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Sniper - when does this class become playable?


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what are you nuts? sniper is awsome man. pvp it crushes, i'm always top 3 in damage doled out and get 5 to 7 badges per match (im lvl 24 and my pvp valor level is 24 - i keep it maxed to my player level).


there's no real downtime for me questing using kaliyo as a tank - i do use my massive pvp credit earnings to gear her up in purple / orange and keep her geared as i would if i were a tank class with my own gear. just give her a few whacks to get aggro and then blast away with snipe and ambush. work in explosive probe and laze target as it comes off CD on the silver / gold mobs. toss the occasional frag grenade and for aoe spam surpressive fire and you're rockin the suburbs.


i'm enjoying sniper most out of all the classes as it fits my sneaky playstyle of hide in the corner behind some stuff and nuke away. maybe you're just not the sniper playstyle. its not for everyone and if you don't like being a sneaky pete in the dark corner then you wont enjoy it

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kaliyo works fine, just have to gear her up... i used her unitl L47, then switched to lokin for heals... lokin uses cunning just like you so just give him your hand me downs...


i've only played sniper so i'm used to it... but i can see why it's hard for people who have tried other faceroll classes like sorc or bh to have trouble with sniper...

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MM Sniper here. First class I leveled to 50 and I didn't start an alt until after I dinged 50. I now have a 35 sorc. Sorc is quite a bit easier, but I didn't have much of a problem leveling the sniper. In fact, I would say I needed less help than most of my guildies.


Dr. Lokin is a god, but Kal will do just fine if you make sure she has some gear. You will have to heal after big fights, but any class without a healer will do the same. Your out of combat heal ability does both you and your companion. I will offer a pro tip though, dismiss your companion and re summon them and they will have full health.


Use all the abilities, I have just about all of them hotbarred. This is not a face roll two button class. Orbital Strike is effing awesome, you don't get it until 48, but you will destroy everything in PvE with it outside of raid mobs.


If you don't like it, don't play it, but it's quite effective. Kind of glad I don't play the FOTM as my main.

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As a lvl 50 BH PT Originally i can definitely say that what i lack in survivability and down time, i make up for with a huge increase in kill speed with my sniper. The BH could kill pve trash quick, but only when DFA was up, if not its no where near the speed of the sniper, and sure i had less downtime with mako, but it was still slower than it is with the sniper where my main skill is facerolling Edited by Ogadai
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As a lvl 50 BH PT Originally i can definitely say that what i lack in survivability and down time, i make up for with a huge increase in kill speed with my sniper. The BH could kill pve trash quick, but only when DFA was up, if not its no where near the speed of the sniper, and sure i had less downtime with mako, but it was still slower than it is with the sniper where my main skill is facerolling



If you were a merc you'd do way more dps and have more survivability than a sniper

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If you were a merc you'd do way more dps and have more survivability than a sniper


Playing with a Merc DPS, i do more DPS single target and drop harder things faster. AOE Trash he wins. As for survivability, the heavy armor isnt much better, the healing companion is what makes the difference in them staying alive longer. The PT's survivability is the shield and the buff from ion gas cylinder that really make them live on their own. Merc's really dont live much longer with out a companion than we do, its a funny fallacy on that everyone loves to tout.


If we're fighting whites or stronger, i absolutely faceroll his DPS no problem, on trash plains his unload and DFA kicks my ***, but i can throw 20 grenades for his 1 DFA in terms of cool down time with engi belt, not to mention instant snipe, ambush with reactive, FT, etc. I'll take being able to rock the face off hard single targets and being mediocre on groups over being great on trash and merely good on single.


Of course this makes merc easier to level since the majority of mobs are junk mobs that you can trash quickly, but the sniper is still the real burst beast by far not to mention the best sustained single target DPS.

Edited by Ogadai
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I'm levelling as engineering (level 33) and it's quite easy.


I just got to Taris, though, and that was the planet when things started getting hard on my BH...so...


You will need to recup after every fight though...not that it's an issue. If you do it just to top off (like I do) then it only takes 3-4 seconds.

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I'm levelling as engineering (level 33) and it's quite easy.


I just got to Taris, though, and that was the planet when things started getting hard on my BH...so...


You will need to recup after every fight though...not that it's an issue. If you do it just to top off (like I do) then it only takes 3-4 seconds.


I usually stop to top off my health every two groups - I can usually down the first group of guys without taking much damage by burning through energy on my cooldowns, then use the adrenaline probe to get about half of it back and pick up the second group (which takes a little bit longer because of some of my abilities being unavailable). Then I stop for a second and heal up.


As long as you're careful about picking up PATs by accident, snipers can plow through anything but gold mobs.

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I honestly will never understand why people will play a class (in a video game) when it is nothing but a chore to them? Why play a sniper unless you love the class? There are so many other dps classes to choose from, all of which are viable, why not choose something that is not driving you crazy?


Sorry that I am not addressing your concern, but your entire thought process behind playing the sniper confuses the hell out of me.




There's not a single one that is as fun, intuitive and pacey as playing my L80 Warlock or even my SWG MD/MLS/Heal 4xx4 Jedi Knight from SWG back in the da.

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There's not a single one that is as fun, intuitive and pacey as playing my L80 Warlock or even my SWG MD/MLS/Heal 4xx4 Jedi Knight from SWG back in the da.



Then leave. If you already have, please stop trolling our forums.


To OP. I haven't had any issues soloing as a Marksman but you may want to try levelling mostly via flashpoints or pvp if you're having trouble. Snipers work much much better when they're not the ones being targeted, so you may find a new love for the class that you don't have on your own.


Good luck, I hope you stick with it.

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This happened to me a lot on Tat, but then I spent ALL my comms on all the planets, reran BT until I got oranges, bought PvP gear (Pre 40, so it's just as good in PvE. My gear was bad, so it still helped) with my 1k comms, hit level 30, got Followthrough, did +++ damage and had + survivability


Snipers become effective at 30, IMO.

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Endure it to L36 when you get Series of Shots and write the ticket complaining why do snipers get their core ability so late.


... You can say the same for an operative


But snipe and ambush are core abilities. Followthrough is also vvery important to MM. I'm really wanting SoS (Thinking it's good, it really should be, If I'm having to chain snipes, I don't have enough moves. Period.).

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