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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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maybe they havent finished all the high rez textures and animations and hence they dont want to screw it up?



i truly feel for those of you that play at 2k resolutions on a 60 inch tv, yes you can see the textures really bad there, but for the rest of the general pop. that play in sub 40 inch/sub 2k resolutions its barely noticable tbh, i can barely notice them and i play at 1080p res (true 1.9k x 1080p , if i go any higher i can really start noticing the pixels on armors)


relax people , they are coming spamming this thread every day wont make em go any faster


Also, ill be laughing and quoting people from this very same thread when they whine in a months time about how their FPS sucks after high rez textures...yes , you can bet on it that its going to happen , just wait and see

Edited by LaVolpex
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maybe they havent finished all the high rez textures and animations and hence they dont want to screw it up?


If that were the case they could have said so and avoided a great deal of flak. Instead, they fed us some line about people's machines not being able to handle it (an excuse they fall back on repeatedly, rather odd for a company that was touting that their art style was specifically chosen to run well on a broad spectrum of machines). For those who actually understand how graphics performance works, it was actually borderline insulting for them to act like they could spew up a line of bull-pucky and get away with it.


So yeah, if they were incomplete, they should have said so. Then again since people in early beta saw them already, they can't float one by any more than the one they already offered.


Given the rather low polygon count on the characters along with the middle-detail graphics settings still manage to produce poor performance levels on top-end machines in many cases, I suspect the issue might come down to the engine. Something a lot of people have been trying to point out for a while, now.

Edited by Syylara
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No, we have a low detail setting and a medium detail setting they label as high.


Otherwise what do you call the resolution level that you see when you're in a cut-scene or use the holocomm trick? Uber?


Oh, that's right...unavailable.




If they didn't have a "medium" option setup at one point you wouldn't have an argument at all.

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If they didn't have a "medium" option setup at one point you wouldn't have an argument at all.


You are correct sir. If they never had the hi res textures in the game or if they didn't advertise with the unusable hi res textures I would not have bought the game!

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They said the old high option in beta was a "bug" or something so we are now using what they always meant the game to be. That is what stieve or some other dev said, I'm not just making it up.


Anyone know if the statement that the servers or some part of Bioware's hardware can't handle having everything running on the old high res was either a rumor or an official statement? Would like to know if anyone does know which it was.

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They said the old high option in beta was a "bug" or something so we are now using what they always meant the game to be. That is what stieve or some other dev said, I'm not just making it up.


Anyone know if the statement that the servers or some part of Bioware's hardware can't handle having everything running on the old high res was either a rumor or an official statement? Would like to know if anyone does know which it was.


Anyone who believes "it was a bug" are really gullible. That right there proves that Bioware thinks we are a bunch of idiot newbs.

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maybe they havent finished all the high rez textures and animations and hence they dont want to screw it up?



i truly feel for those of you that play at 2k resolutions on a 60 inch tv, yes you can see the textures really bad there, but for the rest of the general pop. that play in sub 40 inch/sub 2k resolutions its barely noticable tbh, i can barely notice them and i play at 1080p res (true 1.9k x 1080p , if i go any higher i can really start noticing the pixels on armors)


relax people , they are coming spamming this thread every day wont make em go any faster


Also, ill be laughing and quoting people from this very same thread when they whine in a months time about how their FPS sucks after high rez textures...yes , you can bet on it that its going to happen , just wait and see


I have a 40" 1080p lcd, and I find it VERY noticeable.


On your last point, yes, that will happen. But if it happens to people with good gaming rigs, then it's a valid complaint.


The point here is that in 2012, low resolution graphics are NOT an acceptable option to cover up a bad engine, poor coding, or whatever incompetence got us into this mess.


The even greater point is that Bioware has shown the honesty of a middle school brat on this issue.

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I have a 40" 1080p lcd, and I find it VERY noticeable.


On your last point, yes, that will happen. But if it happens to people with good gaming rigs, then it's a valid complaint.


The point here is that in 2012, low resolution graphics are NOT an acceptable option to cover up a bad engine, poor coding, or whatever incompetence got us into this mess.


The even greater point is that Bioware has shown the honesty of a middle school brat on this issue.


Im pretty sure it has to do with the Texture Atlas and the beta being 31gig and launch being 19gig.


The game would not run on mom's laptop without the texture atlas. The down side is the texture atlas will not run well with so many different armor choices that were in beta so that was cut down too.

