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Can the patching time please be moved later into the night?


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As someone whose only time to play is around 10pm-1am PST, it's really annoying that the game's constantly being patched during that period. Most MMOs patch around 2am PST to give late night players a chance to play the game. By starting the constant patches at midnight, you've really cut into what little time I've already paid to play the game. Cam you please schedule the patching to start later in the night? It would be appreciated by many people on the West Coast. Thanks!



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The problem is the fact that all servers are patched at the same time.

Currently Europe is patched from 9:00 - 13:00. This is already a hot issue since this is playtime for a lot of european players. If they moved it even later I'm quite sure a *lot* of europeans would have an even bigger issue with it.


The best plan is to, at least, decouple the US and EU patch times. That way they can choose the best time for both continents without the two getting in each others way.

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Splitting up the maintenance would be a good idea. No sense in having every single server offline at the exact same time.


Being an IT guy I understand the convenience of having dozens and dozens of systems to patch and how nice it is to be able to kick off a single batch job to patch them all at the same time. But, being a paying customer that does not make a lot of sense.


I don't think it would take a whole lot of planning or brain power to put together some sort of rolling bounce schedule. But, I will not hold my breath.

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Bioware has already said they are working on moving to a split maintenance schedule for the US and Europe. But every single time a downtime is posted someone has to complain about it as if it's a new and unprecedented topic. Edited by iain_b
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Splitting up the maintenance would be a good idea. No sense in having every single server offline at the exact same time.


Being an IT guy I understand the convenience of having dozens and dozens of systems to patch and how nice it is to be able to kick off a single batch job to patch them all at the same time. But, being a paying customer that does not make a lot of sense.


I don't think it would take a whole lot of planning or brain power to put together some sort of rolling bounce schedule. But, I will not hold my breath.


Lol, what kind of background expertise do you have in coding? It's always easier to bring everything down, make the change the kernel and then route it to the group.

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Bioware has already said they are working on moving to a split maintenance schedule for the US and Europe. But every single time a downtime is posted someone has to complain about it as if it's a new and unprecedented topic.

nah, just when it happens 4 times a week. 4 times a week, 4 hours, that's 10% downtime, in the middle of my main playtime. It kinda gets to me :(


still... the game is worth it ;)

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Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights are my game time, usually starting around 2pm Central. I've unfortunately been cut off from playing about 3/4 of the times I've wanted to log on in the last month.


Sadly I had to cancel for now, even though I do enjoy the game. There's no point in paying if I can't play. Maybe I can return in a few months when they get themselves sorted out.

Edited by anonymousclay
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I completely agree OP. I play at night and having one patch day a week is bad enough let alone not being able to raid with my group late at night. I hope that Bioware realizes that Wednesday and Thursdays are MAJOR raid nights for most guilds.


In most MMOs there are set patch times and doing suprise patches will eventually cause a lot of your player base to leave. Please stop doing random mid week server drops to apply patches that can wait until the following week.


If it was account security concerns, or anything like that I would understand better. However applying a patch that fixes an area that you broke in a previous patch is not something that should have emergenty maintenance.




- Jet

Edited by Jetsett
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nah, just when it happens 4 times a week. 4 times a week, 4 hours, that's 10% downtime, in the middle of my main playtime. It kinda gets to me :(


still... the game is worth it ;)


It's funny how something happens once or twice and it's "all the time" but no one remembers all the maintenance periods that have ended hours earlier than they were estimated to take.

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I was about to jump on and make my own post here, but saw this one and figured I would just add my support. I understand the need to patch your game, and I also understand the need to take the game offline when it affects the least amount of players. However, I work nights. So most of the time I am only able to play after 10:00 p.m.


A lot of us late night people have quite valid reasons for only being able to play during the hours that we do. We also pay our 15 bucks a month. But we don't get the same amount of game time that most of the world does.


My suggestion would be to possibly move the "server shutdown" time to 3:00 a.m. and then stagger the shutdowns depending on what server you are on. So at 3:00 a.m. EST all the East Coast servers would come down, and then at 3:00 a.m. PST all the West Coast servers would come down.


Thanks for being understanding and taking all of your customers concerns seriously.

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It's funny how something happens once or twice and it's "all the time" but no one remembers all the maintenance periods that have ended hours earlier than they were estimated to take.



Maybe because when Bioware states that the servers are coming down for "X" amount of time, most people don't come back and even try to log on until "X".

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Maybe because when Bioware states that the servers are coming down for "X" amount of time, most people don't come back and even try to log on until "X".


You know, I never saw the purpose or need to use Twitter. Then I found that SWTOR uses it to communicate patch and downtime information so I signed up.


Of course you can also find the announcements here on the forum when the servers are back up.

Edited by iain_b
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I work swing shift and have a busy family life during the day getting to play at best every other night... and guess which nights they always decide to do patches... yep... you guessed it.


I really, really hope they can get these bugs under control soon, because the constant inability to play when I actually have time to play is getting on my nerves.


I understand I'm a minority, but I'm a paying customer too... don't give me that, "What, you expect Bioware to base it's patches around you?", because I don't... I just want them to not happen every other frakking day...

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Except they don't happen "ever other frakking day..."


Hmm... just a patch on the 7th... whats today? Oh that's right... its the 9th! EVERY OTHER DAY.... right there buddy... and it was the same last week...


Hows about instead of trolling the thread you produce some helpful comments. Or just leave since you obviously don't have the same issue.

Edited by Iboga
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So "every other day" but "only sometimes"? :rolleyes:


Go away troll. You are not wanted in this thread. Why don't you go troll some other thread, I'm sure there is someone having a graphics or quest issue, maybe something PvP related you can harass them about...

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Go away troll. You are not wanted in this thread. Why don't you go troll some other thread, I'm sure there is someone having a graphics or quest issue, maybe something PvP related you can harass them about...


Please, pointing out all ridiculous hyperbole in this thread is hardly trolling.

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You know what happens next? They will seperate the maint/patching and then we will here how one side or the other has been slapped in the face (its always a slap in the face) because they didnt get the patch first. So that USA gets to do the new content and complete it before the euros even get it. Or vice versa. I am telling you nothing they do will make everyone happy.
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Please, pointing out all ridiculous hyperbole in this thread is hardly trolling.


I'm referring to my experiences. If you have another experience that is fine. Your playtime is not being interrupted, great for you! As I said, I play roughly every other night... perhaps the patches are not every other night, but it feels that way to me due to my schedule. Go ahead and continue attacking me for putting my point of view out there though bud... it's making you look so cool!

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I'm referring to my experiences. If you have another experience that is fine. Your playtime is not being interrupted, great for you! As I said, I play roughly every other night... perhaps the patches are not every other night, but it feels that way to me due to my schedule. Go ahead and continue attacking me for putting my point of view out there though bud... it's making you look so cool!


At no point have I insulted or attacked you.

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At no point have I insulted or attacked you.


I've looked at your post history... I see this will go nowhere and will not be responding further. No more bait for you sir! Congrats though, you had me for a few minutes! Enjoy and bask in your victory!

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To be clear, I never said tailor the patching to my playing schedule. I pointed out that most MMOs patch later in the night to allow the majority of their players some playing time. For those people in Europe and even those that live on the East Coast probably don't mind the current patching schedule which is understandable. As someone who lives on the West Coast I can only speak from my experience and for me, it seems like the patches are interrupting my only available playtime very frequently. Even if you aren't affected by the patches, you should still be able to understand the frustration of players that can't play the game they are paying monthly for because of an arbitrary time chosen to do patching. I would love it if they split up Europe and the US server patches, since that would give the Bioware team more flexibility in choosing their patch times.
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