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Bioware, up to 41 BM bags with no commedations?


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commidations don't exist, that's probably why


you want commidations, go to the holiday inn


ty, excuse my lack of speling.... JK. In all seriousness, is this really how it's its suppose to be? I submitted a ticket, and they tell me to come to forums. So here I am.

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Think the system works? I don't know what to do or say anymore. Just disappointed. I've opened 41 bags now and haven't gotten a battlemaster commedation.


I've bought probably 200+ lottery tickets in my life. I have yet to win the jackpot. Is it broken or do people not understand the rule of chance and percentages? Just because you have a 1 in 10 chance of winning doesn't mean that if you buy 10 tickets you "will" win on one of them.


Sorry for your luck OP, I really am, but it's a lottery. Either you get lucky or you don't.

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A game is designed according to code. If BW wanted to fairly distribute tokens for gear, they can code the the game to do so. However, leaving getting Battle gear as a mere outcome within the laws of probability is, in my humble opinion, a poorly designed system.
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A game is designed according to code. If BW wanted to fairly distribute tokens for gear, they can code the the game to do so. However, leaving getting Battle gear as a mere outcome within the laws of probability is, in my humble opinion, a poorly designed system.


Yeah, that 2% stat buff is breaking things.

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Yeah, that 2% stat buff is breaking things.


It does not matter if it's 2% or .05%, or whatever. Those are merely arbitrary numbers to begin with. If a person works for something, puts in the time, it should pay off. Unlike life, and this obviously just a game, it should have a payoff commensurate to the labor/time you put into it. Now that does not mean that gear should be earned with ease, but to compensate people for spending a lot real life hours is wise; especially getting something that is merely made up of 0's and 1's. I don't think it will hinder/break the game if you come up with a better system for compensating for people for putting in the effort.

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commidations don't exist, that's probably why


you want commidations, go to the holiday inn


Hotels don't offer commidations, they offer accommodations. If you're going to be a helpless P.O.S to someone, you could at least not do the same thing you're criticizing them for.

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It does not matter if it's 2% or .05%, or whatever. Those are merely arbitrary numbers to begin with. If a person works for something, puts in the time, it should pay off. Unlike life, and this obviously just a game, it should have a payoff commensurate to the labor/time you put into it. Now that does not mean that gear should be earned with ease, but to compensate people for spending a lot real life hours is wise; especially getting something that is merely made up of 0's and 1's. I don't think it will hinder/break the game if you come up with a better system for compensating for people for putting in the effort.


Aren't BW failing on 2 fronts then? This being the first, the second giving mickey mouse amounts of Cent and Champ comms to newbie L50s?


Hit L50 after the bracket and been grinding for around 3 weeks, my mate hit 50 today and has the same armour as me :D i definitely don't feel like I've wasted ANY time :) fcking BW :p

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We here on Ven Zallow see this as a way to kill more people!

One day our server will live on in History as highest per player bag haulers.


This and your other posts reek of an awful, sinking ship of a server and desperation.

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It does not matter if it's 2% or .05%, or whatever. Those are merely arbitrary numbers to begin with. If a person works for something, puts in the time, it should pay off. Unlike life, and this obviously just a game, it should have a payoff commensurate to the labor/time you put into it. Now that does not mean that gear should be earned with ease, but to compensate people for spending a lot real life hours is wise; especially getting something that is merely made up of 0's and 1's. I don't think it will hinder/break the game if you come up with a better system for compensating for people for putting in the effort.


I don't think it should be easy mode to get the stuff either, but at the same time I have to watch as others get all their gear while I don't. Just frustraiting. I'd rather have to grind for it then use the system it's on now.

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I havent gotten 1 damn battlemaster commendation in 2 weeks. With how my resolve bar has never worked....no credit for 10 warzone wins.....no credit for ilum kills yesterday it makes me wonder if they didnt screw up the drop rate on this too. 30+ bags and nothing
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I'm thinking they're capping people off from getting the rest of their gear at this point. I don't know why else this woule be happening unless I'm bugged, but no one seems to know. I'd honestly like to know what the luck rate is for getting on at this point. Knowing the odds would be cool. Wait.... Never tell me the odds!
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They say the drop rate for battlemaster commendations is 25% per bag. I myself am 1 for 16 over the last week which is 6.25% but this is the inherent problem with basing gear distribution around a rng. On average I'd imagine that it is close to 25% but that means some are significantly over and some of us are royally screwed.
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