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Face it, the game isn't bad.


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Here is the fact:


You enjoy the game until about level 40 to 45. Then you force yourself to 50. Once at 50 you realize it is a shallow disaster of a game. This is how this game's life cycle is.


It's an unfinished, poorly thought out piece of software that wasn't worth the price of admission.


Can I have your stuff?

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Here is the fact:


You enjoy the game until about level 40 to 45. Then you force yourself to 50. Once at 50 you realize it is a shallow disaster of a game. This is how this game's life cycle is.


It's an unfinished, poorly thought out piece of software that wasn't worth the price of admission.


This was my exact exp and everyone in our guilds as well

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I agree with the OP. WoW WAS an amazing game in the early days, and then blizz got stupid and started listening to the whiners.




World PvP is the only reason I play games like this. If I wanted arena style BG's or WZ's I'd go play Xbox...


My biggest tip would be to NOT listen to the cry babies and produce a game that falls withing your vision. NOT theirs.

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The 2 biggest problems why this game WILL fail (and I actually enjoy it for the most part).


- Faction imbalance.

- It's far too easy to level up, anyone can cap their toon and get fully geared within a month even playing casually.

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Even if the game dies off they can always merge servers like you said, and there will always be enough players to have a couple decent pop servers.



A couple of decent pop servers doesn't bring in the kind of money, nor attracts investers to keep putting out content/ patches.

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Yes and No.


The PvE is really nice. I love the story driven nature and the companion system, although it is still basic. I've listened to every quest dialog from 1-50 and the story actually got really cool towards the mid and end. I like the crafting system, but do not like the fact that Biochem and Cybertechs are the crafts where people have stuff to use every day whereas I sit with Armstech twiddling my thumbs because there isn't a single piece of hardware I can make that is better than from a vendor.


PvP - hell no, it's terrible. Having a mundane zone where all people do is speeder around looking for smaller groups to fight was done back in the early 90's. It took the likes of Mythic, Sony, and a couple others to transform PvP into something that had more bite to it; vehicles, aircraft, stations/keeps, relics, and a reason to go out and invade and conquer. We don't have this on Ilum because Ilum is nothing more than a speeder track with fake walkers and no objectives. The only reason people go to Ilum is to get their stupid dailies done. Sorry, but I expected more on launch. The game was hyped up to the stratosphere on the blogs and site with the full knowledge people were going to hit 50 in very short order and then be faced with a pittance for an endgame.


I will agree, SWTOR is a game to stop and smell the roses with, take your time to 50, as you put it, and that it can't be everything to everyone.


But I do expect an evolution of yesterday's MMORPG if they are going to copy other games, they should copy correctly. Transform Ilum into something that calls out to PvPers for more than weak dailies, fix the exploiting and cheating, enhance the crafting system to make them all at least somewhat useful, and balance the pops.


Then we'll talk.

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On release, I did not think the game was bad and had a pretty open mind. The more I play this game, and the more I PVP the less I am so sure that this game will get better with time.


The class balance is pretty excellent, however whenever they try to fix something it seems like they always make it worse. Also, there are many other factors, such as premades not having their own queue, which are really ruining this game for me.


When I like PVP in a game, I play it a lot. It's gotten to the point where there are so many issue with the game not getting fixed that I only log on to play my BH for dailies and log off.


I'm rolling alts, and enjoyed the leveling proccess so I can see myself playing an alt of each class to level 50 but then leaving the character alone after that.


Hopefully, by the time I've done all that they will have fixed PVP and I will get to keep playing.

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The thing is people so easily forget that the game is not even 2 months old yet. They also forget who published it, EA. EA is KNOWN to make deadlines on games and push them before they are complete, SWTOR is no exception. Bioware was forced to release SWTOR before Christmas, because that was likely going to be their highest projected sales.


The obvious problem with this is that they release an incomplete game. It takes a helluva long time to make an MMO, and even longer to tweak it to near perfection. As I said in earlier posts, SWTOR's launch was packed with enough content to keep casuals (like me) entertained for a while, but I'll be the first to admit that hardcore MMO players will find the content lacking when compared to established MMOs like WoW, who has had 7 years worth of content implementation and is still regarded as a game that ultimately caters to casual players. (MMOs, like everything else, are a business. Whether you play 1 hour a day or 24 you still pay the same price, they still get the same amount of money).


Here's the thing though. It's only been 2 months and Bioware is already announcing PLENTY of good things that it took other games years to come out with. You can argue that SWTOR should just come with this jampacked because it's 2012, but anyone who understands how MMOs work knows that's not and will never be their game plan. In order to retain subscribers, they need to release things over time in order to give us something to look forward to, much like how Blizzard never released the main boss on their expansion packs until a year or so after it releases. Yes, a whole year of waiting, when it takes hardcore guilds maybe a month or so (that's being generous) to clear the heroic content.


When people say there's no content in the game, what they really mean is there isn't enough content to keep them satisfied 20 hours of the 24 in a day 7 days a week. Point is, that's not Bioware's problem, they made a great game that will give you hundreds of hours of playtime, and will continue releasing more content to add to that replayability, people just need to get lives and stop using MMO's as substitutes.

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you may want to change the title to "Face it, the game isn't bad for me."

why you want to change other peoples point of view instead?


there are countless reasons why someone would say "this game is bad" and there are obviously some reasons for you why you say "this game isn't bad".


so everything i see is you complaining about people who say "this game is bad" by saying "this game isn't bad".


i am confused.

Edited by Epicycle
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you may want to change the title to "Face it, the game isn't bad for me."

why you want to change other peoples point of view instead?


there are countless reasons why someone would say "this game is bad" and there are obviously some reasons for you why you say "this game isn't bad".


so everything i see is you complaining about people who say "this game is bad" by saying "this game isn't bad".


i am confused.


If you read the post, that's not my intention. I clearly state that I made the post because I wanted to let people know who were unsure about the game or in the same place that I was that I think it's a good game. I also mention that if you don't like the game, then yeah, go ahead and leave. You think anyone who enjoys the game wants to play with people who are constantly moaning about how they don't like it and can't wait for their sub to finish? Seriously?


Instead of trying to put people down for liking the game and arguing that me saying the game is good is actually me complaining (which is so backwards and illogical that I don't really see why I'm responding to your post other than to shut you down), why don't you go support your fellow anti-SWTOR posters elsewhere? Not to mention that if you don't like complaining (but I'm sure that's not the case as it seems you're backing up people who don't like the game :p), you're in the wrong forums, buddy.

Edited by Blukz
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