They also took out the ability to mod all armor bc it was to confusing for casuals, which also helps the texture atlas run better bc at end game we all look the same if we are the same starting class.


My conclusion: Casuals are ruining the gaming industry.

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They said the textures would improve in update 1.2 in March.


I really hope so... I took a bunch of pictures of my character using the holo-trick and pasted them in paint side by side with pictures of my character in the regular world and it's such a dramatic improvement. I'd like to make use of my high-performance processor and graphics card. :(

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Anyone know if the statement that the servers or some part of Bioware's hardware can't handle having everything running on the old high res was either a rumor or an official statement? Would like to know if anyone does know which it was.


That was a rumour some people came up with. Hi-res textures on the clients won't affect the servers. BW stated that this game does not use remote rendering tech and afaik no one found evidence it does.

There are "RemoteRendererXXX.dll" files in the game folder and that is what brought people's suspicion, but it seemed they only run locally.

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They alreaddy made it clear that the graphics will not be any better than they are now. How is this thread still going? This was clear a while ago.


We have High and Low. Pick one. Good Job!





Screw that, I don't care what they said! lol :p


I disregard everything they said on altering the texture resolution after posting advertisements with high-resolution textures.

It is against the law to advertise a ''better'' product and thereby promising it in the final product and then sell a -in comparison to the ad- qualitatively inferior product.


The second they flat-out refuse to restore the high-res graphics *as they were* in the ads, is the second I start googling for a company that can make it very hard for EAware to get away with this. (This being a means to ''persuade'' EAware, not as punishment, because I don't believe in the common notion that punishment is effective).


An advertisement is, to me, and I suppose many others, a promise, bound by legal obligation, and they failed to deliver what they promised -what they are bound to deliver by legal obligation-


I will not leave this be untill I am convinced that there is nothing I can do to change it :)


I do not mean to sound harsh here, I was not angry or upset in any way as I typed the above, I simply believe in honesty, and I will not pay 70 euros + 13 euros a month (+ the 350 euros I spent on new computer hardware with SWTOR specs in mind, coming down to 433 Euros (From an American perspective: 570 USD) for a lie.

Go ahead, say its my own fault, I will simply disregard and ignore such notions.


No offense meant, I am simply stating my interpretation, thoughts and feelings on this matter.



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If they didn't have a "medium" option setup at one point you wouldn't have an argument at all.


Sure I would, there would still be 3 distinctly different detail levels present on my client.


The current low and high, plus the setting that is used for cut-scenes.


That's 3 grades of quality.


Plus the fact that they use the high-resolution shots in their advertisements.


They said the old high option in beta was a "bug" or something so we are now using what they always meant the game to be. That is what stieve or some other dev said, I'm not just making it up.


"Always" would imply that they never intended otherwise. However, those who were in early beta rounds last year can tell you that high-resolution was available in general game-play, so that can't be true. They may have changed their minds at some point, but that wouldn't be "always" then, would it?


Anyone know if the statement that the servers or some part of Bioware's hardware can't handle having everything running on the old high res was either a rumor or an official statement? Would like to know if anyone does know which it was.


If they did say that, one of two outcomes results.


Either they are using remote rendering, which is their own decision and the blame for poor performance and server strain is their own fault...or they think they can hoodwink us because if it isn't using remote rendering, all of the work gets done by the client, not the server.

Edited by Syylara
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Sad thing is, this has low res textures and runs worse than games with high.


Yeah I did notice Skyrim looks ten times better yet runs twice as smooth. Some poor coding and engine this game got, I wonder how long does a game need to be in development to get it right...

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Yeah I did notice Skyrim looks ten times better yet runs twice as smooth. Some poor coding and engine this game got, I wonder how long does a game need to be in development to get it right...


Heh, yeah, so true.


I do cut them some slack on this account, though... they are first-timers when it comes to making an MMO.


I don't suppose anyone here delivers perfection/greatness on their first workday at a new job? :)


I am however still of the opinon that they should re-instate high-res textures, simply because that is what they advertised and hence ''promised'' when they made said ads public.


Its ok that they make mistakes, and I do not wish them to suffer for it, all I wish is them to rectify their mistake :)

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I do cut them some slack on this account, though... they are first-timers when it comes to making an MMO.




In that light I still wonder why they used the HeroEngine, they had no experience with, when they already had the in-house developed Aurora/Odyssey/Eclipse engines (Which might possibly be developed further to be able to handle a MMO environment) and good experience with Unreal Tech 3 (Which is very capable to handle a MMO environment).

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