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Face it, the game isn't bad.


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Everyone crying about how this game isn't good or want to quit on it already, I hope you get out into the real world some day. When you go out and get a job I hope you meet the same expressions.



...Yep that guy has been here for hardly two months.... Let's just get rid of him.



*EDIT* Programming isn't easy! We are all human!



If BW makes a mess at least give them so time to work it out.


Take a week of not playing or doing something else. If it's still not fixed then report the issues nicely and constructively until they do get fixed.


If they gave you everything right off the bad then you would still get bored in 6 months and stop playing the game. THAT"S BUSINESS.

Edited by Bigtarr
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Okay, while reading these forums all I hear is how there is no endgame content, no pvp, etc etc. I won't lie, before I played extensively all this talk had me kind of worried. Like most of you, I followed the game for a while and couldn't wait for the game to come out. I even bought a new gaming laptop just to play! (To be fair I was using a 06 macbook, so it was a much needed upgrade)


Needless to say, after reading the forums I started to wonder if the game was going to be a huge failure just like everyone is trying to make it seem. But after leveling, finding plenty of World PvP in Tat, Alderaan and onwards (especially Quesh, so many emps to kill there), grouping up and taking down emps in Ilum, dabbling in the endgame ops and fps, searching and exploring the world for datacrons, and participating in countless warzones, I have to say all my worries are gone, the GAME IS GOOD.


I mean when WoW was released it didn't even have a honor system much less BGs, it didn't have a zone made for PvP with incentives and rewards, if you wanted to find PvP, you had to look or hope your server was into the whole hillsbrad thing. Yes, I know it was '04 but cmon the community made that game fun, Blizz just gave us a polished game to do it in.


I know it's human nature to complain about bad things instead of appreciating good things, and I know SWTOR borrows a lot from WoW and other games, but for just being launched I must say I'm extremely impressed with what they have to offer. There's a lot to do in the game, you just have to look.


Also, I bet most of the people complaining are empire, and don't get me wrong, the fact that you guys have to play huttball all the time must suck (especially if you're melee), but the reason it probably feels like there's no PvP is because there are hardly any republic on any servers, so man up and roll republic! Everyone and their moms wanted to roll empire, even me, but anyone with half a brain knew how popular they were gonna be, and it seems like the smarter PvPers ended up Republic. I'd even go as far to say (to you WoW fanbois), that Republic is the Horde of Swtor :p



So enjoy the game or unsub and go back to WoW where theres NO world pvp at all. Less whiners in the game the better. And to anyone who is worried about the game like I was, don't worry, it's awesome. Bioware cares about their game, and sure Ilum sucked and there are mad bugs, but it's a relatively new game still, give them time!


EDIT: Sorry bout wall of text, there's a lot to address


Dude, much love. I agree.

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Problem is the game does one thing well and only the one thing. Singleplayer storyline.


The rest is complete garbage compared to other titles. People always compare it to WoW vanilla, but people forget competition back then wasnt as big as it is now.


If WoW came out today with better graphics and the same functions as it had in vanilla they would be laughed out of the market.


Its not about when games came out, its about how far the market has come.


Star wars is a nice little game that you can have some fun with, but as you reach 50 it becomes *********** terrible. Mostly its because of server imbalance and the terrible pvp at when you hit 50.


I had fun leveling up but after that I sat 2 weeks and grinded in WZ's. First I was cannonfodder then after 1½ week I had like 80% champion and I became the bully in the warzone.


This is where it starts to annoy me because at no time was there any skills involved during my playsessions.


But back to my point WoW has defined the MMO market because they have a huge share of customers in that market. It dosnt matter if you dont think WoW is the greatest game because it is and this is reflected by the many people that play it.


Bioware thought they could make a singleplayer MMO and charge people monthly. Its cool this is a business strategy likely devised in a EA boardroom, and most likely they have earned on the idea. Problem is that while they are earning money they are destroying their own reputation.

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Everyone crying about how this game isn't good or want to quit on it already, I hope you get out into the real world some day. When you go out and get a job I hope you meet the same expressions.



...Yep that guy has been here for hardly two months.... Let's just get rid of him.



