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How to stop ppl from leaving warzones


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Without PVP in this game being fixed.... They can't make deserter debuffs.


On my server I play huttball 98% of the time because the huge side imbalance. When I que with my 3 other guildmates our team is filled out with random people. Rebs on my server (I'm conviced there are only 10 of them) can que and all get in the same game. 10 people in Vent > 4 people in vent + 6 random people running around aimlessly.


Why would I want to finish this game and waste my valuable game time when I can dump out and reque for a more balanced game? Because once I get my 3 pvp wins for the day and go on to the next daily.


We should be able to que as an op.



- my time is more valuable then anyone else's

- I only play for phat lootz,

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How bout play 5 matches and win 3? Adding a mixture is more appropriate because it encourages being an active participant.


Yes, let's do that on top of games STILL not counting towards daily/weekly wins. So in order for ANY penalty to be given to anyone who leaves, they need to fix a whole lot of bugs.


Yesterday I had to win around 4 matches to get 1 win count. That's frustrating as hell. So I don't blame people leaving when it's an obvious loss for example, since getting a win might be difficult for some, let alone get a win to count for your daily. Not everyone has a whole day to play a game.


As for myself, I cba to join a huttball, seeing 4-6 teammembers not even trying to kill the ballcarrier and the opposing team scores 5-0 within 4 minutes, only to farm you untill the time runs out.


Besides, for others that are being booted before their loading screen is done, it's double as annoying.


So maybe we should start moaning about people leaving when BW actually fixes these bugs. When the bugs are fixed. I don't mind a penalty (would gladly do something else then waste my time with utterly clueless and none objective focussed players).

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What (s)he said. Leaving because it's 0-1 in Huttball? Just lol. Yeah, that's SO insurmountible, uhuh. Losing the first phase in Voidstar? Uhm... how about trying to WIN the second part? And don't even get me started about Civil War.


Seriously, grow some stickwithitness.


Well when the other team sets up a chain and the first cap happens in 45s yeah lost cause or when one player at 50% hp can get 5 people on my team to chase him for I don't even know. When a group in mostly greens says cap side, me as the wz leader i tell them no take middle we get three capped sorry im out. When a guy stand there cd'd or uses his trinket on a slinger's leg shot and gets flash capped(I love that **** on my sniper) without even spamming help or anything, I personally blame him if cc'd but i watch the minimap like a hawk no game of life person peg I get there fast. The best is when he runs to their spawn as the stealth wait for his buddy to bait him. Blame BW the people that leave are in the battlemaster grind we gain no reward from staying. I only leave games where I know there is no possible way we can win. I'm good, but I'm not 7 other people at once, you will notice on our servers numbrs make the difference not skill.

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Or stop kicking me from the huttball because the retarded force field was up when I zoned in.


No thanks, until the devs fix this crap, I can't get on board with penalties for leaving a WZ. I never once left, I was always kicked. I don't want to get yet another penalty on top of a wasted load time because the game is borked.




Any penalty for leaving matches needs to be social. Guilds need to encourage their people to stick out the game and at least try their best.


I mean, yea it sucks to get less comms than you think you deserve, (as a healer I've frequently gotten top heals and no mvp or even thanks) but consider how awful it would be to get kicked then get a debuff on top. That's just weaksauce.

Edited by Leiralei
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U mad Bro?

I've capped all three turrets with the score 260-100 against and won.

Grow up.


This happened to me the other day, but I was on the receiving end. Republic got cocky and overextended and somehow Empire 3-capped us for about 1 minute. We managed to get one turret back, but in the end we lost by 10 points.

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How about letting people choose what they want to play? I don't give a **** about Hutt Ball. I'll not be forced to play that ****.


^^ this, its sad really because hutball can be quite fun, but you are forced to play it so often that you really end up resenting seeing that hutball map on the loading screen again and again and again. When i qeue i pray for civil war but sods law it is the wz i almost never see,

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So maybe we should start moaning about people leaving when BW actually fixes these bugs. When the bugs are fixed. I don't mind a penalty (would gladly do something else then waste my time with utterly clueless and none objective focussed players).


Actually, to clarify, my agreeing to add a penalty is only after the fix it as well. Can't add a penalty/ban to something that's broken.

