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Post your Smugglers Moms name, or Legacy Name


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January, because it was her little sister (but earlier character), the Sith Inquisitor Thursday January's name. Thursday January being so named because she was the daughter of a slave, who felt she had nothing left to give her daughter but the day of the week on which she was born (translated from Basic into English for the benefit of us players, obviously), and 'January' because the song "January, don't be cold, don't be angry to me.." rather fitted Thursday's cold and angry personality.
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So what of your budding Smugglers chose for a legacy name.


Mine is Canker.


Chosen cause it sounds dodgey and romantic like a smuggler




Some people are carpenters. Others smiths. My smuggler he's goes planet to planet planting his seed.


Just don't tell Risha.


What happens on Belsavis stays on Belsavis.

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the Kipplar clan is decent sized one, the head being Lorhin Kipplar Riggs as she is the eldest. she and her cousin, Sashel Kipplar, are the more...dodgy when compared to the rest of their siblings. however, their reputations, as well as the reputations of their Jedi and Trooper sisters tends to keep them in acceptable standing, and the Republic officials usually turn the other way whenever Lorhin and Sashel's questionable behaviors come into play.
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Eleanare Rieh


And NO, it has nothing to do with Riggs, It's just first part of my pretty copmlex RL surname, that my husband passed to me.


ps: /me thinking about how many smugglers already managed to take "Riggs" one....Feel free to try your luck, girls! ;)

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OK, as a new player, I have a question regarding legacy name, how in the H do you acquire or set your legacy name? It's not very straight forward from the UI in game. Is it a quest? Is it restricted to level? I've searched the knowledge base in game, asked questions in general chat which always returns a bunch of smart a** answers from the wow crew. I've also searched here and have yet to find a thread that describes the process. If anyone could post with a POSITIVE comment that would be great! Thanks.
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OK, as a new player, I have a question regarding legacy name, how in the H do you acquire or set your legacy name? It's not very straight forward from the UI in game. Is it a quest? Is it restricted to level? I've searched the knowledge base in game, asked questions in general chat which always returns a bunch of smart a** answers from the wow crew. I've also searched here and have yet to find a thread that describes the process. If anyone could post with a POSITIVE comment that would be great! Thanks.


And you thought us smugglers would be less of a bunch of smart alecks? And since it has been answered by the fella just above me, I would just ask, as you near that time in your career to select a legacy, what are you thinking for yours? Just curious, it's a smuggler trait, we're like cats, that like credits, and wookiees, and cookies and pie and...

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