*EDIT* Programming isn't easy! We are all human!



If BW makes a mess at least give them so time to work it out.


Take a week of not playing or doing something else. If it's still not fixed then report the issues nicely and constructively until they do get fixed.


If they gave you everything right off the bad then you would still get bored in 6 months and stop playing the game. THAT"S BUSINESS.


There're some legit reasons why people are unhappy.


1) Major bugs are unfixed


a) warzone wins not counting (been there since start of release)

b) max player exploit (been there since start of release, been heavily used the past 2-3 weeks)

c) EV HM buggier than a beta stage release (was buggy before, now even buggier e.g. soa HM)

d) new "GCD" animation causing sentinels/marauders to be unable to tell which CDs are up (reactive class)


Look at 1a, b, c. They existed for quite a while and deserved more attention than some stupid GCD fixing that is 1d which some people lauded and many people hated.


2) Plain idiocy of not letting players copy lvl 50 characters and beta-test patches before release


3) Horrible customer support, probably fuelled by unwillingness to spend more money on CSRs -> huge lopsided CSR to ticket ratio -> CSRs still have to do their jobs -> lousy quality of replies (templated replies and instant closing of tickets without even trying to help the submitter)

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Here is the fact:


You enjoy the game until about level 40 to 45. Then you force yourself to 50. Once at 50 you realize it is a shallow disaster of a game. This is how this game's life cycle is.


It's an unfinished, poorly thought out piece of software that wasn't worth the price of admission.


Weird...The fact that I have had an absolute blast at level 50 would contradict your "facts".


It's weird how opinions work isnt it? Like...Some people love Justin Bieber, I had Justin Bieber. World of Warcraft is the Justin Bieber of mmo's. I dont see why people like that game as I found it to be the worste mmo on the market currently and it's been developed for years now. But hey, its like Justin Bieber, because peoples friends play it, they play it too. Funny how the world works where one person doesnt like something that another person loves.


But rest assured...I know on my server pretty much everyone absolutely LOVES SWTOR. My guild seems to have a very solid group of 40 ish players who are all willing to buy lifetime subscriptions im sure.


But hey, you dont like it? Unsubscribe. But I'll see you in a year when all your friends are back here playing.

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Call me crazy but...My server is extremely balanced when it comes to PVP. Maybe that's why I absolutely love the PVP in SWTOR? Warzones are an absolutel BLAST and Ilum can be pretty fun too seeing as how control goes back and forth on a daily basis.


You're crazy. lol, no you're just lucky. Sounds like a pop-balanced server to me.

So, just fix that for every server, rewrite the whole graphics engine to ... well ... Not suck in multiplayer, redesign ilum, fix a few rampant exploits in warzones, and you might have an "decent" mmo.


I think the single player in this game sucks tbh, but forget all that for now.

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The game as a whole isn't bad, but for an MMO, it doesn't compete with others for content. The PVP is ok at the beginning, but it quickly becomes stale. With only 3 WZ (all 8 vs 8) and the desaster that is Ilum, there just is not enough content to keep people happy for long. Hopefully it will get better as time goes on, but I have serious doubts about its long term viability.
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Seems to me that judging an MMO before it's at least 6 months old is premature. In fact, most people I know won't even start playing an MMO until it's aged a little, just to avoid that growing pains phase. For those that choose to play a game at launch... gee surprise surprise, there's bugs and there's not much end-game content. So what?


As for those that claim this game is going to "die" I have to LOL. 'Cause there's not hundereds of thousands of Star Wars fanboys out there with $15/month to burn.

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GW2 is all Hype till it's out and people are sitting at end game in less then a week.


Actually, you can get to endgame in under an hour.


Endgame = Competitive PVP, complete with ladders, tournies, etc... as well as server vs server vs server with hundreds of players, lots of objectives, and meaningful rewards (both personal and faction wide) etc...


Doesn't sound too bad to me.

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Seems to me that judging an MMO before it's at least 6 months old is premature. In fact, most people I know won't even start playing an MMO until it's aged a little, just to avoid that growing pains phase. For those that choose to play a game at launch... gee surprise surprise, there's bugs and there's not much end-game content. So what?


