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More than 8 in a match is getting absurd, WHY IS THIS NOT FIXED YET!?


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It isn't so much I mind losing to the other side. A good fight is always preferred then anything else.


It is just the combination of this problem (and there being no leaver penalty) make warzones utterly hilarious to play. People leaving and they have more then you? Sweet. Then the "ooh boy we have more then 8!" and getting to play through an exceedingly boring stomp where the enemy team left constantly over the period.


Terribly unenjoyable

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You know i havnt posted much of anything on these forums in ages, but ive had it with this exploit


i just got out from a game that was either 8v12 or 8v11 on the Voidstar. We might have been able to win if the shutdown sequence went through but nope they found a way to exploit even that!


every time the shutdown timer got to 10 seconds one of them would leave causing the shutdown sequence to stop and then instantly queue up to get right back in.



whats worse is we havnt even gotten a single word on if there is even a fix on the way, or if they even know about it! Warzones on my server "sword of ajunta pall" are getting worse and worse as more people are learning how to exploit this glitch.


I am NOT here for a pay to play beta, i can understand some bugs, but bugs that players can so easily exploit to ruin another players gaming experience getting used this much? somethins has to be done.

Edited by Cidran
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you know what's kinda epic, though?



civil war, when an ops(8) full of people rank 10-37 wins against a team of 10 that has 3 lvl 40+


daaaamn we owned them yesterday



either way I will now be writing a bug report every time this happens, same as the getting kicked out of game if you come late and can't leave the save-zone in time... both is quite annoying (even if you're in the winning team. I want a challenge, not farm)

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you know what's kinda epic, though?



civil war, when an ops(8) full of people rank 10-37 wins against a team of 10 that has 3 lvl 40+


daaaamn we owned them yesterday



either way I will now be writing a bug report every time this happens, same as the getting kicked out of game if you come late and can't leave the save-zone in time... both is quite annoying (even if you're in the winning team. I want a challenge, not farm)



That you soon will be writing more bug reports then playing WZ´s

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Then theres the disconnect while in a warzone where you have to log into that character and log out and then back in just so you can requere. They fixed the sound and portait bug but yet this one this one still remains and has been there since release.
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That you soon will be writing more bug reports then playing WZ´s


any better suggestions?


I was only semi-serious, anyway. I will most certainly not write the same bug report over and over again.

Edited by amnie
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Try playing on a pvp server where if you give a player an inch they will take a mile. 99% of matches are being exploited.


sad but true. Even more sad if 12+ team still exploits doors on Voidstar or speed hacks in Huttball. Civil War with 12 ppl against you is just unwinnable.

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sad but true. Even more sad if 12+ team still exploits doors on Voidstar or speed hacks in Huttball. Civil War with 12 ppl against you is just unwinnable.


Yup, all I do is PVP now and I can't even do that.

There is NO content for me because it's blocked by these people, it's not fun.


Every day I have to put up with this and when I say every day, I actually mean it.

10 games in a row 3 days ago was being abused, I even reported the people and video'd it, bioware responded they'd look into it but they haven't even watched it yet.


They are sooooooooooo slow at dealing with these people.

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I wish it wasn't the case but often one doesn't get or keep for longer than a few seconds the 8 on the Repub side so any 8+ members on the Imp side makes the fight pointless and further exacerbates the issues. Of course, less than 50% of the player base would be affected and not in all fights.
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I wish it wasn't the case but often one doesn't get or keep for longer than a few seconds the 8 on the Repub side so any 8+ members on the Imp side makes the fight pointless and further exacerbates the issues. Of course, less than 50% of the player base would be affected and not in all fights.


This isn't an Imp exploit both sides do it.. I have seen the rebels do it a lot.

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As Developers, you guys have been pretty good at keeping up with the community with bug fixes and all that. But it really hits home when something as big as 12v8's in warzones comes around constantly and NOTHING is said about it. I'm not usually one to complain, I understand that things happen, but this is ridiculous. Between warzone wins not counting and getting in teams with only 8 when the other side has at least 10 players makes it extremely frustrating to play in warzones. I understand if a fix is not able to come right away, but at least RESPOND.
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