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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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If this is the new gamer generation, then its pathetic. To sit here and complain about graphics is dumb. Man you all would not survive when the NES/SNES systems were out and the PC's looked like garbage. Is this more important than all the bugs in the game? Wow you young people need to get your priorities straight because I think fixing bugs and issues is a lil more important than better graphics, of which are not that bad to begin with. Bugs actually hurt people trying to play the game where graphics don't do ****


Once again, this is merely your opinion and not fact. Actually, I couldn't care less, and I mean zero, about the bugs...I haven't even encountered one that frustrated me or bothered me. However. even if I love the game, the sole issue I have with it are the textures, which hopefully will get fixed.

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Simply stated.. I game on a PC for a reason. A huge part of that reason is the ability to dump $500-$1000+ on a graphics subsystem that makes me drool every time I play a game on it.


If I wanted to play a game with so-so graphics and washed out bland textures with developers limiting my display options or removing them all-together, I'd play console games.

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Simply stated.. I game on a PC for a reason. A huge part of that reason is the ability to dump $500-$1000+ on a graphics subsystem that makes me drool every time I play a game on it.


Ditto. Including dropping $1.3k on a 2560x1600 IPS monitor to drool at. Or for those wanting a wide view, $250 times three for triple IPS monitor gaming. Can't do that on a console brick.

Edited by cipher_nemo
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Then I feel sorry for you, because if graphics is all u care about why get this game? Even the trailers I've seen the graphics were, worse, or about the same then i have on my computer. Its a game dude, its not life-threating. If you don't like it don't play it and go play GW2 when it comes out, or go back to WoW, where the graphics are not nearly as good.



All the screenshots released by Bioware show far better looking textures than what is currently being shown when playing. My graphics are maxed out and it still isn't coming close. Why even bother posting on this thread if you don't agree? Obviously this is an issue with many considering the amount of posts on this subject. Just because your happy playing a game where the character textures are worse than even Dragon Age Origins doesn't mean everyone else has to. For a AAA MMO title that just launched this is very unacceptable.

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Yeah these graphics are unaceptable. I can tell you if I had known this I would not have bought the game, but all the advertisement screenshots a videos looked awesome, even from third party reviewers. I'm only waiting for 1.2 and if it doesn't blow my mind I'm out.
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I'd consider the big yellow block of text to be an answer. Satisfying to me, I'm glad to at least have an answer. Somehow I doubt there's really anything constructive anyone can really add anymore until Bioware posts that it's showing up in the next patch. So..... why remake the thread?



Ever hear "Squeaky wheel gets the grease". If people were to just settle for what Bioware has released in their statement regarding the matter and stop posting on threads like this it very well could end up as a dead issue that Bioware could feel they are now able to ignore. However if people remain vocal and demand action it makes it quite the opposite. Not saying something will get done about it, just saying the likelihood of some kind of action increases.

Edited by Techronomicon
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Ever hear "Squeaky wheel gets the grease". If people were to just settle for what Bioware has released in their statement regarding the matter and stop posting on threads like this it very well could end up as a dead issue that Bioware could feel they are now able to ignore. However if people remain vocal and demand action it makes it quite the opposite. Not saying something will get done about it, just saying the likelihood of some kind of action increases.


Exactly. Don't let this thread slide to page 8 again!


(thats where I found it after my bookmark disappeared)

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Isn't it obvious what they are doing?


They are going to keep the graphics as they are for a long while. Then, when they advertise their first expansion they will use better graphics as a selling point to get more to buy the game. However instead of actually making the graphics better, they will really just be flipping a switch and allowing the graphics that are currently available in the game's database be available for people to use.


I know it sounds cynical, but I really do think that's what they are planning on doing. The graphics were in the game during beta, but now suddenly they cannot be displayed? That's fishy to me and it's bad marketing to use that as a selling point for their expansion.


Keep this thread bookmarked and remember my response so that a year from now or whenever they have their expansion pack you can look back and say, "That Ulmius guy was right. And that's messed up."

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I think there is some other technical reasons behind this decision that we are not being told about which would make sense why we have no further updates in months. Its good to get a detailed response a long time ago on this but how long SERIOUSLY do you think players will wait for this.


A lot of the game looks great in my view (definately playable) after some driver tweaking but I want the higher quality especially on my character (even if not on other players to begin with). I spent serious money on my PC to take this sorta thing .. give us the option .. even with a warning about performance .. then let us decide.

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I didn't mind the high res texture issue as much but the fact that Bioware is completely ignoring this issue has me worried that they just lack the skill set to improve this game.


That and they are stuck with a poorly designed system that is already extinct technology-wise compared to today's new games.


Either way, this engine will forever hold this game back.

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Can you tell me why it's about 1.2?

I never heard anything about 1.2 improving textures.


As far as I'd LOVE it to be truth - I doubt it is.


Quote by one of the devs on an earlier version of this thread:


That screenshot is from a cinematic in-game. As stated, cinematic scenes use high resolution textures because we have control over how many characters are rendered on-screen at once. This is how the game was always intended to look in cinematics. We did not 'remove' high resolution textures - they were always in the game for use in cinematics.


With that said, thank you for all of your responses. We understand everyone's desires around this issue, and although it's not going to be an overnight fix, as mentioned we're working on addressing this. Many of the suggestions you have made are similar to potential changes the development team is investigating.


I rounded up the development team once more and had another discussion, and wanted to update you with a better timeline and some more precise details on what we're doing right now.


The first MAJOR changes will be in our next major Game Update, which will have the version number of 1.2. Those changes will bring greater visual fidelity to your character and those around you, but will still allow for good performance in situations where a lot of characters are on-screen at once. In other words, for those screenshots of your character in their best gear, you should see a marked improvement.


Other potential changes are being discussed right now – as I said, many of which are similar to changes suggested by many of you. As usual, you’ll see these sorts of changes on our Public Test Server before they make it into the live game. Right now we cannot commit to a live date for the 1.2 Game Update, but it will be within Q1 2012.

Edited by Atarufighter
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Why lie to the public? Why not take cinematic in texture which are actually available to the customer?


You are essentially bluffing your customer. When I watch a SWTOR cinematic, I have certain expectations of what I would see when I play the game. Even with a very high end PC , I don't get to experience what that cinematic promised.


So, your cinematic are essentially advertising a product which does not exist.

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An old game I played used a very good strategy to have high resolution textures and make the game smooth, the tactic was:


Whenever you were far from an object, it would should low quality textures. When you got close to it, it would become high resolution, that way the game would run smooth. In SWTOR, the texture is always low quality except in cutscenes.

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Can we get another news feed like for the economy changes, something along these lines:


The Czerka corporation has had a major breakthrough in one of their most ambitious project. They developed a new fluid based on nano-technology which will clean your visor. You will be able to see the universe like never before, no more blurryness. They call it RainX.

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i'm a bit worried about this. No mention of graphics upgrade in 1.2. they mentioned just about everytihng else that is coming out in 1.2




You need to fix your graphics so they match the advertised graphics right now, and than you need to come out with a graphic enhancments at least once a year.

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First time seeing this thread, but i have to say the difference between the 2 settings is astounding. They look SOO good on high, there must be some extreme reason to not put that option on, it's like a different game :p
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I call it bull#### on the huge performance issues if the high details get in game, unless the game engine has deteriorated since beta. I had no issues on performance with beta high res textures while there were 30+ toons in screen. As of matter i go as far as saying the current live version is performing worse than high res beta client.


I second this also. The beta ran better then it does now.

I for one need a few things fixed befor i will resub this game.

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