As for those that claim this game is going to "die" I have to LOL. 'Cause there's not hundereds of thousands of Star Wars fanboys out there with $15/month to burn.


QFT. People need to focus on the good parts of the game. Most Bugs will be fixed in time I'd say, just as it is in most games. The more you point these bugs out the higher a priority they become, and even if they don't get a good fix right away, remember that programming is not easy and it takes time to fix complicated systems...


As I stated before, the more people that quit because of near-trivial things the better, I only want fun people to play with, not negative nobodies. :p

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Thank you for the comment, if you dont enjoy it dont play, and if your not playing dont post comments on here.


Do you realize that some people are actually just waiting until their sub runs out? Any why shouldn't they post here? They have as much right as you do - or does it disturb your "nosing"...you know what I mean ;)

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Originally Posted by Spotlore

GW2 is all Hype till it's out and people are sitting at end game in less then a week.

Actually, you can get to endgame in under an hour.


Endgame = Competitive PVP, complete with ladders, tournies, etc... as well as server vs server vs server with hundreds of players, lots of objectives, and meaningful rewards (both personal and faction wide) etc...


Doesn't sound too bad to me.


Exactly. GW2 is all about PVP for me.



As long as it plays smoothly, has reactive playing and isn't just a total mess balance wise, that is where i'll be going.


Doesn't mean I won't play SWTOR too, because GW2 is free to play after the initial cost! but for my PVP, definitely gw2 is where i'll be.


I've never been a fan of leveling, I'd prefer an MMO with zero leveling and just focus on making it a huge sandbox world like the elder scrolls games where you level up perks and stuff, and just do whatever you want whenever. The entire game could be endgame!

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Okay, while reading these forums all I hear is how there is no endgame content, no pvp, etc etc. I won't lie, before I played extensively all this talk had me kind of worried. Like most of you, I followed the game for a while and couldn't wait for the game to come out. I even bought a new gaming laptop just to play! (To be fair I was using a 06 macbook, so it was a much needed upgrade)


Needless to say, after reading the forums I started to wonder if the game was going to be a huge failure just like everyone is trying to make it seem. But after leveling, finding plenty of World PvP in Tat, Alderaan and onwards (especially Quesh, so many emps to kill there), grouping up and taking down emps in Ilum, dabbling in the endgame ops and fps, searching and exploring the world for datacrons, and participating in countless warzones, I have to say all my worries are gone, the GAME IS GOOD.


I mean when WoW was released it didn't even have a honor system much less BGs, it didn't have a zone made for PvP with incentives and rewards, if you wanted to find PvP, you had to look or hope your server was into the whole hillsbrad thing. Yes, I know it was '04 but cmon the community made that game fun, Blizz just gave us a polished game to do it in.


I know it's human nature to complain about bad things instead of appreciating good things, and I know SWTOR borrows a lot from WoW and other games, but for just being launched I must say I'm extremely impressed with what they have to offer. There's a lot to do in the game, you just have to look.


Also, I bet most of the people complaining are empire, and don't get me wrong, the fact that you guys have to play huttball all the time must suck (especially if you're melee), but the reason it probably feels like there's no PvP is because there are hardly any republic on any servers, so man up and roll republic! Everyone and their moms wanted to roll empire, even me, but anyone with half a brain knew how popular they were gonna be, and it seems like the smarter PvPers ended up Republic. I'd even go as far to say (to you WoW fanbois), that Republic is the Horde of Swtor :p



So enjoy the game or unsub and go back to WoW where theres NO world pvp at all. Less whiners in the game the better. And to anyone who is worried about the game like I was, don't worry, it's awesome. Bioware cares about their game, and sure Ilum sucked and there are mad bugs, but it's a relatively new game still, give them time!


EDIT: Sorry bout wall of text, there's a lot to address


It's funny. I had to practically be coerced into even trying the game by my son. I've never been much of a fan of the hokum (in my opinion) that the Star Wars universe consists of.


I am currently playing several characters, a couple at 50, and am enjoying myself a lot. It has some flaws, but so does Skyrim - and I like it, too.

