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HOW TO SOLVE POPULATION IMBALANCE: Create a third faction called "Tracer Lightning"


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Nope MERCS and SORCS ONLY. (they are advanced classes)


so 25% of imperial advanced classes (2 out of 8) take up 40% of the imp population


Anyways for those that dont know.


Basic class ----> Advanced Class


Inquisitor ------> Sorcerer, Assassin


Bounty Hunter --> Mercenary, Powertech


Mercs and Sorcerers are most powerfull healers in this game so here you go 40% of population (im hardly see one or two "arsenal" mercs in 50 lvl WZ, im not sure if im so lucky or unlucky, still alot of lightning going on, yep), but anyway, did you understand that Tracer Lightning faction will just annihilate every other because of all good healers being there?

Edited by Wikar
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I don't understand why everyone hates on Mercenaries so much. Interrupt Tracer Missile once and they just stand there aimlessly till they die. And the second I attack a Sorcerer he's immediately re-bubbled and Force Speeding in the opposite direction, healer neutralized.
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Oh come on, why do you people have to get serious on a joke post?


I'm actually surprised sorcs and mercs only constitute 40% of the player database, I thought it was more like 50%. Hopefully some Snipers and Marauders will reroll and make it 50% soon! Then we can add the "Tracer Lightning" faction and have some balanced RvR.

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This post has my approval.


But in all seriousness. I really hope everyone, mercs included, realize they are playing lowest skillcap class to ever exist in a mmo.


You are incorrect Merc healing is not the easy out of all the classes. And if it was for the merc and sorc you guys would have no healers what so ever.

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currently thats a reality for most servers to have a WZ similar to that make up :(


because most wzs have 4+tracers(yes they are arsenal) and sorcederps.

its really fun watching them hide in some corner and on the ramps spamming. you just cant interrupt them all.

oh most of them are full BM and its funny watching them knockback root you and gib you in that time.

same goes for sages but they are even more annoying since you cant see them because of the stupid rock animation.and you will never catch them 1v1 because they are ****** and will just run away.

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Honestly, some people need educating. Mercs can be Bodyguard, Arsenal and Pyrotech builds. Arsenal is the only spec that would use tracer Missile. This does not automatically make Bodyguard or Pyro bad specs.


I'm sorry, all I heard was blah blah blah tracer missle.

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If they did this then they should re-work the WZs so that they are 3 teams vs 3 teams :) Not sure how you would do this with voidstar but yeah. On my server it seems like 60% of the imps are Sorcs or Arsenal Mercs, and the imps outnumber the republic at least 5 to 1.
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I found something awesome in server forums. Basically someone kept tally of total server population republic and empire side on the PVP server Veela, and he also kept tally the numbers based on class. He averaged the numbers over several days. Here is the link to his google doc.





here is the link to the original thread.



As you can see on Veela, there is roughly 550 Republic and 1000 imperials online on average. Out of the 1000 imperials, FOUR HUNDRED of them are either a sorcerer or a mercenary.


So here is the solution to imbalanced servers. Simply create a third faction called "tracer lightning" and move all the mercs and sorcs into this faction. This faction will be advertised as noob friendly, where you can faceroll and still do alright, no previous MMO experience required.


If this is done, PVP servers like Veela would have 550 republic, 600 imperials, and 400 "tracer lightnings"... much better balance than we currently have imho.


Ok let me know what you guys think, feel free to chip in any ideas!


Let Bioware know we want our "TRACER LIGHTNING" faction NOW!


Love it.


Tracer/Lightning UNITE.

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Think OP hint is more towards Bioware, but still good one :D


It is a rare moment when you see arsenal merc castbar dont have tracer on castbar.


I got idea to blend sorc and merc to neutral class on each other to one. You can tracer missile with lighting shooting after every missile, that would be so cool no one would want to pass playing with it. You get 2 in 1.

Edited by Divona
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