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This happened to me the other day, but I was on the receiving end. Republic got cocky and overextended and somehow Empire 3-capped us for about 1 minute. We managed to get one turret back, but in the end we lost by 10 points.



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why not end the war zone when it's uneven teams, i leave if it's 6 on 8 and we're losing badly, what the point of playing for 15 minutes and getting stomped because they are up 2 players. on my server the republic dominate war zones because they have better players with battle master gear. no imperial is at battle master yet, we can't win so no one ques and republic just get more valour. how about a server merge or at least opening up the bracket for lower pop servers
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Ha, nice.


It wasn't so bad though. It came after a long streak of rolling over the Imperials, so I didn't feel too fussed about it.


I did have a discussion with a couple of other layers in Fleet about how embarrassed we all were to have that happen to us.

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- my time is more valuable then anyone else's

- I only play for phat lootz,


Hey have you heard of something called life I hear those two things happen a lot. I bet you work at Taco Bell because it's your passion am I right? Yes it is I'm all for a civil war that end 5-0 or a huttball that an epic cap wins the game. I'm not here to cuddle guys in greens, I can handle average players they follow instructions, team work can overcome gear handicap.

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Im willing to be proven wrong, but id wager most people who leave do so not because it was huttball (as boring as it can be) but because they want the 3 or 9 wins to complete the quest and dont care about anything else.


I think this might be a big cause, I used to do it but I care less about bags than valor now so I just stay in crappy games and rack up 10 Medals, get a few VIPs and rack up 1200+ valor from losing games. <3 Tank medals.

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I don't see the problem here even if they stay you lose anyway . If they put penalty for leaving they'll just run around or stay in starting zone nothing you can do about it and you still lose . If someone enjoy being corpse camped by a premade by all means enjoy your self it's your money and time . I think this system is better because there is a chance your leaver will be replaced by a higher lvl or well geared played so you have chance of win maybe . They can't force people to fight if they don't want to . Plus many don't leave on they own but because of many bugs (crashes; freezes, dcs ) that prevent them from finishing matches . Wow had penalty system and it haven't changed anything they where still leaving matches . Not to mention you will be kicked out of the game if you are afk for more then 30 sec which means you can't even open the door for someone or go for a quick pee without being dc from the match which is sick if you ask me . This is just a game for god sake .
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why not end the war zone when it's uneven teams, i leave if it's 6 on 8 and we're losing badly, what the point of playing for 15 minutes and getting stomped because they are up 2 players. on my server the republic dominate war zones because they have better players with battle master gear. no imperial is at battle master yet, we can't win so no one ques and republic just get more valour. how about a server merge or at least opening up the bracket for lower pop servers


Oh reminds me of another wonderful time I had.


Voidstar, and we start with only 5 players. The 120 second warning flashes across the screen. We're the defenders and Empire rolls over us pretty easily. We shrug and figure 'what the hell, let's just try to get as many medals as we can'.


The 30 second warning flashes over the screen and Empire is at the final door.


25 seconds later, 3 players pop into the warzone and the shutdown sequence is cancelled.


When it's our turn to be on the offense, we have a grand total of 2 minutes and 30 seconds to do it.

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Clown of an idea. What about the people who actually win their first 3 matches?


Just because your badz, doesnt mean everyone else is.


Because if you bust your *** like you should be you'll still get plenty of valor and medals?


derp derp derp :rolleyes:

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Well when the other team sets up a chain and the first cap happens in 45s yeah lost cause or when one player at 50% hp can get 5 people on my team to chase him for I don't even know. When a group in mostly greens says cap side, me as the wz leader i tell them no take middle we get three capped sorry im out. When a guy stand there cd'd or uses his trinket on a slinger's leg shot and gets flash capped(I love that **** on my sniper) without even spamming help or anything, I personally blame him if cc'd but i watch the minimap like a hawk no game of life person peg I get there fast. The best is when he runs to their spawn as the stealth wait for his buddy to bait him. Blame BW the people that leave are in the battlemaster grind we gain no reward from staying. I only leave games where I know there is no possible way we can win. I'm good, but I'm not 7 other people at once, you will notice on our servers numbrs make the difference not skill.


So what do you PVP for? The easy wins? Or do you actually seek a challenge?


