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HOW TO SOLVE POPULATION IMBALANCE: Create a third faction called "Tracer Lightning"


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Let's make a petition of abilities to give this Tracer-Lightening Class:


Abilities to give them:

1. A ranged stun

2. a snare

3. a knockbock

4. a mez that works in pvp

5. make them one of two classes to get burst speed that works in pvp

6. instant cast bubbles that absorb 3k every 20 seconds

7. All instant cast or channeled abilities

8. a variety of DoTs that deal internal damage successfully bypassing armor mitigation.

9. an extra stun that the mirror class doesn't get

10. an additional snare on their spammable lightening attack


Oh wait, that class is already in the game...

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I loled at your OP tbh but alot of people are misguided on Mercs.


I play one and no im not a Tracer spammer i play Pyro and can easly get 250-300k using that spec.


The problem with arsenal and the Merc in genral is the design and nature of the class theres nothing left worth casting that causes enough damage to kill people other than TM spam.


Sorry peeps thats the truth take from it what you want.


On the other hand go have a look at a decent geared Powertech or vangaurd using the hybrid sheild/pyro build now thats Ovp.


In a WZ i inspected a said PT to see he had nearly 20k health, the same amount of bonus damage as me with more Aim. High crit chance and crit multiplyer and wait for it


Drum Roll more fupin armour and sheilding than a Challanger tank.


Leave off the Mercs. Go for the sorcs/sage now thats a total fup up of a class, Range dps, Sheild every fuper in the game, self heals, speedy get away. More CC than a WOW frost mage.


Flame Sheild ON<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


Sorcs rely on Force Lightning by design as well, the difference is we can't get away with just spamming Force Lightning. Tracer Missile on the other hand...

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Best post I've read in a long time. It's humorous without being mean, makes one think and question the status quo, and made me laugh like hell. Also, it doesn't reek of whine.


9.5/10. Very well played, sir!

Edited by Bamajawn
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Tracer Lighting skill would look like this:


Channeled (3s)


Does 4000 kinetic damage over 3 seconds, adding 1 stack of Tracer Lightning Signature (TLS) per tick (for 4 ticks).


Each stack of TLS leaves the enemy vulnerable to instant death by "The Other Attack" for a 20% chance per stack.


Enemy is snared over the duration.


It will have a chance to proc 25 beneficial side effects, though nobody will know what they are or use them.


They will also have this other skill called "The Other Attack"


Does 1 kinetic damage. Has 20% chance to kill per stack on an enemy afflicted with Tracer Lightning Signature.


It might take a while to master "The Other Attack".

Edited by Astarica
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6-7 troopers almost every time we face Republic on my server.


True to that comandos are a pain mostly i dont get it how they can have so much defense being a dps healer, the sentinel/ marauder being melee should have more defense.

BUT I found it funny the OP complaining about tracing missiles and lightning while the sages all seem to do is spaming telekinetic trow and project, a stun now and then same as sorcerer realy, while sorcerer spam lightning and shock, and sometimes eletrocute. oh force slow is cool too.


IMO there isnt much problem with this comandos and sages / mercs and sorcerers all the same imo.

funny thing is i can kil them with my assassin none the less. Or with my powertech.

I think this discussion is older as MMO are. ranged classes will seemed always to easy to play, or too OP. They might, im not realy sure, all i know i fare better with my assassin then with my sage.

And personaly i like playing with assassin much more, i prefer its gameplay. while in ranged class you just have to chose a good position at disntance and cast away everything you have, and try to keep the distance. its no brainers realy i supose it might be easy for manny people, or not, but not for me.

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40% are either mercs or sorcs... I dont see a problem here. Some are dps and some are healers. And of course the class with lightning is going to be the most popular at launch. And who doesn't want to be bobafett.. Im actually surprised the disparity isn't worse.




but i guess people will complain about anything.

Edited by Khoraji
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