't a sticky is probably because bioware doesn't plan on working on it.


My advice is to cancel your sub and tell them why. That's the only thing big companies listen to, the loss of money.

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Your signature made me chuckle.


Also, the reason this isn't a sticky is probably because bioware doesn't plan on working on it.


My advice is to cancel your sub and tell them why. That's the only thing big companies listen to, the loss of money.


Few to none of the issues faced by Bioware are stickied. They already announced they are working to give us higher fidelity graphics by patch 1.2 in March. Interpret that as you may, but I'm sure they are, indeed, working on it.

Edited by Atarufighter
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Compared to STO TOR runs pathetic and looks a lot less defined.

In sTO i run 1920x1080 with everything maxed, and i get even during heavy PvP a stable playable frame rate. Doesn't matters what happens on screen. In Tor on the other hand i get much less crisp gfx, a lot less fps and every time one of those notifications happens on screen it freezes for a second.


Serious Bioware guys, you spend so much money on the game, you could have invested a tiny bit into the actual client part of your game. Your so hyped up all voice acting is not even true, there are quests with zero voice acting, all the terminal missions.


Heck, even that old SWG had more crips and defined gfx and ran better, even during heavy PvP.

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All I can say is that if Bioware had taken the time needed to develop their own game engine we would have the high resolution textures at launch.


That launch may have been a few years later but at least that game would be up to the usual standards I am used to seeing in a Bioware game.


They decided to go with a third party game engine (Hero) and because of that the game can't really handle crowds or high res textures and many more things as well.

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Firstly, we need you to come down off the Fanboy horse if you are going to discuss this on any level of reason.


Ad hominem attacks are not going to lend your argument more credibility.


Also, I like to think that I applied a lot of reason. But I guess it is female logic instead of testosterone fuelled logic?


My argument boiled down to: I am not experiencing any of the problems you describe. Have you checked the memory of your graphcis card as that is frequently a culprit in poor performance and random crashes.


The only way I can see anyone saying this game runs "just fine", is if they have an extremely loose definition of "just fine."


Or, you know, they do actually know what they are talking about and can honestly say that they run the game at 1920x1200 in high resolution everything and rarely see the game plunge below 60fps? (I am running the game on a dual core E8500 and a HD6850 for your information. Hardly top of the line these days)


Of course I have to bow to -your- superior knowledge of how -my- system runs and accept that what I am seeing is just the figment of my imagination and that the game really crashes all the time and barely manages 3fps?


22 FPS isn't just fine on the systems I previously mentioned. I assure you my system is fine, as are the other 5 systems I have tested the performance of this game on. As are the systems of the countless others having issues.


Yes, yes. The game does not run fine for you. It does, however, for me. So maybe I was making a rational point by saying that just maybe it is not -just- the game and its graphics engine, that is the cause of the problem.


Time and man power? BioWare had approximately 4 years and spent $200,000,000 dollars on this game! There is no way in hell you can sit there and tell me that the performance of their product was an after thought to the rest of the features.


And all of that means exactly nothing today, where you have problems. You can complain that Bioware should have made different design choices but that is really not helping you in any way or form. The harsh reality is that Bioware has, at this moment, a limited number of employees capable on working on this type of coding and a lot of issues they need to be working on. So, as Bioware already said, the high resolution textures will eventually make it back into the game once they can do so without impacting the performance of the game.



The aesthetics are partly opinion, true. What I find to be acceptable in terms of looks others might have a difference of. But when I look at the visuals, up close or not, of this game and then a competitor, it shouldn't look like PS2 versus PS3 or XBox vs XBox 360. The visuals of this game are extremely dated, that can not be argued!


I agree that it is difficult to argue about the graphics. I do not mind them as to me they look just fine as is. I do not see much difference unless I move into close up range, which during gameplay I will do but rarely.

That does not mean I get to say it is a non-issue. But it also means you do not get to say it is a huge issue for lots of players. At the end of the day we can only speak for ourselves.

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