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The speeding in Ilum


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Ok been doing the dailys and noticed we spent lots of time riding around a pretty huge map. I was thining that having petrol that we fill the tank of the speeders with would improve this so there would be more fighting and less riding and control of a petrol station for both reps and pubes.


But also a Ilum race would be a nice side even for racing quests against the rublics with a statium setting.

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They can't even make kills reward valor or credit for quests on Ilum and you're worried about them making a mini-game scooter racer or an entirely new game mechanic like fuel?


Go back to WoW.

Edited by Iriestx
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First, I love the Fear and Loathing quote.


Second, I had to respond to this.


Third, you have a mini map right?


Fourth, use that mini map or "m" function to plot a course because I can run through an solo all Ilum dailies, besides the Heroic in less than a half hour.


I just imagine someone runing far north, and then south, and then, and then. .. using quick travel, or fleet pass are also great "time savers", just use them wisely. Or even better yet are you not using a 110% speeder or never trained for it?


Fifth, go play Mario Cart. I recommend the N64 version. ;)

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