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Do you realize that some people are actually just waiting until their sub runs out? Any why shouldn't they post here? They have as much right as you do - or does it disturb your "nosing"...you know what I mean ;)


You're absolutely right. People should be able to complain and moan about how they don't like the game and how they made a big mistake. I mean, no one else will listen to them in real life so the forums is simply just..all they have :(

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Terrible FPS allmost unplayable.

Unbalanced for Republic (at least on my server Imperial greatly outnumber Republic).

The Valor "bug".




Sometimes people will not show in my raid frame's (quite annoying as im a healer).

Lack of Healer Medals (why is 300k healing the max medal).

Daily Quest: When you win a Warzone you will not get the credit for that win

No consequence for leaving a Warzone often means your a player or more down for the rest of that Warzone, makes it near impossible to make a "epic" come-back.

Some odd bug that will log me out when i click to enter the WZ (very annoying if you que with your friends)


All of which should of been fixed long long ago (especially the daily quest bug) but instead we get a new cooldown ui feature!!!!!


Soooooo... yeah the game isn't that bad...sure.:confused:


before the hahahalolololol but your still playing trolls, my sub runs out in 1 week and is canceled;)

Edited by Lemmonade
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Great post.


Thanks buddy. I really think people should be able to hear all shades of the feedback spectrum. Forums are full of exaggeration, only fair to point out good things and let people know that regardless of what most people think, and regardless of how many players unsub, it's still a good game that will hold people's interest for a long time to come.


I just read the Q and A and I'm so pumped for some of the things they're announcing. When I heard they were doing Cross Faction queuing I was really upset but apparently they are going to still give people the option to queue for same server matches, which is unprecedented (well, as far as the games I've played :p) and AWESOME :p

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Terrible FPS allmost unplayable.

Unbalanced for Republic (at least on my server Imperial greatly outnumber Republic).

The Valor "bug".




Sometimes people will not show in my raid frame's (quite annoying as im a healer).

Lack of Healer Medals (why is 300k healing the max medal).

Daily Quest: When you win a Warzone you will not get the credit for that win

No consequence for leaving a Warzone often means your a player or more down for the rest of that Warzone, makes it near impossible to make a "epic" come-back.

Some odd bug that will log me out when i click to enter the WZ (very annoying if you que with your friends)


All of which should of been fixed long long ago (especially the daily quest bug) but instead we get a new cooldown ui feature!!!!!


Soooooo... yeah the game isn't that bad...sure.:confused:


before the hahahalolololol but your still playing trolls, my sub runs out in 1 week and is canceled;)



Don't let the door hit ya on the way out. :D

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Don't let the door hit ya on the way out. :D

It's getting cold already... :rolleyes:


Of course players happy to "play" this will be silent when their beloved game becomes a one server merged in one year with a ghost of a population remaining.


And all people who predicted this will be "Ha! Serve you right fool" in their heart :)

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It's getting cold already... :rolleyes:


Of course players happy to "play" this will be silent when their beloved game becomes a one server merged in one year with a ghost of a population remaining.


And all people who predicted this will be "Ha! Serve you right fool" in their heart :)


Even if the game dies off they can always merge servers like you said, and there will always be enough players to have a couple decent pop servers.


Population doesn't matter too much for me. So long as there are 8 empire and 7 republic to queue up for a warzone every once in a while I'll be happy, so long as there are empire running around in Ilum I'll be happy. Thank god empire is so popular, eh? And when they introduce cross-server queuing it will be even better in that regard. They are also introducing server transfers so if my server dies, Ill just xfer to the highest populated one.


They only need like 500,000 subscribers to make bank, and they have 1.6 million (that's if 100,000 unsub), and they are releasing the game around the world in March.



With all that said, the game is meant to be played with others, I understand that. So as longs my friends or guild keeps playing I'll definitely be set. For those that play alone, it must suck haha. I'm not too worried :p

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Actually, I havnt really said anything bad about TOR. but its really really boring right now and feels like a WoW clone (and WoW is ****). I cancelled my sub and going to wait on Darkfall 2.0 and Salem to be released. Edited by Vordy
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