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Ability Bar Cooldown Indicator


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Anyone else notice that its much brighter than it used to be?


Seriously, its such a bright neon sort of blue now, its downright distracting. There also seems to be some sort of delay now before the ability "lights" again after the cooldown finally finishes. Noticing this even for the GCD.

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Hi all,


You can find an active, ongoing discussion thread about the recent changes to the Ability Bar's cooldown indicator here:


New Ability Bar Cooldown effect


You can also find a post by our Associate Online Community Manager Joveth Gonzalez commenting on the issue in that thread:


Hi folks,


Thanks very much for the feedback on this. We've sent this up internally to investigate and we will update as soon as we have more information for you. Thank you for your patience.


Since this thread covers the same discussion as the existing one, we're going to go ahead and close it. If the community could continue the discussion of this topic over in that existing thread, that would be great.


Thanks for your understanding!

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