I've been doing this long enough to know that bad situations CAN be reversed, that a quick non-hostile explanation or (yes) some actual GOOD people replacing the quitters CAN change the entire match around.


And maybe you will still lose THAT game, but if you take the trouble to explain mistakes, maybe you'll gain enough credit that people actually LISTEN to you and do better next time. I've seen plenty of people go 'you're all scrubs and you should do it my way'... never works, just makes for longer ignore lists.


By leaving all you're doing is making things worse.


I leave it to you whether or not you believe me, but I have been SUCCESSFULLY leading PVP parties for 8 years, both guild/coalition and pugs. I have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn't in PVP group dynamics. Trust me, a bit of patience goes a long way, and yes, EVEN PUGS can be trained. Just stay polite, explain and become the one they take advice from.

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is it just me or did a whole bunch of replies just magically disappear?


apart from that I really don't get why so many people don't seem to be willing to explain things.




sure I do 'freak' a little myself if people refuse to do what I say when it 'could' work... but eh... people need to learn, and none of us was a pro right from the start.



in fact I'm the first to admit that I probably still suck, and people think it's proven when I have less than 6 medals at the end of the match, but I still feel good when I see the 'Victory' tab :p

Edited by amnie
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is it just me or did a whole bunch of replies just magically disappear?


The raging 13 year(Miralol) old's posts were all deleted by a mod along with any post that quoted one of his.

Edited by Abiza
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Do you seriously expect me to play for 15 minute with above baddies, let alone TEACH them?


Well, if you don't try to teach them they have zero chance of learning and you'll ALWAYS be playing with "baddies" lol. If you do at least try, then maybe one or two per match might listen. One or two per match who listen can add up after a while.


Been in matches where people didn't pass. Sent a tell after, asking if it was their first time in. Told them basics of passing (which is NOT taught anywhere in game!) and next match they did great. Sometimes see people not passing and just idly give instructions for the ball ability in ops chat then suddenly people are passing.


It's amazing what happens when you give people a chance to get better.


Little things like this can vastly improve the quality of pvp for everyone.



I have no idea why ppl queue pre lvl 20 -24 (when you get nice skills / advance on skill tree some) though. It can be a pain to have a bunch pf lvl 10-13 ppl in the group that do not have speed run even.


Level 14 weapon (which now costs too much). Also, it's way more fun to pvp from 10-14 and get sprint that way than to grind boring mobs without sprint! A decent player can still contribute to the team tactically. Plus a lot of the time players will focus the lowbie, so guarding them can give YOU a boost for medals, or give you a chance to score while people were trying for the "easy" kill.

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You don't understand server imbalance do you, repubs can easily do a forced 8m premade. my server is 6:1 favor imps. When its 10am and the whole of 20 level 50 republics are on its pretty easy to exploit the system. If 2 sets of four are que'd and 3 solo'd they system will automatically match the option that ends with a full team.



Exploit you say? How is it an exploit when there is no possibility for other matchmaking. It doesnt matter if the republic sing up 8 man as solo, or two full groups. Eighter way you will be faced against the same people.

Edited by Lichyblade
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You don't understand server imbalance do you, repubs can easily do a forced 8m premade. my server is 6:1 favor imps. When its 10am and the whole of 20 level 50 republics are on its pretty easy to exploit the system. If 2 sets of four are que'd and 3 solo'd they system will automatically match the option that ends with a full team.

Sorry i do feel for you. A bit. Not much actually.

1) Blame ppl, not the server. Way too many decided to go imp for all that "bad *** lightning throwing stuff"

2) Blame BW as well. They did not intro server balance/lockouts. In Aion we had server lockout when one side (asmodeans, again, bad *** looking) prevailed. Was kinda ok, nothing like horrific situation in SWTOR.


All in all, you have to:

1) Rerol rep on the same server.

2) reroll on other server (some say there are ones with rep > imp)

3) wait for server merges

4) wait for cross server WZ

5) (easiest) roll alt and enjoy very fun pre lvl 50 braket. pretty sure you will be able to get instagroups there.


P.S. regarding 2 teams of reps creating a full premade? Sorry but with the server imbalance you have it means imps dominate illum and are gearing by gathering chests. So again, check above options.

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